RE: Those Deja-vu Moments-- What Do They Mean?
Now that I think about it I do get “Deja-vu” in form of writing and gaming.
I get this these types of feeling a lot when I write. I’m not sure if it’s because I have thought about certain topics while I dream (I don’t ever recall my dreams anymore) or if it’s something more.
Always a very strange feeling that often leads me to double checking google to make sure my bad memory is not just remembering something long ago that I have forgotten about a dozen times over.
Also happens a lot in gaming which freaks me out quite a bit. Some times it happens because dev has copied or done something similar so I just think its been done before by me but it has not
Other times it’s like a game dev stole my thoughts while I was sleeping and made certain game levels or designs the way I would have. So it just feels like certain thing is would have done and thus a feeling of “deja-vu.”
Some interesting examples @enjar... for me, the most striking tend to be dreams that "come to be." Since I keep a dream journal (have for 20 years) and record as much detail as possible at the time of the dream, it's very interesting to compare just how accurate these things can be... months and even years later.
Dream hard. Winning lotto numbers!!!!!!!