
I had misunderstood your statement about psychopaths being born that way due to genetics, thinking that you were saying all psychopaths are born that way due to genetic. But, in looking at it again, I figured out what you really meant: that those who are born psychopathic are that way due to genetics.

So, I share with you this revised thought. I would be inclined to theorize that, to a degree, you are correct regarding DNA, and yet, I believe that there are also things that can happen in the womb that might be able to damage the brain's development, given existing examples. A deficiency of folic acid can cause spina bifida and too much alcohol during pregnancy can do damage to the brain and even alter physical appearance, and there have been both medicines, such as antibiotics, and elements, such as lead, that have lead to birth defects so it then is proven that excesses and deficiencies cause a wide range of maladies, and among them could also be damage to parts of the brain, such as the frontal lobes, that control executive functions. Further, injuries from physical trauma in the womb can also cause damage to the frontal lobes, although the risk is lower than once the baby is born.

Just like strongly shaking a baby can result in a wide range of physical (such as cerebral palsy, seizures, spasticity, internal bleeding, and sensory organ malfunction) and mental (learning disabilities, intellectual problems, and emotional/behavioral issues) problems, babies, toddlers, children or even adults who suffer the right kind of injuries to the parts of the brain relating to emotional regulation, maturity and self-control could develop psychopathy or other mental maladies that are physically based. There are recorded cases where adults have suffered a serious head injury only to survive, but with a greatly altered personality. Here's an article on the topic: After Brain Injury: The Dark Side of Personality Change Part I.

Thank you but, truly, I am not an expert. I have an interest in many subjects, psychology included, and I try to apply myself when the opportunity presents itself. I subscribe to the belief that life is for learning, growing and loving, and anyone who does not do this is a zombie.

I respectfully disagree that psychopaths are born to it. Please see my comments to others regarding this, but I believe most psychopaths are created through extreme abuse at a very young age over years, resulting in divorcing themselves from their emotions in the same way that a person with multiple personalities might switch personas in order to better handle a given situation. I hope that makes sense.

you are right @reveurgam all that comes from the upbringing but today you have to give a good upbringing since there are many methods for our children to deviate. how this happens television is a video game consoles technology is the one that made most of the psychopaths go out to the street the other point is I have 7 brothers, my brother jhonatan has always been a psychopath you make your trap kill steals but I I did not learn from him we are different world and he had a good upbringing. Now I have a 5-year-old son named Neymarth and he is very calm that I see him and I say he is equal to me but my brother's son is not different they are the same age as Neymarth and what he does and thinks is in stealing do evil and everything I want you to explain to me that @reveurgam

I'm sorry, I never did differentiate between different types of environmental factors. Here you go - this completes the paragraph on that.

Drugs, chemicals and injuries could, depending on when they occurred, cause temporary or permanent changes, I think. Abuse can lead to a variety of mental illnesses, with psychopathy being just one possible outcome. Bullying is a consequence of various factors, including abuse, being the victim of bullying at home or in the community, and may also, perhaps, learned from video games and TV, although I think that media plays a more "supplementary" role, by normalizing violent behavior. Bullying, thus, probably will not cause psychopathy but, if not appropriately addressed, can lead to depression, suicide, violent attacks including school shootings, and a life full of difficulties.

First, let me differentiate between types of environmental factors. Video games, movies, TV shows and the like probably cannot produce a psychopath, although I can think of extreme conditions that would have a severe negative influence such that a child would grow up thinking that destructive psychopathic behavior is acceptable. This would require that the child be programmed by heavy, routine exposure to media that promotes such behavior as normal over a period of years, starting as a toddler. This type of programming is more easily reversible, I am fairly sure, than what happens to a psychopath. Media can cause a child to believe that rape, theft, and even torture and murder are acceptable and even positive behaviors.

Thus, I am confused by your statement about video games and psychopaths. Psychopathy is caused by (rarely, I suspect) genetics, more often by pre- and post-natal damage, and most often by emotional and physical abuse of an extreme sort.

I am not aware of what criteria you have observed in your brother that makes you feel your brother, Jhonathan, is a psycho. Please list as many symptoms as you can, including about relationships/marriage, criminal behavior, manipulation, high-risk behavior, lack of planning for the future, etc. His behavior and that of his son could be the result of something else, such as another mental illness, or conscious decisions, but his son is probably the way he is because Jhonathan taught him to be that way. I await further info from you.

Please do keep in mind that I am not a psychologist; I'm just trying to be helpful by using my logic and knowledge of psychology...

thank you for clarifying the points I will take much into account @reveurgam the truth if they take points about my nephew's case the same parents will be harmed the father and mother support him that everything he does is fine but I see him from another thank you for giving me your point of view a cordial greeting from here VEnezuela @neymarth10

Feel free to share with me the things he and his son do that make you feel he is a psychopath. Again, he may just have chosen the criminal life for other reasons. Mucho gusto!

Hi Neymarth! I prepared a video response to your question. It's somewhat more complete than the text answers I gave below...
What Causes Psychopathy?

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