Wikipedia is collaborating with the school that sexually abused me

in #psychology7 years ago

The school that sexually abused me has locked its Wikipedia page so that no more survivors of abuse can edit the King's House School page. They claim this is because of "disruptive editing".

Disruptive editing

So, what is disruptive editing to Wikipedia? Apparently it is editing that "disrupts progress toward improving an article or building the encyclopedia".

Interesting. So it appears that disruptive editing is simply anything that 'authority' thinks it is. It is, in this case, a mechanism to silence the voices of survivors.

Britain has 'disruptively edited' its entire history. From the holocaust of colonialism, to the fact that British Prime Ministers are now known to have participated in the rape of children. The UK is one big disruptive edit of itself. A total fabrication of a country that never existed; a society steeped in shame and violence.

The reason nobody can now edit the King's House Wikipedia page is this: Authority gets to 'lock' history. Just as the British Government have locked page-edits on its version of the murdering spree it's been on for the last few hundred years, Wikipedia locks page-edits on behalf of powerful institutions.

Powerful institutions must silence the voices of children to stay in power.

When I was a kid, I was sexually abused at King's House School in Richmond, London. Today, the school is still covering up their abuse of children. This includes deleting references to historical abuse, which I wrote about extensively before, here.

What recourse do survivors have when the history books are written by The State?

I never expected Wikipedia to collude with King's House School in the abuse of children, but clearly authority likes authority. But this cannot last for long, the truth is taking down these institutions, globally, one-by-one.

This is me at the time of the abuse:

Thanks for reading.


Wikipedia is a tool that the globalists use to control the dissemination of information, especially truth. One has to be very carefully discerning fact from fiction/propaganda when reading Wikipedia.

I am very sorry to hear about your story. I applaud you for being brave enough to share it. I have shared this post with some of my friends. It is important for people to read it.

Following you!

Thanks, @steemtruth :)

Look into wikipedia some more, the scumbag the created it especially then you won't be surprised by this blatant censorship and I am still hoping that we will have an encyclopedia on the blockchain with edits being curated by the people for the people, guess who won't ever do that? The scumbag Jimmy Wales and his trolls at Wikifarts.

Thanks for the info @baah

I just took a quick look at the background of those who run Wikipedia. It looks very sinister...

First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.

absolutely vile why would they do that

Power and money, I feel.
These people have nothing to 'teach' children.
The school was an indoctrination centre for the next generation of British 'elite'.
The British Government in the 1970s and 80s was essentially a paedophile ring.

The most complex act ever put on by a nation was when Britain decided it was 'polite'. In fact it is, largely, a corrupt terrorist regime led by abusers. But, like all successful cults, it normalizes the horrors it commits with 'courts' and 'lawyers' and a 'queen'.

agreed 100% being from the UK there is a terrible culture of indifference of the rich and powerful getting away with things because "thats how its supposed to work" disgusting, cant wait until they pass on and we can be the ones running things; the right way.

unfortunately sometimes this is the case

Really shocked to see that someone could do this :(

@matroschka this is the life how much you work hard when you was young you will be relax when you older

this is very unfortunate to see and know about

whattt !!! is it for real

The school I attended was religiously abusive. Eventually my family was thrown out for “being possessed by the spirit of the Antichrist “

Yes @thewildchiro, I feel there is something very wrong with the entire concept of 'school'.

Fundamentally, it presumes we have something to teach children.

I feel we have everything to learn from them.

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