---- We cant fix the broken system by using "The broken system" ----steemCreated with Sketch.

in #psychology6 years ago

How much has changed?

Through the various conversations i have had throughout my time in existence on this planet as a hooman being, the one thing i can say is that "Things remain the same until they change". This is not incredibly insightful as statements go on the surface i know, but still lets dig a little deeper.

Us human beings have an innate ability to fool ourselves, there are a number of psychological principals which highlight incredible contortions of the mind that help us "frame" particular events so we can accept them in our minds. lets start with some basics, have you ever noticed "those parents" who say their kids are "the cutest ever"? There can also be other factors which are highlighted and attributed to how incredible their kids are, but you get the idea.

There is no doubt in my mind that these parents genuinely believe that their kids are the best, but if we are being honest only "one kid" could be the best ever in any field right ? and to be clear this extends beyond parents and their kids, we could also consider almost anything that can be perceived as part of "our reality". Who has the hardest job, who has the best house, car, etc. as an example check out the meme below which represents the same construct only with pets.

cutest pet ever!!!

What we are observing is a bias towards what is familiar to us, what is our own, and it is in no way uncommon in our existence. While we may be aware of these constructs it is incredibly difficult for many to recognize this when we ourselves are guilty of these actions. While this trait of humanity may seem considerably harmless, it is a weakness which is ripe for exploitation when manipulating people to behave in certain ways.

This is something that Edward Bernays was more than familiar with, Edward Bernays was the nephew of the psychologist Sigmund Freud, and is regarded as a pioneer in the field of public relations and propaganda. Many of the principals would also become adapted and applied in fields such as influence, marketing and advertising is still being used/improved in contemporary settings.

Edward Bernays

Yes its true, we are being manipulated every day and in many ways, from the advertising we see and hear on radio, TV, billboards to News, government reports and scientific data, its all in the realm of possibility that the way it is represented is designed to shape thoughts and opinions in a particular way, this is sometimes referred to as "spin" in some industries. What we are really dealing with is "psy ops" which have a design and intention:

Psychological operations (PSYOP) are operations to convey selected information and indicators to audiences to influence their emotions, motives, and objective reasoning, and ultimately the behavior of governments, organizations, groups, and individuals.


One of the first questions we (mankind) asks when we create/discover something new is "can we militarize it", then it is later applied in a civil setting. Advancements in psychological constructs are not immune to the same treatment, the area of torture, interrogation techniques, lie detection, etc. have all stemmed form psychological warfare. Elements of which have made their way into our homes though the aforementioned media channels.

Whats that i hear you say ? "I cant be fooled by these kinds of things, im too smart to fall for that" and "I know all this stuff already so it wont work on me". Well as someone who has studied these areas for a considerable amount of time i can tell you that i personally find myself looking back through the day and spotting my failures to catch these manipulations post event in a number of "Doh!!!" moments. trust me we aren't as clever as we think we are.

What we need to understand is that we are all human, we are all susceptible to these manipulations no matter how vigilant we are. There are teams of thousands upon thousands of people working to penetrate the minds of others versus you, on your own, one individual, the numbers are not in any one of our favors in this regard.

Lets examine the Milgram Experiment, in this setting there are two confederates ("confederates" are people who are in on the experiment, actors if you will) and one subject (subject is the person who is being tested in the experiment).

Milgram Experiment

  • The subject and the first confederate meet in a waiting room, they exchange pleasantries and determine both are participants in the experiment, this also humanizes the confederate participant.

  • Enter the second confederate "the experimenter" who will be conducting the experiment, both participants are taken into a room which has a electric shock chair to which the person sitting is strapped to, each has a turn to feel the shock. this is so the subject knows that there is pain involved.

  • The confederate participant is strapped to the electric shock chair and the subject and confederate experimenter go to another room next door (no visual contact) and begin the experiment.

  • The experiment explained to the subject is that: the subject will a series of questions though an intercom and if the confederate participant in the other room answers the question wrong they get a shock, each wrong answer there is an increase in the shocks. No answer/response is equal to a wrong answer, all questions must be asked.

  • The confederate participant is not actually being shocked and answers most of the questions wrong deliberately. Screaming and acting as though in too much pain after a few questions he asks to stop the experiment.

  • The confederate experimenter reinforces to "keep going" with a particular set of key phrases if/when the subject asks what they should do.

  • The confederate participant goes silent after increased shocks continue to incredibly high rates up to 450 volts. if the subject interacts with the confederate experimenter they respond with the same set of key phrases.

  • The experiment is halted when all questions asked and shocks administered or is the subject refuses to continue.

