Clean Our House Like a Warrior by Doing the Alchemical Inner-Work

in #psychology7 years ago


We all have cleaning to do in our own houses. Not the physical homes we live, but internally in the house of our consciousness. This inner work is required before we can feasibly clean up the outside world from a position of accurately understanding what to do.


Taking the time to understand and act efficiently is better and wiser than wasting time foolishly getting things wrong. Yes, we learn from our mistakes, by trial and error. That is required in life, a lot. But avoiding mistakes is a better and wiser path to take. We can learn from others and the past mistakes of humanity without repeating them ourselves individually. Sometime there can be grave consequences for making a mistake, so it's best to avoid it when possible.

Until we try to change for the better, act and behave in better ways, the external world will not change on its own. The world and our society is a direct reflection of our collective inner-worlds (thoughts and feelings) which are the cause of the resulting manifestations we co-create into the outer world (actions, behaviors, habits, etc). We all have inner-work to do to eventually make the world a better place though our outer-work of actions.

We must have the courage and strength to face reality (what 'is', i.e. the truth) within ourselves and without in the world. This requires complete honesty and self-respect, in all its beauty and horror, dark and light, positive and negative.

When we are fed up of insulting ourselves by allowing ourselves to identify with and remain attached to illusions; when we are tired of being lied to, deceived, tricked, duped, screwed, etc.; then we can reach greater awareness from letting go of these lies and awaken from our unconscious state. So long as we are in denial and choose to not look or hear the truth about the reality of our current condition, we will remain in a state lacking aspects of conscious awareness, to remain unconscious, and will not awaken to greater understanding.

“The reason people awaken is because they have finally stopped agreeing to things that insult their soul.”

When someone speaks truth about the world or about us, and we don’t like it, it's easy to be defensive and dismissive, calling it all "insults", "judgmental" or other deflective nonsense in order to avoid hearing it. But the truth is we are insulting, offending and judging ourselves by our own actions that we choose not to face honestly. The person bringing to light what we try to hide from, are in denial of, and fear facing, is helping us evolve for the better.

Once we face it, we can change it. Until we face it, it won’t change. Ignorance does not bring "light", "love", truth, peace, or real authentic happiness into our lives. Ignorance is a fools error at avoiding those things which upset the dogmatic illusions we falsely identify with and develop an attachment to.

With acceptance of the true state of our current conditions -- not resistance -- we can face reality/truth (what 'is'), and learn to overcome those horrors we fear, those demons, darkness, shadow and negatives that are a part of our individual inner-lives and collective outer-lives.

A problem when facing the mirror, is that many people think they are "good" people, and since they think they are a "good" person, then they conclude they are not creating negative "bad/evil" outcomes. No need to look themselves honestly in the mirror, because they already conclude they are not doing anything wrong. People lie to themselves in this way because they are not honest with themselves, do not respect themselves enough to value truth, nor value what is good and what is right if it conflicts with their current way of life or living.

Do you want to do what is true, good, and right?

Do you want to do what is false, bad, and wrong?

How can you know that the actions you take are correct if you are not willing to look at yourself honestly?

How can you know your actions are doing good or bad if you lack information, knowledge, understanding, and choose to remain ignorant?

We have to be brutally honest with ourselves.

We have to admit when we are wrong.

We have to admit when we have been fooled and lied to by external conditioning. We have to admit when we are lying to ourselves in fear of facing the harsh truth of reality; that we consent and actively participate in these wrongdoings.

Do you want to accept the lies of others and the lies you tell yourself to make yourself "feel-good"?

Do you want to continue to deceive and be deceived?

Or do you instead want to start respecting yourself to be brutally honest in alignment with truth, with what actually is, to expand your consciousness in understanding and care of the truth about yourself or the world?

In history there have been people who have lacked care and compassion for their fellow man. There was slavery of "whites" against "whites", "blacks" against "blacks", "color" against "color".

If you have been conditioned to justify a wrong as a right cognitively, you thereby reduce your capacity to feel adequate care and compassion. The "heart" and "mind" are consciousness. You can recognize true feelings of care and good, and change the way you think about something to no longer participate in a wrong, and you can also recognize what is true and good and consciously alter the way you feel about something to recognize how wrong it is by feeling it.

If you can't accurately think about right and wrong, nor feel right and wrong, then your compass in life -- your conscience -- is severely degraded/damaged. You lack the capacity to distinguish what is right and what is wrong, what is good and what is bad/evil, what is true and what is false.

