RE: Why do we shame people who want to live freely? Let's not act like crabs in a bucket!
While we are stuck collectively with the use of banks etc. - yes, in some senses cryptocurrency can seem to be an improvement - and in small scale scenarios it is.. However, as I wrote in my article - there is zero stopping the entire system from being over-run by those who already produce unlimited money for nothing without even mining anything.. e.g. the central banksters. As long as they still exist and maintain their 'wealth' to any extent at all, then all cryptocurrencies must be handled with extreme caution and considered to be of as little value as fiat currency.
If, hypothetically, the central banks and fiat currencies disappeared overnight and all we had left was cryptocurrency, we would still be left with a vast pile of problems that are literally caused by the use of money - whatever it's form. This is very much like the many cases of heroin or alcohol addiction on earth - except the addiction is to money. It can seem that stopping using money would be more of a problem than continuing using it, but in truth that is an error and the ones involved are judging in advance of experience that can show them differently. The main difference and benefits of being free are that we feel better immediately and our feelings effect everything we do - so the actual benefits to life are huge.