What am I charged with?


We learn so much from our children, we do a lot of work so that they can play. It is great to share some of that frivolous energy and careless curiosity that they still have.

Hey everyone, hope your feeling today. Lets go for a stroll down memory lane again :)

We go through our lives gaining experiences, we gather knowledge around us, so that we can save energy by learning from the experiences of others.

We eagerly and reluctantly absorb their success stories and their tragedies, keeping and discarding the bits we like, the bits that feel right and sound right. We filter based upon what it is we want and don't want in our own lives.

As we build the nest of our minds with the twigs and shiny bits we pick up from other people we begin to make our own information filter. This new filter is designed to seek pieces that help us to Feel better, block out that which does not.

The Filter of our mind may make us feel better, but it does not help us to sense better. The short cuts, meanings and symbols of our language and our knowledge, are there to help us react appropriately. So that we do not need to think each situation through again and again. Instead we know that Red means stop and green Go.

This trigger will equate to this reaction so long as these conditions are also met. Memory operates as a programming language - IF, THEN, AND OR statements. These are conditions that we set our reactions to, so that we dont need to keep making choices.

Our response to a situation will DEPEND upon which memories we have charged with emotion. Our muscles fire on an electrical charge that is stored and transported via chemicals called electrolytes. (Something like that anyway) We shuffle these molecules around in our bodies to where they are most needed.

*Our primary survival instinct is to live in groups
Our next is to live
After this comes procreating, then food and shelter
Lastly entertainment.

*A person who’s sense of worthiness to be a part of a tribe, falls too low will either heal or take their own life. Conversely, the happiest people hardly think in terms of self so have few personal requirements that need to be met. Their happiness is not Dependant on so many conditions.

People love them, because they don't try to control, they move mostly from caring about others, and do not even have particularly rigid views on anything. This leaves them free to feel and enjoy what they are feeling, to be playful.

What do they feel? - connection.
What do they allow? - connection.
What is reality? - well it is not separation lol…
So did the one who suicided react to reality or the illusion of separation?
Was that illusion built by the filter of their belief - did these conditions govern their actions, that re-affirmed the assumptions from their stories?
We will resonate, we will give of emotion and receive emotion relative to the memories we embody.

Its a perfect feedback loop
Our beliefs may not be fair, but the environment of nature is consistent.

The only way to know connection is through relationship, and we can only be in relationship through our senses. Our minds can only be sensitive to reality when we relax our Conditioning, our filtering. The AND, THEN, IF and OR statements of our strategies to control the waves of emotion that upset us so much.

stored emotional charges - action potentials - potentials for action
They are anchored through the repetition of emotional intensity. The greater the emotion the less repetitions required. What is emotion again?

Emotion is an electro chemical event that alters our biology - this event moves through cells, tissues, organs, organisms and organisations or organisms. It is a biological language. Language that does not just transmit an idea it creates change, it reshapes its environment. It is an action. Like a wave in the ocean, emotions move through us constantly, we are both altered and altering each other with emotion

The way we emanate and the way we receive emotion is a function of our state of body/mind. A function of the stored charges that shape the way we think and move.
Our body language, our tone of voice, the words we use, and even the quality of our actions are all shaped and con-form to the beliefs we adopt.

The form our mind/bodies take will determine how we feel. If we are flexible in our mind/body there is little pain and much richness in the data. If we are stiff and have set many conditions - if our ability to soften and relax - release charge - depends on us controlling events. Pfffttt…. Well good luck with that.

If we can not relax, the world will keep crashing into our inflexible opinions - our minds will be full of ideas on how to regain control that we never had. We will miss out on the real data from our senses. The only signal we will still notice is pain, and it will grow louder and more intense to the degree that we remain tense.

Or we can choose relationship - where is that again?

  • this is not advice, and there is nothing we need to remember here, it is just another stroll through an imperfect model of the mind/body.

Our psychobiology =8-P


Correctly write :))
People who are able to relax, who more easily perceive different life situations, spend less energy and less emotion. They rely on their memory and their knowledge. Their memory filters the knowledge they do not need. Such people live more easily, because they do not have high demands. Maybe it's right?

Hey Olga !
great to see you here again

does this feel right?
how else could you know?
reality does not tolerate illusion
it offers perfect feedback
if we but listen
with our entire body/mind
with the string within :)

you already know you dont need me to answer
but I appreciate our chats :)

Yes, we learn from others experience as well as our own experience, but it saves much time if we try to learn from others experience. Also, I think that its true that our response is dependent on memories we have about a particular situation.

we can not really learn from another persons experience
we can take note and watch for similar patterns
remembering a story is a kind of belief
if it is a loosely held flexible temporary belief to be tested - then it is perfect

If it is belief that has been anchored with emotions of fear or fear of missing out, then it is a micro trauma
We share our fears, so it is actually kind of a virus.
enough people get infected and pretty soon they want to control everyone else.

When we re shape our habitat so that we can no longer harvest from nature but most go through middle men who have nothing to offer but low quality addictive garbage....that may take centuries more to unwind peacefully.

anyhow, we learn best directly through playing with real world forces, (things we can feel and understand) and paying attention to our bodies rather than our non-sense.

Great information Mr. Doctors, go to health. resteem

What do they feel? - connection.
What do they allow? - connection.
What is reality? - well it is not separation lol…
So did the one who suicided react to reality or the illusion of separation?
Was that illusion built by the filter of their belief - did these conditions govern their actions, that re-affirmed the assumptions from their stories?
We will resonate, we will give of emotion and receive emotion relative to the memories we embody.

you've got very good insight.

the one who suicided didn't fit into (our) society. thus reacted to its current reality.

when you cage a certain specie such as a bird that all its life has been free into the wilderness, or any other animal for that matter, it doesn't live for long.

although, when you train it from its birth to live into a certain environment, it adapts. but still remaining with a void on the inside as if something's missing (depression). society's construct has no life. pure decay and negative surroundings. nothing is natural, nothing seems to be right.

We share our fears, so it is actually kind of a virus.
enough people get infected and pretty soon they want to control everyone else.

this is very true.

extraordinary writing!!!!! Clear, to the point, simple. Best blog from you I believe. Enjoyable, I can see you were relaxed and tuned when you wrote this. I sense no negativity or need for approval or recognition. Congrats!!!!! :)

thank you friend,
I noticed a mistake when re-reading - should read "organisations OF organisms" (not or).
anyhow its in the blockchain now baby !

I was having fun when I wrote this piece
Later I lost the feeling and started to use logic alone, I ended up quite depressed

the ebb and the flow
if we can only
let go
nature provides
it never decides (we do that)
it just is

extraordinary writing!!!!! Clear, to the point, simple. Best blog from you I believe. Enjoyable, I can see you were relaxed and tuned when you wrote this. I sense no negativity or need for approval or recognition. Congrats!!!!! :)

Thank you, it is so simply yet so incredibly difficult.
I am either sensitive to the situation
or to my versions of how it should or should not be
To come from opinion is to choose control - (except that it is not even a choice by that point).

To come from sensation, and play loosely with concept allows respect for the sensations and intelligence of others.

That is trust, and it is possible to the degree that fear is not present in my physiology -( ironically the fear arises from opinions, rather than reality).

Just writing for my own entertainment here :)

glad you enjoyed, thank you for your comment brother

your caption's explanation is very good. love it. now I am following you.

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