Breaking Cycles of Negativity

Breaking Cycles of Negativity
I had a realization last night on my way home from work.
Since December of 2015 I have been actively focused on adopting an abundance mindset, rejecting unnecessary negative thoughts, and accepting positive thoughts and feelings of gratitude.
Time flies and I hadn't realized that I've been working on this for 2 years!
I strongly believe that our environments are a result of our thoughts…..….that our thoughts shape our realities.
In the past, my energetic Karma was horrible. I was stuck in a vicious cycle of negative energy.
My thoughts and feelings were negative, which resulted in negative life choices, which resulted in a negative environment, which brought on more negative thoughts and feelings…and the cycle continued.

How did I break out of that cycle?
First, I physically removed myself from the negative environment that I had created by moving from NY to TX.
I instantly felt relieved, but of course that didn’t last long because…well…
Wherever you go….there you are…..
I knew I had some internal work to do, but I wasn’t sure what to do or where to start so I just went with my intuition.
I began studying spiritual alchemy and along the way I found a channel on YouTube called Mind and Magick Mystery School.
The first lesson, and a concept that continues throughout the lectures, is to reject and banish all negative thought, while accepting all positive thoughts.
This was easier said than done for someone who was trapped in a negativity loop, but I put the concept into practice and I’ve been doing it somewhat successfully for 2 years.
One of the reasons it’s difficult to be successful with this exercise in the beginning is because if you are in a negativity cycle, you are still attracting negative energy that you had previously sent out.
So, while you are trying your best to reject all negative thoughts, you are still being bombarded with negative energetic karma so it can feel like nothing is changing.
This was my experience, but I just kept doing it every day, even when my life seemed like it was falling apart all around me.
2 years ago I initiated this process by starting each day with a meditative gratitude exercise, thinking about or writing down what I was grateful and thankful for. This included what I already had in my life, as well as what I wanted to manifest into my life.
Throughout the day, I would just be aware of how I was feeling. If I was feeling negative then I would trace that feeling back to the thought that created that feeling. If it was something I could control, I would fix the problem. If it was out of my control or just an unnecessary negative thought I would reject it and think about something else.
What I realized last night is that my life really has changed for the better.
I still have dark days as life is naturally filled with light and dark, but I can feel that I've broken the cycle of negativity.
I have been doing this for 2 years and there is not only a positive change in my environment, but the change started first within me, and that is what has made all the difference.
I hope you all have a blessed and peaceful day

Daily gratitude journals are very powerful...we are basically recording thoughts of the heart to be read by loving universal energies. Everyone is capable of finding things to be grateful for...most just get too caught up in the heartache of those cycles of negativity. Persistence is key...because nobody is perfect. I find the combination of writing things down and saying them out loud...and even just repeating them in the mind with good intention like a mantra...and visualizing them too...manifest and draw closer the desired reality so much faster. It makes me happy to hear that your two year process of turning your life around is going so well and you can see some of the results of your hard work all around you!
Great reply, stay focused and have a positive outlook throughout our lives!
That's right! @creativesoul 👍
Very well said and true my friend!
Hope you are doing well. <3
Thanks for the post. I feel I'm stuck in a negativity cycle myself. I'm fully aware of things that I can change and what I need to do to change, but I seem to hold onto the negative thoughts like it's the one ring . The universe is telling me in subtle ways what I need to do and just when I decide to do it, I wake up with an existential crisis. I really am a lot better off than I was before my wife was killed and I wish she could see me now, so I just have to muster up the willpower that you have.
So sorry to hear about your wife. I know all about hanging on to negative thoughts and existential crises.
You're not alone there. But you channel it quite well through your music.
somtiems with the cycles of negativity it makes me think of the Karmic wheel and how to break through it, sometimes I wonder if you need Ninja roundhouse kicks to undo the chains
Some days are def harder than others that's for sure.
I need to learn some ninja moves....
'All that we are is the result of what we have our thought'.. 'The mind is everything , what we think we became ' ..Buddha...
Every thought has energy and we are responsible to amplify the energy or simply ignore to dissolve the energy that we have created. Positive and negative thoughts are simply our own perception. What we feel negative today may turn out to be utilmate positive thoughts in future. We have control of labelling positive and negative thoughts. Follow your heart it knows everything. Universe is constantly communicating with us thru our heart .
Enjoy the journey of self discovery . Being positive and optimistic are firat step to the world of being spiritual .
Excellent thoughts, thank you so much for sharing!
Thanks so much for this's very helpful to me!
Now that is something of an impossibility for me to do. My brain thrives on negativity. It makes me work but keeps me angry all the time. Best of luck to you.
Best of luck to you as well!
The change from negativity is a challenging one, I am trying to make the best of what I can and see positivity in all my daily activities, but the negative thoughts always seem to pop up.
Am slowly making progress though.
Thanks for this
I completely understand that. It's quite difficult. Being aware of those thoughts and feelings is the first step.
I have let go also some burden. But lots of work to do. By the way loved the quote from Buckaroo Banzai, I often use it (wherever you go there you are) totally underrated movie.
Such a great quote right?
It is very hard work, I agree.
I agree, rather iconic quote. Well our struggles and how we get over them also shape who we are. But there is a time to break vicious circles.
Good activity to stay positive, and cast off the negativity.
This is a very insightful and inspiring piece. I feel stuck myself in a negative loop. I recently learnt about the law of attraction and I've been in a reflective bit for a while.
Thanks to you piece, I know where to start from. Well, I can't leave where I am for the moment but I will begin with the daily gratitude journal.
Thanks for sharing
I've followed you for more
Cool, I think you'll find the gratitude journal quite helpful. And keep reading about the Law of Attraction it will help as well. Blessings to you.