Your Body screams what your mouth is silent

in #psychology7 years ago (edited)

Your Body screams what your mouth is silent

• Have you ever suffered from insomnia?
• Do you suffer from migraines and frequent headaches?
• Do you get sick of tonsillitis and pharyngitis?
• Do you suffer from stomach or reflux often?
• Do you get the flu or diarrhea often?
• Do you have skin problems?
• Have you ever felt sad?
• Do you think your body is trying to say something to you?
• Do you visit many doctors and tell them that everything is fine and you do not finish healing?

The answer to all these questions is the following:

Body psychotherapy is the branch of psychotherapy, which through corporal techniques of awareness, expression and body-mind integration, helps your body express what your mouth does not dare to express.

According to various authors, everything that happens in the body has happened first in the mind. Between the body "soma" and the mind "psyche" there is a functional unit, which is reflected in the totality of the human being as a person. There is no hierarchical relationship between the mind and the body, between psyche and soma.


That is to say, the body is the reflection of your emotions, what is manifested at a physical level, is a product of the emotional and psychological plane of the individual.

It can be summarized by saying that YOUR BODY REVEALS YOUR HISTORY.

The parents of this psychotherapy are:
Wilhelm Reich (1897-1957), doctor, psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, disciple of Sigmund Freud.
Alexander Lowen (1910-2008), doctor and psychotherapist who created the Bioenergetic Analysis.

Psycho-corporal techniques are the main intervention tools of the corporal psychotherapist.
The corporal psychotherapist uses techniques of approach focused on the emotional and behavioral issues, to give a solution to the personal processes and the unresolved issues of the different areas of the patient's life, which are reflected in blockages of the corporal segments.

In a next post we will be addressing the benefits of body psychotherapy.

Thanks for reading up here. I appreciate your comments.

Upvote. Follow. Resteem. @eleclectico


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Woff, woff! 🐶

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