Children Who Wear Makeup And Crossdress

in #psychology7 years ago (edited)


Someone shared a video recently of a 10yr old boy wearing heavy makeup and nails, puckering and posturing like the women who want me when I go out, and some of the comments truly made me feel sick and sad. So Im going to destroy some of these idiotic excuses given for why it is perfectly fine.

But before I do, I want to say that it is a parents job to protect children. The idea is not to allow them to become targets for danger such as pedophilia or mass anger. Who ever is "taking care" of that child has already failed big time in this way. This child has thousands of pedophiles drooling over him. That could have been avoided. And although he doesnt deserve it, because children only do what they are nurtured to, he has to deal with much contempt and anger from thousands of others.

Is that what a 10 yr old should be dealing with? As a parent, why the fuck would you allow this?

A rose doesnt bloom red until it is ready to spread its seed.
Because if it was painted red prematurely, the birds would come pecking and other animals would ruin its development and/or inhibit it from reproducing.

We human beings learn from nature. We mimic it at our best. Wearing makeup prematurely is exactly like the analogy above.

Oh how our society is fucked by so many people attracting things they are not designed or ready for.

"But its just kids having fun"

Im sorry, but this is a child, and children shouldnt be triggering sex in adults. When I look at this kids mask, because I cant see him, it triggers my subconscious and attracts me on some level. Again, I know its a boy, but I see more of the mask than the boy, and not everyone has the type of control and understanding that I do. The subconscious does the vast majority of work in determining what we are attracted to. Im sure this look is the look that takes some creep over the line, and if that chance is alive, even in the smallest, you dont let your child take it.

"In Ancient civilizations men and women would wear makeup"

In ancient civilizations they used to burn people at the stake for practicing medicine too. A lot of things we used to do are stuck in the past because we learn from them and have developed enough shame and understanding that we now consider them fucked. I also run a HUGE library of ancient and old literature, and if there is one thing I know, supported by MANY great writers, is that history repeats itself in societies that do not read old books, that do not know how evil and corruption is slowly nurtured, unwittingly supported, creeping in until it blows the whole thing up.

No one saw it coming. It just went nutso.

The past is full of ancient civilizations that met their demise shortly after the morality was so blurry and grey that they couldnt sustain reason. Moral relativity says that what you feel is right/wrong, is what is right/wrong, and there is no universal good and evil. In that type of society anything goes, because around every corner is an excuse to be fine doing what you couldnt do around the last. This way of thought ends in social moral decay.


We have proof of this from the Bible mythology to recorded civilizations like Egypt and Greece. And as a matter of fact, the Greek Aristocracy was known for normalizing pedophilia. "Noblemen" could just knock on doors and request boys to be their sex toys. We know that men were considered to be men when they hit puberty, so when they say BOYS we know exactly what age they are talking about; these boys were often prepubescent and mostly younger teens who never developed to what was considered manhood then.


That was normal! Those were great Greeces last days.

And the argument that I have against the boy wearing makeup isnt because he was a he; but a child. I feel the same way when I see little girls in heels, makeup and a swimsuit in a pageant.

I actually understand that there is no biological imperative that requires women only to wear makeup. If it was an adult male wearing makeup, it would be fine, no outrage from me. But lets be clear that makeup, especially as this boy was doing, is designed to make one more appealing sexually.

Do you know what the lips mimic psychologically?
They mimic genitalia, and this is why men typically find women with wet and red colored lips to be more irresistible. So why do people think its perfectly fine for little boys to wear lipstick while puckering their lips for thousands online to see?

The fact that people are defending this shit is cruel and sick. How do you think Greece got to the point that it was OK for grown men to have sex with little boys? It was obviously through decades of slow indoctrination into the culture, and some of us can see the signs present day.

I keep writing about the blurring and greying of our morality and general perceptions by the cultural engineers. I provide you people scientific proof of this in everything from entertainment to education, and the fact that some of you cant see it yet boggles my mind. (Steemit community, I am only 3 days old here and promise a great scientific breakdown of this topic very soon)

Here is a video of an 8 yr old boy mixing it up with drag queens, and ranting things that you can tell are not his own soul, but instead the nurturing by those who "take care" of him. Those are not what we call parents, but rather his "handlers".

Something is wrong when I can look at a 10yr old boy wearing a mask of the women last night who made the adult decision to wear that makeup and use it to seduce me. Because makeup is a seduction technique. This cannot be logically argued.

There is a clear agenda to blur lines here, and then repackage moral standards as the ill social engineers see fit. People defending this behavior are mind controlled. I am usually very open minded, but when it comes to this subject, it is case closed, I am very well researched on this and have little desire to try to convince people of what is right. I went off on some of these people, and I make no apologies.

Let kids be kids!
Our society sexualizes children long before they receive their biological sex programming at puberty, and this is why there is so much gender confusion and sexual deviancy these days.

And lets be clear that the kid isnt being attacked by the vast majority of critics. The parents are, society at large is, for allowing our children to become not only a sex object for creeps, but a funnel for anger and hatred, and in this case, on a massive scale. Children are always innocent.