What was discovered in the experiments was shocking, no pun intended, 65% (two-thirds of participants ) continued to the highest level of 450 volts and all the participants continued to 300 volts. While this experiment was conducted quite some time ago and ethical standards have been adjusted, replication experiments some years later produced similar results, on average somewhere around 80% of the sample continued to stages where the person being shocked would be dead. The long and short is that if the conditions are right and a person of power tells us (humans) to, we will kill other people....

What is interesting is that when psychology professors ask their students if they think they would refuse to continue the experiment, 95%-100% of students think they would not continue the experiment. Meaning that 100% thinks they would be part of the 20%.... this is indicative of the kind of bias we have AND how it can affect our judgment. Even students studying the psychological construct can not shift their perspective and remove bias.

So whats all this have to do with the "broken system"?

Well... understanding the flaws in mankind's thinking is a fundamental factor moving forward. Through years of conditioning, propaganda, manipulation of thoughts and behaviors, etc. humanity has been taught to believe that we have some kind of say in what happens on the larger scale via voting. What we may lack an understanding of is "the illusion of choice"...

The Illusion of Choice

For years we have been promised a better and more fair system, which takes care of those in need, focuses on education, sciences, health, arts, etc. but realistically we have had the same crud shoveled down our throats every time, the same game is played, only the players change, but they are all still controlled by the same puppet masters.

Unlock New Skins For The Same Character

This phenomena is observable world wide and while some of the rules and regulations may differ from country to country and state to state, what is certain is that the the key element in this situation is the human condition. It is humans which are corruptible, that are driven by pleasure principal and the need for instant gratification.

It is greed and the ability to take advantage of the system that makes those in power thrive at the expense of others, but it is us who continue to ignore the issues and accept a system which is designed to take advantage of us which perpetuates its existence. We vote like it matters, we argue over which candidate will be better, we play the game, cheer them on like its all "real"..... but the truth is that it is all a show, it is like believing the WWE is a genuine fight and not a staged theater show of acrobats.

WWE is REAL !!!!! lol

The fact is that we have been playing this kind of game for decades, but the conditioning of mankind is centuries old. While we may have the data from historical events and book knowledge we fail to realize we are still facing the same challenges. We fool ourselves into thinking that "It will be different this time around" and "MY candidate will be the one", even though we know that each and every candidate before has done the same thing.

We convince ourselves that we are part of the 20% who would actually do the right thing, but in realty the majority of us we are part of the 80% who would do nothing but follow orders. The writing is on the wall and is abundantly clear, they are playing their game on the backs of the hard working people of the world, and their greed has no end, BUT their gluttony is based on our complacency, on the division of mankind.... all we have to do is stand up together and their game is over.

Stand Up & Its Game Over

If we are to shake the shackles that bind us we must first understand how this all works, the weaknesses we have and how they are being used against us, that we are being kept in line and doing what needs to be done to continue this game of monopoly. Most importantly we need to recognize the the flaws within ourselves so we can create positive change and evolve to a better species that what we are today. This can only happen if we choose acknowledge that we are suffering from Stockholm Syndrome to let go of the affection of familiarity.

In closing we will focus on the image we opened with... the cartoon depicts the state of affairs as is perceived today, the war machine being fed by politicians, deep state and shadow government. All the while the areas which are promised some sustenance such as education, science, arts, and health go hungry. It should also be noted that this cartoon was apparently created quite some time ago (65 years), so the formula has not changed in all this time... Things will remain the same until they change. This is what we need to consider when evaluating what role we play in all this, because voting for change has not accomplished anything and is an indicator that we cant fix the broken system by using "The broken system".

How much has changed?


Every government that has ever existed has ended up failing at some point, but maybe if we just get rid of this one and make a new one...

There’s a lot going on in this article, it’s like you wrote a big book, highlighted the important parts, made cliff notes from that and then squeezed it all into this tiny steemit post. I’d actually like to talk about the cartoon, the one with all the peeps sitting at diner tables.

It says a lot. What is it saying though. Let’s see what it supposes.

1That war is served by all the power and wealthy politicians and governments.

That all government or government programs for the populace suffer and collapse during and or supporting war.

I’m sure there are other conclusions but I feel those are the two prominent ones.

