Your dreams are telling you something and this is guide to their language.

in #psychology8 years ago


Dreams are like doors to our sub conscious mind, if only we had the keys to open these doors and get insights about us which even our conscious mind is unaware of.

Fortunately, after years of research by a number of psychoanalysts  we can study our dreams with help of the common dream symbols they contain.

Though the science of dream interpretation is still very young, there are certain dream patterns which feature in dreams of people from different cultures, so their interpretation can be considered quite reliable. There is no list of rules, but you should ensure that the theme appears in your dreams repeatedly over time before you can make any meaningful interpretations.

Also these interpretations are not black and white, they’re just dots which your conscious has to connect for you. Here are some common themes of dreams and what they mean:

Naked Dreams

 In your dreams you’re going about a very routine situation, like you’re in school or at work and all of a sudden you realise that you have forgotten to wear your pants. Does this sound familiar to you? Such dreams can indicate your vulnerability or insecurity issues. It could be pointing that you’re afraid of being exposed. Naked dreams may even appear out of your need for sexual attention.


Falling Dreams

This is the most common dream reported. In this you’re falling from a height, either a cliff, roof top or a high ground.When you fall, you loose all control over yourself and that’s what it symbolises is happening in your waking life.So if you unconscious mind is facing a situation where it’s overwhelmed by a situation and cannot get a foot hold. It could also suggest that you’re engaged in reckless behaviour in your waking life.


Chase Dreams

In this dream you’re being chased by a pursuer who most of the times is unknown. These dreams suggest that you’re running away from a problem that is hanging over your head. In general it points to some kind of avoidance. The dreams keep reoccurring unless you act on the problem. A variation of this dream can be that you’re the chaser, which may highlight your ambition.


Snake Dreams

Snakes are the most common animals appearing in the dreams. The interpretation of snake dreams is subjective the culture of the dreamer. If snake is a pet for you than same dream could mean different for you than for someone who’s scared of snakes. Snakes usually symbolize threat, they point out to some person or situation that you’ve been ignoring, but in back of your mind you know that it could harm you. Sometimes the face of the snake transforms into the face of a person whom your brain considers a threat.


Test Dreams

How many times in your dreams do you end up taking tests and failing them? This is a very common dream, and the interpretation too is very direct. It signifies that you are being tested or scrutinised in your waking life or are unprepared for a task you’ve taken. This dream also indicates lack of confidence in general.


Teeth Dreams

These are quite weird, your teeth are falling out, it’s very stressful but there’s nothing you can do to stop it. These dreams are a reflection of your anxieties about your looks and how people perceive it.Typically, these dreams stem from a fear of rejection or embarrassment.



I have only the falling dream....that too rarely! haha
cool post though! very entertaining! :D

@sauravungta what reckless stuff you upto :P

The no shirt or pants and falling were common in my teens but its been 20 years or more since I had one about being naked or falling off a cliff. Awesome post...dreams stuff is cool.

thanks, dream stuff has a mystery associated to it, makes it so much fun

I have had few of these dreams for quite sometime, had no idea they meant something. Great post

thanks, I hope this helped you find what's going on in your subconscious mind.

" In your dreams you’re going about a very routine situation, like you’re in school or at work and all of a sudden you realise that you have forgotten to wear your pants. Does this sound familiar to you? Such dreams can indicate your vulnerability or insecurity issues. It could be pointing that you’re afraid of being exposed. Naked dreams may even appear out of your need for sexual attention."


I have not flagged your article but the wording and the structure of the sentences is pretty similar. Please cite the sources , otherwise it is known as plagiarism.

@mojojo, yes I did refer to a lot of online articles and took images from them and thus attributed in their image sources. I also read and it describes naked dreams like this:
So you are going about your normal routine - going to school, waiting for the bus, shopping at the store or just walking down the street - when you suddenly realize that you have forgotten to wear pants or that you are, gasp, buck naked!

This being a dream that I have had very regularly, I wrote my experience and I also felt it was little similar to what's written on dreammoods, but then I felt I should keep it as it is, because it described perfectly how I saw this dream.
I still feel I should also mention at the end of my posts the links of materials I have referred.
Thank you for pointing it out.

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