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RE: Psychology Addict # 37 | What Do you Do When Things go Wrong?
Oh! Claro! Me parece estupenda la propuesta que me hace, claro que si! Usted me dirá que hacer.
Oh! Claro! Me parece estupenda la propuesta que me hace, claro que si! Usted me dirá que hacer.
Good morning my dear @javisem :)
So, it will be great to see you becoming a member of the stem-Español community. There are only a few requirement you need to be aware of, and here they are:
1- Write original content (well, you know about this).
2 - Reference your sources.
3 - Only use CC images.
4 - In order for your post to be found you must use the tag stem-espanol
This is a branch of the steemstem community. The members there are mostly Venezuelan and Spanish. The manages of the initiative are @carloserp-2000 and @iamphysical.
I am going to send you an invitation to stem-espanol Discord channel directly. There you can ask further questions; for example, the minimum of words required for the post to be supported ... etc ...
Also, take a look at their weekly report. This will give you a clearer idea of the type of posts they select :)
Good luck 😉
Buenas tarde mi querida Abi :), ok ya le echo un vistazo para adiestrarme con la etiqueta y la comunidad, muchas gracias por sus atenciones para conmigo, me hace sentir muy especial :*