RE: Thoughts about the stereotype of rational people being incompatible with feelings
Hello, I was just passing by and took the boldness to comment, I hope not to disturb.
I know what you are saying, being a "rational person", I´ve been involved in many unpleasant situations due to this type of logic or prejudices throughout my life, even tho I´m a musician and a poet, with several "highly sentimental" creations, some people seems to believe that I just can´t understand their feelings, just for not adopting the same attitude or not seeing things in the same way.
It´s not rare having people accusing me of not having feelings or about not understanding them, just for not acting as they expect me to act, with anger or tears for example.
But yes, I also feel and yes, I understand them and yes, It makes me feel a little bad that they think that way about me, but, that's the way the world is and, what can we do, right?
Thanks for sharing this post, it´s good to read opinions like this from time to time, regards.
Excellent comment @kex , its probably my favorite!
The thing with emotions or feelings is that every person experience them in their unique way, and when it's time to express them, every person does it differently, and yes, there might be situations in which another person doesn't understand why we react the way we do. But that's ok, no problem with that, as you said "that's the way the world is and, what can we do, right?" .
Cheers mate!
Well, we can write more posts like this and make them think a little more.
That's why i thanked you.
I'm glad you liked my comment bro, cheers!