Why Matt Trainer is a SCAMMER and NOT A SCAMMER

in #psychology7 years ago (edited)

It’s been interesting watching the drama unfold on Steemit as professional marketer Matt Trainer tried to turn us all into billionaires with his “game”.

I have to admit that as I listened to his webinar I thought it was turning into performance art, so good was his performance of an obvious SCAM. He was talking about how he used to try and help people but then got disillusioned and went on a spiritual quest. He read the bible 20 times, even learnt Greek and Hebrew so he could read it in the original (wasn’t the old testament written in Aramaic?). He talked about how his Lamborghini got flooded along with his houses and he came back from financial ruin. We were constantly about to be told what it was all about before he started riffing on something else. It was truly amazing how he could speak for so long and never get to what he was selling.

I was thinking of course it's a scam.

How could anyone not see it as just that?

But for others it wasn’t.

For others he was a great marketer that Steemit could benefit from.

The same could be said for the left and the right of the political divide. For one side, anything the other side says is so obviously stupid/unfair/ridiculous…etc.

So what is going on?

Then I listened to this great podcast tonight…http://www.npr.org/2017/06/01/530928414/emotions-part-one

How can two people receive exactly the same information but interpret it in the complete opposite way?

Our bodies have an incredible amount of information that we are processing all the time. Our brains have to control all the systems in our body. Systems for glucose, salt, breathing, blood circulating, moving through space, etc. So much is going on inside our bodies that it would be impossible to be aware of it all. We see the outside world in detail but in order to do that our brain has to group things together. It has to make things simple. In terms of emotions it groups things as pleasant/unpleasant, arousal/calmness. Those 4 sensations are literally ALL your internal awareness (introspection) are.

So then how do we get these feelings of guilt, fear, joy, etc?

We interpret them based on PAST experience.

When someone who has been blind since birth suddenly gets the ability of vision what do they see? They don’t see objects or colour. They just see light and dark. They have no way of knowing what these signals of light in front of them are.

From early childhood we start learning how to interpret all these signals. And as we learn we build up our world.

So when Matt Trainer starts doing what he does some of us see SCAMMER but others see SUCCESSFUL MARKETER.

Some see Donald Trump and go CLOWN.



Plenty of people thought Bitcoin was a scam when it was first popping it's head up. Hell, people still call it a scam.

Here are some more scams: Money, Religion, National Borders and your own identity.

Peace (drop mike)


So true. One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. Our perceptions are colored by our belief.

Uh, no. The truth still exists, even if people's experience causes them to be deluded. The people who called Bitcoin a scam were wrong, and the people who call Matt Trainer a scammer are right.

The marks who paid for Trainer's MLM schemes and fake marketing training lost actual money. Just like Trump University students and the contractors who worked for Trump lost actual money.

If you tell people that everything is subjective, that their whole life is based on fictions, you're helping authoritarians making any kind of criticism impossible. When there's no truth, the only force left is violence.

"The truth exists"

  • Scientific research would disagree with you.
    Did you listen to the podcast linked? It's pretty interesting.

No, why would I listen to your arguments if there's no truth? That doesn't make any sense, I'd waste my time with meaningless sounds when I could be listening to music. If there's no truth, there is no science in the first place. You're not the first relativist I meet, I have a university education, I wrote a book about appealing to emotions.

interesting post, I wish I saw it before I wrote a little comment on the M-Train(Wreck?) thing ..
.. https://steemit.com/the50/@kurtbeil/could-matt-trainer-be-the-p-t-barnum-of-the-virtual-reality-and-blockchain-revolution .. I like his attitude .. and as with most people, there's obviously something a little "off" .. a trait of interesting people. :)

How we live our lives is based ENTIRELY on perception of reality which is not necessarily objectively real.

There are plenty of examples of things that are real, substantive and provide actual value and yet do not gain widespread acceptance. They are neglected, ridiculed, treated as SCAMS and discarded as the opposite of what they are, all due to peoples' inability to process reality and discern TRUTH from fiction.

Marketers and media moguls understand this and try to shape our perception to persuade people to do things like buy a product. The don't solely rely on facts and figures b/c they are well aware of how crucial a role emotions play in our decisions.

In technology an old but useful example is the battle between VHS and BetaMax technologies. Although BetaBax provided superior functionality it didn't become the defacto standard for recording your favorite TV program, VHS won.

We see the same thing in the marketplace for blockchain technology. What is network effect? It's not only about the merits but about how people perceive them, and that is shaped only in part by the substantive value and actual utility they provide but also by the power of the marketers to shape public perception.

Steemit author @krnel has written extensively on how our perception of reality is separate from actual reality. I highly recommend you study his work and learn to improve how you think and how you process your senses to form your view of actual, objective reality.

Well said. Ultimately, many people choose to hope and believe in some of those plans, even when the history and evidence is not good. Others steer clear when there's a strong smell of snake oil. It's in the eye of the beholder. Maybe these guys would have gotten it right, but I doubt it.

I like this post.....nice

Looks like he is still feeling the effects of the drugs he was on.

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