Divide and Conquer

in #psychology8 years ago (edited)

Divide and Conquer


Something that really 'gets under my skin' is how successful the project to 'turn-reality-upside-down' has been. By 'turn-reality-upside-down' is meant: 'Convincing-everyone-that-a-flea-could-swallow-an-elephant.'



Connected with this internal-frustration is the social justice warrior(SJW) movement. Now, I want to make it clear that this frustration has nothing to do with the sentiment that fuels anyone who identifies as a SJW, or the ideals growing from same. I share the same indignation towards intolerance. It is possible that the indignation that I experience may dwarf, by several orders of magnitude, that of a typical SJW.


How the SJW movement {which movement, to be fair, started out as a genuinely righteous cause. That it got Co-opted is the problem} is connected to my frustration is as follows: At it's foundation lies the crux---The "[fill-in-the-blank]-American" moniker. Asian-American. . . Cuban-American. . . African-American. Minority---Category---Division. The training to see things divided. The other.

I have a suggestion for a non-divisive, unity based statement the SJW crowd could use: All Lives Matter! In a social context, the ideal is to be color blind. Campaigning under #"insert-color" Lives Matter makes a socially color blind society impossible, and only serves to further division! By the way, Hashtag-BlackLivesMatter was founded and is funded (founded/funded...hmmmmm) by none other than George Soros...a model example of a psychopath.

This extends nowadays, in the consciousness of many-a-SJW, to anything that deviates from the norm. . .with a particular focus, seemingly, on gender-identification {again, to be fair, with a pinch of anti-anti-Muslim/anti-Racist and anti-Sexist sentiment 'baked into the cake'}. All of these causes are missing the point entirely.

The main point with regards to problems in the world, social and otherwise, is the ramifications of the application by the 'elite' of the concept of "Divide-and-Conquer." This is exemplified in the very terms we use to describe reality. A question (or two) I pose to all: Why does the word American require a modifier? Why do we differentiate "Americans" into separate categories?

Rhetorical implications aside, why do we give away our unity? To whom are we giving it? And what is their character?

Do they deserve this gift?

I think not.

The 'pontificators' --





-- whose 'opinions' shape the worldview of many in the western world in general, and those who inhabit America in particular, represent - or are themselves - those who possess the worst character traits a 'bipedal-hominid-destroyer-of-all-that-is-good-in-nature' can possibly possess. Psychopaths.

On the scale of "development-of-soul" they are near the bottom. They are 'reptiles' with access to the higher functions of the prefrontal cortex. The mammalian function of empathy is entirely absent, as is its possibility of functioning.

By creating these divisions into opposing categories in the psyche of populations, as well as cultivating a sense of entitlement, they successfully get us to fight with each other, instead of identifying the cancer that is psychopaths-in-positions-of-power: government/politics, finance, entertainment/big-media, religion, science, arts, business/corporations, sports, etc.. The infiltration in the upper echelons is nearly total.

Rather than having ones panties twisted in a bunch because someone else doesn't use the "preferred-pronoun" - i.e. zhe, zhim, take-your-pick - why not pool resources to discover who is continually "pissing and shitting in the community aquifer"?


In my opinion, the point upon which attention and anger are focused in liberal society is an absurdity...reflecting the equally absurd psychological landscape cultivated and pruned step by little step over the past 70 or so years. People have become far, far removed from the objective truth of reality.


Which brings me to another perspective from which to view the "Divide-and-Conquer" principle - lies substituted for truth. Joseph Goebbels (Hitler's Minister of Propaganda) is credited with saying:

 "If you tell the same lie enough times, people will believe it; and the bigger the lie, the better."

Just as the food we consume serves as a source of nourishment for our physical bodies, information - or, impressions - taken in serves as a source of nourishment for our mental bodies, the movement of which is thought. Junk food provides nothing for the body other than empty calories and rotting teeth. Junk information (lies) provides the mental equivalent.


If someone has consumed only junk food for their entire life, when truly nutritious food is introduced the body rejects it...it is unable to assimilate the nutrients. It is exactly analogous with information. A constant diet of lies renders the assimilation of truth all but impossible. With no 'teeth' with which to chew on information - because the junk has rotted them away - it bypasses the crucial first step of 'salivary-enzymatic-action' in the overall process of digestion.

In this state of affairs, when truth is presented, it is rejected as "not possible!"

For those who truly believe information as presented by the media, I have a plot of land on the moon for sale, fully equipped for agricultural cultivation and vacation fun!



(Flea and elephant photo sources)


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