If you out this in the context of voting (democracy), that somehow voting doesn’t change things and that makes voting bad, it kinda misses the point. Let me explain, if you redrew that picture and used any other government from history, you basically get the same thing. Even if there wasn’t voting, just Kings and queens and tyrants and dictators etc, no voting on earth: and you have the same thing, wars wars wars, history proves this. So then doe voting matter? Does it change things? Yes and no.
Ok what’s the damn point then arrghhh, lol
Voting or ( democracy) or whatever little branch of government system you can conceive, is a marginal Victory. Either you have some form of voting or you don’t. Two options for humans. Any form of voting for governments is only intended to slow down the eventual collapse and corruption of societies. It’s not about fixing the hooman condition, democracy is about recognizing it. Everyone knows Hoomans are ultimately flawed. So to try to limit the tyranny and chaos that happens when dictators take over. Democracy let’s the people vote, so even if it gets terrible, you can start over. The problem with voting is that people vote fore themselves. It’s always my jobs, my taxes, my roads, my schools, mine mine mine mine. Voting is great at reducing tyranny except the tyranny of greed. Do I vote? Actually no because I don’t care and the world is already over.

I just feel like democracy gets an unfair wrap. Don’t blame it, blame the people.

The revolution will not be centralized.

To think that power and wealth will not end in the hands of a few because some technology would be contrary to the whole of human history.

Well they certainly ain't doing it voluntarily... so maybe we don't get it right initially, but I think starting down this path is eventually leading to where we have to be.

I would challenge you to go anywhere and find a “they” that is not in opposition to an “us”. The path of conflict is a in infinite loop. The Victory is fools gold to a war lost by fighting it.

I have no intentions of fighting the system, I simply refuse to give consent to it. The problem is they see removal of consent as a violent act when there is nothing violent about it. I guess slaves don't get to give and take away consent though eh? Creating a decentralized voluntary economy removes the mandatory and implied consent.

Schrodinger's revolution it is both centralized and decentralized until we make it happen ;)

Everything has already become as it will be. The very nature of the path existing implies that there are infinite outcomes in relation to it and just because we can't see the conclusion from this perspective doesn't mean it isn't there.

only when it is has become.... until then it is neither , either, both or something else, lolz

thanks for the comment mate :)

The point im making is that we fool ourselves into thinking that everything is fine.... when clearly its not,

The beginning of fixing any problem is recognizing there is a problem in the first place. The psychological constructs are evidence and examples which indicate that we do indeed fool ourselves. the image is a representation of nothing changing.... but we still believe the rubbish we are fed.

I dont blame democracy, even though it is the best crap idea we have had so far ;) As i said in the article it is OUR flaws in methods of thinking and lying to ourselves which perpetuates the situation. it IS up to us... but we are far too complacent at this stage in time to even evaluate the situation adequately, we live in the delusion that "This is fine".

As i said things stay the same till they change ;)

I want an entire cabinet full of chilli tater tots. That’s what cabinets are for right?

only kinda cabinet im wanting atm ;)

.... and another new one, and another new one, and another new one , and another new one...... ;)

I think decentralization of the power structure is fundamental to progress. Thus the whole quitting my wage slave job and becoming a broke ass crypto philosopher and digital hobo.

but... the first step is gettin woke ;) sorry i woke you :P

We dooz what we can but all we can dooz is tha best we can ;) hopefully some self reflection can kick the process up a bit....

what you tryna say mang ? lolz

You gotta stay woke, cuz they gonna find ya and catch ya sleepin

Bahahahahahaha.... so bad its good.... in a bad way ;)

I don't think there is any perfect governments. So that said I doubt that any government can be "fixed." Normally, I'd agree with you and say that you can't fix government from within the system of government. I do have a small hope though that Trump will be able to change some things in America to make the country better and or roll things back a bit. Maybe like a roll back from Windows ME to windows XP. It won't permanently fix the blue screen of death but it might resolve a handful of other newly implemented problems. I should also mention that I don't vote and I think that someone like Trump is a very rare phenomenon. Never have I before seen a POTUS so hated, vilified, and attacked as he. He's catching a lot of flak, so it seems he's over the target.

thanks for your comment mate :)

I would argue that it makes no difference WHO is put in place of "president" or leader of any country to be honest. they are in place to make us THINK we have some kind of choice in the matter and can "make a difference", we are give the illusion of choice.

The fact is that these guys are all muppets or puppets.... as in they either have someone pulling their strings or someone has a hand up their ass making them do stuff.

It is only if we realize the faults in our thinking that we are able to TRULY make change, not in the "system" but in ourselves. We can refuse to engage in the system through free and critical thinking. If we abandon the system it can no longer stand, but we persist in having "belief" in the system and thus keep using it, holding out hope that "one day" things will get better if we keep using the system.... they wont.

