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RE: Little Ru on Risks and Expectations

in #psychology5 years ago

Yes @insight-out ...

"However, it's an extremely controversial topic and perhaps it would lead to a hot discussion."

... perhaps ... 😉

"Weapons are somehow part of the American tradition ..."

There is no mystery. They are based upon the Second Amendment, as part of the Bill of Rights, to the U. S. Constitution - the oldest on earth. To protect us against tyranny, as I state above ...

Beyond what I state above, if any foreign adversary ever felt capable of defeating the U. S. military, before "taking over," they would next face the most heavily armed people on the face of the earth ...

The "Reader's Digest version" of that conversation, started when I'd had enough of my countryman's miserable attempt to defend us in the face of a relentless verbal "assault" from our Aussie comrades (sitting across from us on the train ride down to London ...). Based on his right to hunt squirrels in West Virginia or some such nonsense ...

I started in "With all due respect to my friend here ...", then proceeded to give them a brief history lesson. Which of course included the fact we'd won our independence from "Mother England" by force of arms, while Australia (Canada, etc. ...) had acquiesced in becoming part of the British Commonwealth ...

Using the recent (at that time) example of the Tiananmen Square Massacre in China, to illustrate the helplessness of most people against a tyrannical government, since they've been disarmed, they began to "back pedal" agreeing that was terrible. When I pointed out their Commonwealth Governor (representing a "foreign power" - Britain) had recently dissolved their government, but nothing was done in spite of serious protests, they were embarrassed that I even knew about it ...

Anyway, maybe I'll write more about it some day. Like on Independence Day ... 😉


Independence day - that is close :)

Well, it's none of my business, it's not my country and it's not directly concerning the US foreign (military) policy (which is something that sadly concerns everyone on Earth) and what you say certainly makes sense ... but for a time that has already long passed.

Nowadays "tyrannical governments" have new faces - like businesses and private interests tightly bond with governments. Those who govern are not our presidents or prime-ministers but the businesses which stand behind them. And sadly I think that the US is very much into this situation right now and maybe even ahead of many other western countries (not us for sure).

On the other hand, the US police shoot much more people than anywhere else in the western world. Recent years the peaceful protests in the US often have ended with fire.

And those children armed like soldiers killing their schoolmates... And the weapon detectors put on school front-doors... it sounds and looks unbelievable to me. I don't think that there is an equivalent to this in Europe, Asia, and all other continents, except maybe some parts of Africa.

To me, it looks like something that had protected your nation 300 years ago is turning against you. I think that we all need a different kind of "weapons" nowadays that would help us confront this new kind of "governments". And this is education, critical and analytical thinking, emotional intelligence, social responsibility, etc.

Good morning @insight-out. Up “with the roosters” 🌄 (here) and reading your latest … Well written my dear Bulgarian friend and “from the heart,” I am sure …

My first thought, on reading it, is “are we okay?” For me, having reasonably objective “spirited” discussions is something which not only doesn’t bother me, I enjoy them. I do not view myself, however, at least here in America, as … uhhh … “normal” in our culture today. Most will do one of two things: 1) “Head for the hills” at the sign of anything which might lead to confrontation, or 2) Drop any “reasonably objective” response and become intensely personal to “shut down” any further conversation.

So … While I certainly can respond more in depth, for now, I will just ask a couple of quick questions:

  1. Are we okay?

  2. What is the source of your information behind your statement “Recent years the peaceful protests in the US often have ended with fire.”

Make one quick clarifying comment on my own thoughts on our "engagement" ... 😉 “Closing the communication gap” is how I think of it. Not “winning” nor “losing,” but simply “closing the gap” by having a “healthy” debate. Essential to me is that it be conducted in more or less a civil and respectful manner …

And close on this …

”… what you say certainly makes sense ... but for a time that has already long passed.”

and simply ask you “Is it long passed?” Would you be surprised to learn I have personally had “conversations” here on our Steem blockchain (and Discord) with people from Venezuela? About what? Whether or not I might have news (they have zero trust in theirs …) about the U.S. militarily intervening to “save” them … Not out of fear, but out of hope! If you were in my place, how would you respond?

