The seven deadly sins #3 Gluttony!

in #psychology7 years ago

So what is gluttony?

Gluttony the desire to over-consume food, drinks or wealth.

Gluttony comes from the Latin world “gluttire” which means “to gulp down or swallow”

In the roman empire the emperor would host eat and drink orgies. If you got so full and you couldn’t eat more, one would take emetic (causes you to vomit) in order to empty the stomach so more food could be consumed. it was a sign of endless riches and power only to choose the best of the best.


We have to admit we are all glutton’s. As most of us in the western world are. It depends on where you live, but in USA 2/3 of the population are overweight.
There are many reasons for why we have obesity in today’s society. We eat a lot of shitty foods, but we also don’t move our bodies. For most people it is a hassle to run, walk, ride a bike etc. We rather just sit down on our couch shoving chips, snickers, cigarettes, beers and who knows what down our throat.

I ain’t no saint. I have caught my self with 2 bags of chips on my left side and a huge chocolate bar on the right side, while binging tv-series. But what for?
For 30 minutes of pleasure, followed by 30 minutes of heavy blood sugar rush followed by a crash to the core of my being?

Freedom to glutton?

We see in the bible that gluttony is listed as one of the seven deadly sins. Yet the Christians have holidays built around food. Christmas, easter. Yes easter has fasting as well.
Many cultures are built around food, and eating in general. So where do we draw the line? What is gluttony and what is not?

What are your thoughts on this subject?


Nice article. ;)

Just two days ago, I started buying glutton free Mozzarela ;)

Thanks. haha! good one

@naskono I am an idiot.. :D I thought lactose free Mozzarela, my bad... :( I thought about it today when I was buying the Mozzarela and I started laughing because of my previous comment


It's so good isn't it?