No doubt, I am not a Statist nor do I vote. If I did vote it would be a fools errand because only the electoral votes determine the outcome. Yet, I also know that the State is not going to magically go away. Even if it does another nation state will attempt to takeover the plantation and fill that power vacuum. Basically, the State is like Negan, except it's not human so it cannot be destroyed. When I see a guy in office who is working to try and benefit the country it makes me more hopeful than someone who is trying to destroy it. I agree that a mass refusal to engage with the system is optimal. Yet, I also know those numbers will never reach a critical mass. So I'll cheer the good choices the potus makes and jeer the bad ones all the while keeping my distance. If times got tough and I had a choice to recieve government money or tree bark I can guarantee you I'd be willing to taste that tree bark and be open to learning new and clever ways to make it taste better.

the more people question themselves and what they believe in the more "woke" they will be. there is a tipping point and we are moving towards it. in the mid 90s NO ONE would talk about these things, it was "tin foil hat" zone and you weree a weirdo for even thinking these kinds of things. Now, maybe one in 20-30 people i meet is either "woke" or is on their way to it. Just remember, time is on our side... yes it is ;)

Def felt that way when it was Kerry vs. Bush.

That's the way it is every time mate ;) Its the same formula, we only have the illusion of it being different because we see the changes of puppets, but the puppet master is still the same ;)

Right now there is a concerted media effort to try and portray Nationalism as either hatred or White Supremacism. The media is doing this because they want to push the idea of Globalism or world government which, when adopted, will more easily allow for the disarmament of people in this country as well as the right to speak freely. It's a very precarious time in American history with respect to how hard these agendas are being pushed.

So even though I do not act as a Statist, given the choice between the two Negans, The Globalist variety or the Statist variety who is in favor of Nationalism, I'd much rather see the latter prevail in order that I can retain the means to an armed self-defense and freedom of speech. If America didn't have those two very important pillars of freedom remaining, I may feel exactly as you do on the matter.

Most Nation states around the world have lost the right to freedom of speech and to bear arms and that creates an environment for an even greater tyranny to step in. If you ask me, the removal of those two crucial elements is a tyranny in and of itself.

The truth is that nationalism, patriotism and all the other "isms" are just means of dividing the people and keeping us feuding over trivial crap, it is misdirection and we are taking the bait hook line and sinker. We fight over breadcrumbs while they make away with the loaf.

No one has freedom, some of us have the "illusion of freedom", we need to realize we are all in the same boat here, governments don't "give you freedom" they take it. it is up to us, the HUMAN RACE, to realize the fault is ours for it going this far. We are complacent and gullible, we perpetuate the problem by accepting it and engaging with it the way we do.

I thunk you are missing the point of the discourse here, ALL GOVERNMENTS are raping its people and we are just taking it. saying America is better because they still have the right to bare arms and freedom of speech is the equivalent of saying "the way i get raped is better than the way you get raped".... we are still being raped.

But this adds to my point, we have been designed to defend "our system" and belittle other systems. We have Stockholm Syndrome and until we realize that this is how we have been conditioned nothing will change.... Bottom line we are all humans and we are all being abused by our governments around the world no matter where you live. so the question is do you wanna keep bickering over who gets "raped better" or do you wanna team up take out the rapists ?

I don't disagree with you. In fact, I think government is organized crime. I agree with Rothbard in that "war is mass murder, conscription is slavery, and taxation is robbery." My whole point is once ground is lost, it is very seldom regained.

So, when I see the current POTUS make efforts to try and put an end to the loss of liberty, or jump start industry I cannot be opposed to those actions in particular. This is because, it's the only thing that gives people in America a fighting chance against more extreme forms of tyranny that may arise.

Trump doing what he does tweeting away saying whatever the hell he wants is in an of itself an endorsement of free speech. The ability to make a living and own a means to protect oneself and the right to speak freely are things that once lost put one in a very hard position to defend themselves should the need arise.

Yet, what say you. If you feel all humanity is being raped, what is your proposal for teaming up? Does it necessitate that every one all unite and do one exact prescribed thing? If something like that is required what are the chances that everyone will do that said thing? What are you suggesting?

@thoughts-in-time allow me to use an analogy which has served me well in these kinds of situations.


Im not a helicopter pilot, i don't know how to start one, get it up in the air or fly it around, but if i see one in a tree, engulfed in flames, and bellowing smoke i know somethings wrong....

What im saying is that i may not know how we got here or what the solution is but i know something is wrong, many are content to just pretend "everything is fine".

Just because i, or others, make the observation does not mean that i, or they, MUST have the solution. If i cant fly a helicopter what makes you think i know the best way of getting one out of a tree ?

There are far greater minds than mine which would be better equipped to sort this out and its SUPPOSED to be what our tax dollars are for right ? lolz.

The bottom line is that we need to admit there is a problem before it can be rectified, but many of us are in complete denial that there IS a problem in the first place... its easier to say "well at least we have this" and "we are better than 'X' country/place/state/etc." all the while perpetuating the very thing which takes our freedoms.

We make their chains so they can bind us and we think that making more chains for them will set us free....

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