P.S. Yesterday was Father’s Day here in America, so I mostly “took the day off” from any Steem writing …

Hey there, @roleerob! I am sorry it took me so much time to respond. I couldn't get to Steemit these days.

Of, course we are OK. I was even surprised that you asked such a thing. So, if something that I wrote sounded rude or anything, I am sorry! I wrote it in a hurry and maybe I didn't use the right words.

But you got it right even though I didn't say it straight. I am firmly against US military interventions around the world. I don't think that the intervention in Iraq, Syria, or Afghanistan did any good to the people there, I don't think it will do any good to the Venezuelans. I don't think that it is about saving someone. I think it's all about businesses. And the military business is a very profitable one.

I am absolutely on the same page with you that this is just a debate, it's not about winning or losing. But when it comes to businesses doing their profit on destroying people's lives, I get too emotional. How many soldiers (from both sides) have died and left their children and loved ones ... to make someone richer? (Here, it's happening again. I get emotional).

You are such a good person, @roleerob and I know that you are convinced that US is definitely helping and saving those people because it is what you would do. But governments and businesses don't have souls and hearts. They are only doing what's in their best interest. At least, that's how I see it.

P.S. Yesterday was Father’s Day here in America, so I mostly “took the day off” from any Steem writing …

A belated happy father's day! I am pretty sure you are a wonderful father, so I hope that you had a great day!

I wasn't able to log in Steemit almost for a week - my mother in law was visiting, I had to go to some places and deal with some papers for our future house, and at the end, my little one got a cold and has been quite cranky the last two days. So, my belated response has nothing to do with us being not OK, OK? (haha, again sounds like a hip-hop rhyme, lol).

See you later!

Good morning (here) @insight-out. Just dropping in quickly to comment ...

You have nothing to apologize for, as I believe you are simply sharing "from the heart" what you believe. The way you see the world ... As am I ... 😉

My question is really just me reaching out to ensure I have not inadvertently "said" something which creates problems. I know from hard experience most people expressing an interest in discussions of the nature of ours here have (at least to me) a remarkably low threshold of what they deem to be acceptable ...

While that may sound a bit judgmental perhaps, it is more shaped by my having at least some sensitivity to hearing references years ago to "ugly Americans," when I was traveling internationally ...

As with any of these topics, much more could be said, but no time ... And the limitations of this particular form of human interaction ... 😏

I am now in the eastern U.S. with my beloved visiting our children. Not returning home until early July. While I will maintain some limited contact "in here," my own time will be done for awhile ...

Hope you and your loved ones are maybe enjoying another nice summer day on the beach! 😊👍

Posted using Partiko Android

ugly Americans

This sounds awful! I am sorry you had to hear it! I hope I didn't sound like that! I never meant to!

Have a wonderful time with your family! We will be visiting my mother in law next week, so I am also going to be less Steemit present :D

Safely back home and slowly catching up (too many non-Steem priorities ...) @insight-out, thought I would drop you a quick post excerpt from another Steemian on the phrase "ugly American"

"For decades the stereotype of the "Ugly American" formed the basis for many a nightmare that kept hapless European waiters and hotel clerks awake nights (Teel, Smarter Travel). It was probably a well-earned stereotype. I am one of the most nationalistic Americans ever born, but as a long-time expat I can say there have been plenty of times when groups of my countrymen, especially entitlement-minded twenty-somethings, have made me want to backhand them and stuff them in crates on the next cargo ship back to the States to prevent them from embarrassing the US any further with their boisterous idiocy."

From the post of an American expat in China - @patriamreminisci

So ... To be clear, this phrase was not personally directed at me. I was just aware of it, when I began to make my first international trips ...

Hopefully that sets your mind at ease that it was nothing in what you have written which led to my making this reference.

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