Cryptic Meaning Round 3 ~ 5,000 Hodl COINS + 3 SBD
I came across this crazy squirrel and he had a bunch of nuts.
Some were big and some were small.
I was a little hungry, I followed this squirrel to see where he was hiding all these nuts.
I became quite confused because this was an abnormal squirrel.
He was in fact gathering nuts but not hoarding them.
He was giving them freely to any other squirrel who wanted them.
He was talking some jargon about freedom and a paradigm change.
The part that caught me off guard was his words matched his actions.
His nut collection could do something world changing, the method of collecting nuts was fair for anyone.
The tree that released these nuts was also just there for anyone to freely collect nuts from.
All you needed was a special nut collecting sack, the tree also produced those sacks for free.
There was no oligarchy to answer to before the tree started producing.
There was no hidden path to the tree.
Everything was just there to anyone who wanted some nuts, to eat, to be free or to just be equal.
What a fucking concept!
My nut sac is now too heavy and full
Want some nuts?
Get a special nut sack
Meet @HOdlcoin a crazy squirrel just giving away his nuts.
Go to and get your special nut sack to play
Now that you have learned about the contest prize, let the game begin
What ONE word am I thinking of the describes all of the images below?
Creative Commons Zero
Creative Commons Zero
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Creative Commons Zero
Creative Commons Zero
Creative Commons Zero
Final clue is just a picture of Fucking Jerry
More on Hodlcoin
This Squrriel is still a baby, don't leave him alone in the cold
I'll guess the word is "wanking". What did I win?
Wanking is a handcraft, wanking in a car can lead to disasters, wanking is not approved by the church, there is always time for wanking, I'm guessing the weird picture is about female wanking, wanking can be done in a tool shed, wanking is about your "gun", they say wanking kills you, to wank you need hands and as a man, you can wank with your "snake".
I'm not sure how Jerry is related to wanking though.
Best answer so far but sadly incorrect!
I'm just thinking that it cold be
No, try again
This is my third
No, there is no limit to guesses.
Ahmm, is it sin?
That nut-coin looks good, I'll have my financials manager check it ;)
LOL, no.
Lovely fairy tale. :)
And Hodlcoin seems interesting too.
Is the word you're thinking of "art"?
HOdlcoin is very interesting.
The word is not art, lol.
birth or birthday
Oh I know, I know.
I think you mistyped "Yes!"
.... ....... anal thunder?
LOL, no.
is it "witness"?
Nope, keep trying
is it blockchain?
or it might be supernatural?
Is it liberty?
OR freedom?or trapped?
Could be life?
Nope, try again as often as you like.
Lovely analogy @erodedthoughts. The word that comes to mind is Art
No, try again.
How about "time"?
No, try again
Much wow! Nope, try again.
No sir, try again.
Ok, here are all the words I'm thinking of: the serpent, the apple, Adam and Eve, sin, death, church, communion, community, salvation, old stuff, time, the hands, God, salvation. That's all probably!
All good clues to get you to the correct word, depending on perception.