We can lie to ourselves, believe in whatever we want to believe because it makes us feel-good about ourselves. Or we can face reality and truly become better by choosing to align our core being with what is right, good and true. The choice is ours. Truth or consequence. Be right or go wrong.*

Be a warrior. Have the courage to face the mirror, admit wrongs, and correct mistakes.


When we clean the inner house of consciousness, we can clean the outer house of our lives and the world. For anarchy and freedom from rulers and master to exist in the outer house of the world, we must be masters and rulers of our inner houses in consciousness.

Thank you for your time and attention. Peace.

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Another reason to "clean our house" is that our life begins in our mind, how we perceive the world around us is a reflection of our thoughts, do you know the story of the dogs and the mirror room?

Yup, everything begins in consciousness.

do you know the story of the dogs and the mirror room

No I don't ;)

It may be a bit long to write in a comment, I promise I will make a post about it and will tag you

Tag me too if you don’t mind. I’m intrigued

One must be clean themselves before ever being able to contribute to the world in a positive way. There are medical cleanses out there but to have a spiritual cleanse is most important. That means having a pure heart and pure good intentions in how you contribute and affect others. Most folks are not selfless, but selflessness goes a long way in this effort. A spiritual evaluation is healthy and good. Tears are therapeutic and a self analysis is necessary from time to time. Doing the same thing over and expecting different results does not work. Thanks @krnel

You're welcome. Physical and psychological cleanses are needed to be healthy ;)

The worst damage that can happen to a person, is lie to him/herself. Alot of people shy away from the truth.
In your previous post about about correction, I said ladies feel embarrassed when being corrected and this pose greater risk to one's self.
The outer behaviour is the reflection of the mind. Politicians are one of those who hid the truth and hates it when be confronted with it and when that happens, they always result to defense instead of accepted mistakes.

The world and our society is a direct reflection of our collective inner-worlds (thoughts and feelings) which are the cause of the resulting manifestations we co-create into the outer world (actions, behaviors, habits, etc).

Not could be more truer than the above. The battle of a warrior is from the inside
and if he/she can successful confront the evil/rot on the inside, the outer evil shrink away on with little effort.

hi @krnel, i like this post. the words that interested me are "We have to be brutally honest with ourselves.
We have to admit when we are wrong."
yeah for myself it maybe easy to say.. but for change ourself to be better...its must be tried and practiced

It takes time, energy, effort, dedication, determination and persistence to learn and change ourselves.

Yup you are right @krnel, try to start with litte thing if not it will not be achieved (according to my opinion). Ist right or not?

wowow .. @krnel you are a wise person in psychology ... if the conscience or reflections on our actions and even though it leads us to condemn ourselves and feed anger towards ourselves, constantly remembering the damage caused this feeling gives us the opportunity to revert to some extent that that we reject of our behavior. The feeling can lead us to somatization can get to feel physical discomfort such as chest pains, stomach, pressure in the head and discomfort in the back, it is also possible that we become irritable and nervous, making self-criticisms, self-accusations and destructive thoughts.

I find some of your comments hard to follow, sorry :/ Do you have someone else wrote your posts, because they are usually well written hehe... Do you use external sources to write your posts that you aren't referencing?

I write everything in my blog of note and then I go through an error corrector .. then I pass by a translator because English is not my strong point .. normally when I comment directly I use the translator .. and sometimes it does not say what I want express.
my sister and I study psychology sometimes she helps me with her ideas to make a good post.
As the saying goes 2 mind thinks better than 1

You are right. We need to truly face the mirror and accept ourselves for who we are. Only then can we ever become improve.

Speaking from experience- mostly pain and suffering! Warriors are formed from an ability to put the welfare of others ahead of themselves. (the primary reason that SJW's are really just cowards)

You have to put the welfare of other alongside yourself. Self + Others.

I guess it's all about see life... to me being of optimum service to others (to the point of giving your own life) is the mark of a warrior, and a human being. The biggest problem in society is self, whether it's self-righteousness, self-centeredness, self-indulgence... ad infinitum

this is really the philosophy of life cleaning from the inside so that the outside will be clean, great struggle must be done not on the final result but how this all should we start

Exactly. It all starts with the inside that manifests on the outside.

Though myself read the whole written by yourself, what mind says, self stands in front of mirror, inner soul is in silence, minds thought switch buttons trying to on, off, through itself, mistakes of life is lesson from past to make future bright and light with love, maybe I must be unable to explain in myself view, but still in my age I m student, learner till physical (body) Thanks with love,@krnel

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