What is Death

in #psychology6 years ago

There is one guarantee in life, we all die. We all learn at some point that death will one day happen to ourselves as well as everyone else we know. Every person we come into contact with will one day perish. Many will experience the loss of a loved one before their brain is even capable of comprehending what death is. So will die before they take their first breath as well. That is the constant in life, death.

I have always been fascinated by the different outlook people have on death as well as how each person experiences each death from their own perspective. Death is hard depending on your views of life and afterlife, how you were raised and finally what you believe happens to someone when they die.

I have been to funerals where everyone was crying, not able to even stop to give a eulogy. I have been to funerals that were like a big party and were called a celebration of life event and not a funeral at all. I have been to military funerals, 21 gun salute. I have waited for a funeral announcement to find the family held no wake nor funeral.

I am older now and as my wife just lost her mother she now has no parents left. I still have both of my parents. We have a lot of kids so upon losing her mother we both got a life insurance policy and wrote a will. I have never thought about dying to be honest and it kind of caught me off guard when she brought up doing both. To me, everything happens for a reason, just as it is supposed to unfold. You have to live through the bad to be able to enjoy the good. Some parts of life are harder to accept than others but I feel we must each go with the flow in order to reach our end.

How we go through life isn't the reason for my post, I want to know your thoughts on death. Some of the deeper questions. Is death just death? We have words like suicide, murder, accident, manslaughter and acts of war. There are many other words that are also associated with death but are they not all the same thing at the end? Does the description of how the death happened make any difference to the one who is dead or is it just a label used to ease the pain of the living?

As I believe everything happens for a reason, every which way someone dies is just as it should be. The method of how one dies still ends the same, death. Death sucks and I am sure many of us still have one that hurts like hell. That is the problem with death, it hurts the living.

Here are a few questions, I would like your opinion on. Just answering one is fine. Let's engage!
1.) What does death mean to you?
2.) Is there really any difference how death happens?
3.) What is the oddest experience with a death you've had?


Spiritually speaking, I believe that death is not the absolute end of us. My grandfather visited me in the moment of his death and talked to me. I also lived in a 350 year old house in Connecticut that had a spirit that everyone could see. He was a business man from the look of him aand he repeatedly walked througj the front door with a big smile and removed his hat. My ex wife saw him, my kid saw him, anyone who stopped by could see him. It was as if he was stuck in a loop.

Scientifically speaking, we have electrical impulses running us. If energy cannot be destroyed, then some part of us continues on. Wether we are cognizant of it, I dont know. But we will all find out eventually.

Nice job of picking both sides of the argument, lol.

I myself have seen a ghost as well as full-color visions of past events in some locations.

We will indeed all find out sooner or later.

To me, well I think death is just the beginning of the end. And the end does not have any other phase after it, so I think death is the beginning of eternity. And for those who believe in the afterlife, it is definitely an opener for the timeless essence of humans.

And yeah. I believe there are differences in how people die, particularly in the aspect of the degrees of pain experienced while dying. Even though to many others this is not something very significant. But to some, particularly the religious people, there is the belief that death comes with real agony and it varies depending on how its manifest and to the different people who experience it.

Well, many deaths are usually odd and unbelievable, especially when it comes suddenly upon close relatives and friends who are far away from being old. And my oddest experience with death is the recent one that involved my very good friend just a few weeks ago. It was an accident you know, and he didn't survive any moment away from the accident.

I think death is the beginning of eternity

So do you think it is an eternal darkness of which you are not aware or do you think there is consciousness?

belief that death comes with real agony and it varies depending on how its manifest and to the different people who experience it.

Do you mean things like going to hell?

And my oddest experience with death is the recent one that involved my very good friend just a few weeks ago.

I am sorry you lost your friend, was it a car accident?

  1. I think there is consciousness involved

  2. No. I was referring to death itself. The process of dying.

  3. Yeah. A car accident.

1.) So what do you think is next?
2.) See #1
3.) Yes, sudden deaths are very hard.

Well I believe that there is a life after death itself. And that life will be eternal and the end. But death itself is just an opener or a beginning of the end

Where and what is next?

An immortal life after death itself, starting from the grave

If we are does not exist,it's called death.
Then before we born are also a death!
Am I right?

Am I right?

Well, I think you'd have to be born to have died. Maybe you are just nonexistent before like some type of void in reality.

I decided to share my thoughts on this as a post.

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