Psychopaths and Awareness of Other's Thoughts
Psychopaths are generally known for their high level of egotistical behavior which makes them bold and lack remorse for how their actions affect others. This disregard for the welfare of others suggests they might have an inability to understand the perspective of other people around them. This ability is usually referred to as empathy.
Yet, their charm and manipulative abilities also indicate an awareness of the thoughts of others. They have an intact theory of mind to successfully predict what others are thinking or want. This is a seeming paradox, of how they can understand the perspective of others to be able to manipulate them, but not when it comes to their welfare. Researchers have now been able to demonstrate how this works.

A Yale study shows that psychopaths lack the ability to automatically or intuitively assess the thoughts of those around them which would promote the formation of social bonds. But they can assess the thoughts of others if they do it deliberately, or willfully.
Arielle Baskin-Sommers, senior author of the study, posed the question:
"Psychopaths can be extremely manipulative, which requires understanding of another's thoughts. But if they understand the thought of others, why do they inflict so much harm?"
In order to find out, permission was granted to study inmates in maximum security prisons. Inmate participants played a computer game that had them perform a task from either their own or another's perspective as an avatar dressed as an inmate.
For normal people, we don't ignore the perspective of the avatar. We become immersed in the perspective of the avatar. To disconnect and dissociate from the avatar is somewhat difficult. This is an automatic process, unintentionally done, which psychopaths don't get into like the rest of us. But when psychopaths are asked to specifically take on the perspective of the avatar, they demonstrate an ability to understand the perspective of others.
A theory of mind of considering others is not often automatic for psychopaths. A controlled ToM process can be employed through directed attention and intention. Automatic theory of mind processing is known as altercentric interference. Psychopaths have a dysfunction in altercentric interference. The greater magnitude of this dysfunction is correlated with real-world callous behavior, such as the number of assault charges.
The study suggests psychopaths have a reduced ability to automatically put themselves in other people's shows and think from their perspective. This can explain the root of deficiency in social and moral behavior. The greater the deficit, the greater the score in psychopathic traits.
Psychopaths can consider you, your perspective, your thoughts, but only if they want to in order to accomplish specific goals. If you don't fit in with what they want, then they don't care about what you think or what harm will come to you from their actions. If you do fit into what they want somehow, then they can harm you in order to get what they want anyways.
Thank you for your time and attention. Peace.
References: Psychopaths' disregard for others is not automatic | Psychopaths fail to automatically take the perspective of others
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Another good post and a subject I know something about, both from studying psych and knowing psychos. hehe.
But it isn't thoughts they are lacking, it's emotions. They don't experience emotions normally. Jung always said that the opposite of love isn't hate, it's power. You either want what's best for those you "love", or you want what's best for yourself (i.e. your loved ones to do what you want them to do.)
I point this out because psychopaths are all about control. They may be totally obsessed with you, but it's not about love. It's about control. They really don't feel an emotion like love the same way non-psychopaths feel it.
As you point out, they usually are very manipulative and can have an uncanny ability to know exactly what people think. But it can't really be called empathetic when the only reason they care is that they want to control you.
Very interesting topic. The subject is made relevant if not massively imperative because it applies to 'the controlling class' that's running this world. It points to why they do what they do and why they are so successful.
Love your work<3
Yeah, they they can take the perspective and thoughts of others, but lack true empathy like others.
yep! this was somehow revealing and now I see a bunch of them around me hahaha
I always try to put myself in others shoes because I suffered from being treated poorly and so I value others opinions in fact I encourage free expressions..
When you are brought up with no social relations values it's hard to have friends let alone understand other people so psychopaths are very lonely people but without the pain of being lonely...
....lonely is not a state they comprehend... to be lonely you had to 'not lonely' at some point to compare the two states.
That's an interesting way to look at it. Some are brought with social relations, yet they are broken or become broken when being abused or what not.
Well, there is a difference between putting yourself in another perspective mentally, and putting yourself there emotionally. Even a sophisticated computer could reason the world from the perspective of other being, but to connect with the experience of the other, you need to be there empathically. That is how the seeming paradox gets obliterated: although psychopaths can understand what the other person thinks and predict their feelings, they themselves cannot emotionally get in their shoes, and thus, internally, don´t give a shit about the other´s well being(unless it suits them to achieve something). I´m not a researcher, but knew some psychopaths in real life and thus, I can tell you this is objectively true.
Psychopaths or Psycho behaviour is really dangerous sometimes and in History we heard many cases of Psychos and those stories can shake you and in my opinion sometimes it's really difficult to identify the Psychopaths.
And people who stay around the Psychopaths face the real pain because behaviour of Psychopaths can be weird and aggressive and that behaviour and actions can hurt others and also scare them for sure.
So in my opinion it's really important for every individual to analyse the behaviours because we never know who can be revealed as Psychopaths and their actions sometimes can be reflect the cruelty.
And i will also call the heavy alcohol drinkers as Psychopaths because some people after having heavy alcohol hurt their family members and these type of behaviours will fall under Psychopaths in my opinion.
Thanks for sharing this post with us and wishing you an great day. Stay blessed. 🙂
Yes, we can be psychopathic, without being psychopaths.
I feel like a lot of them are in the medical industry...
There are probably big financial kickbacks for doctors misprescribing drugs which may cause the actual psychosis so the patient "needs" the drugs for their whole lives which enriches the pharmaceutical cartel.
Do you think the implementation of technology and the way we are generally interacting with each other is a breeding ground for more psychopathic behaviour. For instance the disconnection of emotions when playing violent games, everything is expendable? Social platforms too, dating apps, will we see more face to face socially inapt people? And do you think it’s on purpose.
It can add to disconnection from reality in some cases, certainly escapism, but rarely to psychopathy. It takes more serious trauma.
Aah I see, makes sense. Extreme measures breed extreme outcomes
No doubt psychopaths are human beings like normal peoples. They eat, sleep, go to toilet and do every other work which other normal people does. But animals also exhibit the same behavior and they do everything which needed for survival.
So, how can we find a psychopath? What characteristics a psychopath exhibits?
Psychopaths are just like other normal child but when one sees a child torturing other children or other creatures like little insects, animals etc., and getting pleasure in his/her action, then one should understand that that child might develop as a psychopath when he/she will grow up. Psychopaths enjoy sadistic pleasure. Normally children break their toys and even behave badly sometimes but a psychopathic child has some different traits. He may be too sentimental or may even show extreme compassion for someone or something. He may be very merciful but his mercy would not be based on logic. It would be based on sheer emotions.
Though, these characteristics may not always be demonstrated in a psychopath’s behavior but their possibility should not be ruled out.
Yes, definitely enjoying inflicting pain is a sign of a psycho :/
I think words like psychopath and depression are thrown out way more casually, which diminishes their actual meaning.
"Oh my favourite character in Game Of Thrones died, I'm so depressed."
"My co-workers are all psychopaths, they're always trying to make me do their work."
See what I mean? This is not even a recent thing, people have been using serious words to bitch about their problems since forever and this makes the actual behavioral issues sound unimportant.
Yes, that happens. Just like the word "love".
Hey sir @krnel are you researcher of Psychopaths lots of things I learned and come to notice from your this post, how can we trace them any specific information of their behaviour.
They are very well at concealing their personality type as they have had years of practice..(especially the more intelligent ones).
Unfortunately over time is the give away - but you don't want t give them your's difficult..
Hi sir thank you for your kind attention and reply.
They screw people over, they abuse people, they abuse their power, they don't care if they hurt others...
Oh! First of all I want to thank you sir f kind reply, it's pathetic how cruel hearted they are.