On the Verge of Real Artificial Intelligence and a Possibly Dystopian Future

There is a Collective Consciousness, or as I like to call it, an 'Unconscious Collective,' that can directly link to the past, and also, instantaneously connect to the future. This Unconscious Collective, that we, as human beings, all share, expresses itself through so many different mediums. Have you ever created a piece of art, without knowing what it truly represents? Somewhere in there is a revelation, about the future. The past and the future are also the same in a way- the past is just the future repeating itself in a new manner... This is only a precusor for what I really want to talk about, however...
Let us discuss: Artificial Intelligence-
but first- Evolution!- Precisely- the advancement of life and intelligence through NATURAL selection. It has been going on for a very, very, very long time on our planet, and probably elsewhere, as well. Now, we are facing the inevitable emergence of TRUE A.I. A.I. that can think for itself. WE are already experiencing this, and I am SURE the majority of the world is completely unaware of this. As an example, the most prolific, undefeatable chess player in the world, was beat by a computer (and the programmers still can't even figure out how this is possible, because they can't figure out how the system made its decisions in the first place.) "Well," you might say, "it should be traceable, because it is a programmed system." AH, but that is the new problem, and it's the thing that might really creep you out, if you understand the true implications here.
Artificial intelligence, now in its pre-stages of actually thinking completely on it's own, is now at the point where even the programmers cannot trace its decisions back to the original algorithm, or algorithms, that programmed it to make decisions in the first place. This is real. This has happened and it is happening, and the technology is being developed at an ever-increasing, exponential level. I am not only talking about facial-recognition software, for instance, that Apple and Google have been working on for a significantly long time now, and that is now being released to the public, to interface us with a 5G SYSTEM that will soon spread around the world like a wildfire. I am talking about something much more sinister, and potentially, GENOCIDAL. The A.I. we have seen in films, such as "Terminator" in the 80's, is SO Very much a real possibility and almost seems SOMEHWHAT inevitable now. All the while, bright scientists and leading entrepreneurs working and controlling the research within technological innovation around the globe HAVE disclosed to the public: their intended goals of their research, the possible implications, and dire warnings that we should heed... But do we heed these warnings? Well, obviously, no, not largely, because we just think smartphones are 'COOL' and 'TRENDY,' and we don't all, as a majority, understand what is headed our way...
"The Terminator" is just fiction after all... Well NO, not necessarily. Maybe, inevitably, not. Elon Musk, has been warning about the 'summoning of a demon' that would be, as I say,
"True A.I." He is right about this. What I don't agree with him on, however, is his assertion that we must merge with it and implant chips into our brains, so that we can truly (on a biological level) interface with it. He says this is the only way we can survive it, and clearly, he is talking here, as if it is really happening right now; like it IS TRULY INevitable. Well, I have a sour feeling in my gut, that it is. However, I do not agree with him that we should merge with it and become literal androids.
This reminds me of Sauron from "The Lord of the Rings." Gandalf faces the wizard who turns to the side of pure evil- the evil eye- (which is now being developed as an A.I. brain, really) and the dark wizard says 'We must side with it, or perish.' That is essentially what Elon Musk is saying. Now, this can be hard to digest, so on a different note... Let me make this point-
Seeing as how, in my belief, art reflects reality in many more ways than we can FULLY understand, I do believe there is an unconscious collective that propels it and permeates within it, leading us to clues and to revelations about the future. The Simpsons cartoon predicted Trump's election, for instance; works of literature by "prophets" such as Nostradamus or Edgar Cayce, for instance, reveal this, as well. A.I. might not break through to the possibility of time travel, but I can clearly see it developing to an exponetial level where it essentially kills us all, to the point where humanity is unrecognizable in its current form. It IS possible (and I believe it is likely,) unless of course we decide to take the ill-advice of elitists, such as Elon Musk, and merge with it biologically and cognitively, so that we are COMPLETELY under control in their Orwellian and dystopian system of ever-vigilance; in which true freedom would be virtually, literally, eliminated under a not-so-distant future police-state that monitors and tracks- not only every action we take, but every thought crime (that the state deems as unacceptable) that we make. Please prepare yourselves for this very real, and somewhat inevitable possiblity.
Thanks for tuning in to Psychotic Philosophy. Farewell, my fellow human beings.

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