Why would a parent put their child in this position?

With love,

What? Because I like strange you thought I was supportive of this type of thing? In between all of my strange and spiritually minded posts, there will be the occasional fierce social critiques, but always with love. Enjoy.


Very, very spot on and thought-provoking comparison with the budding rose. This is my issue with the LGBTQQAATTTZZHEHRBCWW movement. Be who you want to be, of course, but don't taint the minds of children being to laissez faire with what culture norms you allow you're children to be exposed to.

and influenced by.

You sir need to be resteemd, this stuff drives me up the wall.

Thank you. Just sharing my heart

Yup. We have lost our values. That's what happens when people decide culture, conservatism and family values are shit. We turn in to scrupulous, vulgar decadent societies - a lot of similarities of what happened in the end days of Rome. People become nihilistic, without moral compass, and everything is relative. That's what the cultural marxist wanted. Great post. I followed a lot of you guys in this thread. We need more real libertarians, anarchists , conservatives and free market people here.

I sort of agree, but some conservative stances aren't always moral, or are just unnecessary. We need a balance so we aren't restricted by made up moral rules, but we can't swing to far to the left that male kids with makeup happen.

Agree. I'm not nescessarily conservative. But I understand why some of the conservative values are..well, valuable. When we lose our cultural understanding, values and moral we decay into apathy and nihilism. And in societies where this happens we see a rise in perversion, amorality etc. I'm not saying that there aren't "natural" gays or transpeople. Sure. But when we encourage killing feetuses, make jokes about it, when we encourage sick twisted sexual fantasies and praise them, when we make fun of traditional strong and healthy family values..well, these things are the results.

Well I think abortion is a grey area, because some people literally can't care for their children properly, thus creating a whole bunch of big problems for the child and parents.

Yes. I agree. Its a very difficult topic, which is hard to take a clear stance with. But in general im against abortion after two weeks. In very extreme cases perhaps later. But im not exactly one of those feminists who dress out as devils and want to be able to kill of rheir kid at 30 weeks. Thts disgusting.

An insightful post. Many people have jumped on the bandwagon of believing that accepting everything is the right thing to do, but they don't think about the consequences of doing so. I remember seeing a video of the first boy linked on Facebook. It looked like the majority of commenters were condoning it and defending it whenever anyone took another stance. What I see so often is a hive mind mentality.

LGBT people deserve the acceptance they've received in the past 10 years, just as we should do our best to respect any person no matter what makes them different (so long as they are not behaving in a way that is harmful to others). However, there is a line that is crossed when children (those too young to see consequences and the full picture of their actions) are brainwashed into behaving in a way that they would likely not have behaved in without the reinforcement and instruction of their parents. Indoctrination to this extent destroys a person's sense of self. All parents will shape their children but to make them fit into a predetermined mold is absurd.

There's no doubt that these parents find joy in doing the kids' makeup, being part of the limelight, and participating in the pageants. Whether the child is a boy or girl, any well-researched parent would know that many of the fans of these events are pedophiles. Think of the controversy surrounding someone like Shirley Temple and how her cute dancing and singing was like a calling to pedophiles. Add in the much-sexualized behavior of today like licking lips and touching your body in a flirtatious manner and wearing too much makeup and less clothes—does anyone really think that no pervert is getting off to this? Why willingly allow your child to be objectified and a subject of arousal for creeps?

Sorry for the rant. This just pisses me off as well. Glad I followed you so I saw this post. Looking forward to what else you have to say.

I hate the identity politics game today... Especially when it's forced upon children. It's disgusting

Right on. Things like this become so normalized that good people just shut up for the convenience of getting along, but little do they know that is how evil persists. And it is incremental, so people have to have some sort of logical foresight. That is increasingly null in this society. People only see 3 seconds into the future before they are distracted by something else.

so true anything TPTB want to introduce to society is by the drip by drip method.

I for one do not believe it's normal, not will I shut up about this push to pretend this is normal.
This leftist movement...has been causing cancer in this day and age.
It's shameful.... And it's not just identity politics

I do think this needs to get out of the political left or right zone as well. It gets lost in the debate of who started it instead of how doe WE all left right deal with it. Good to remember in today's political atmosphere!

Then help me move this post, upvote, show it to your mom, shit, do It has 6 views already, and I think it is too provocative for most people to share. They probably know its right, but are more concerned with rubbing people "the wrong way".

Upvoted and resteemed
(I was just waiting on that 30min mark)

Im only 3 days old here. Is there something about the 30 minute mark that I should know?

Yeah it has to do with curation rewards... Lil much to explain in this comment, but I'm fairly certain the formula is discussed in the faq

Im on it. Thanks

Typical right-wing reactionary blaming the left rather than taking responsibility for your depraved women that live through their daughters.

Great post. I saw this the day it hit the internet...And I was shocked...And kind of not.....It makes sense this stuff is airing itself now....Normalizing pedocriminality is the agenda. Along with adding a P to the end of the LBGT because apparently babies and children can give consent. The same little beings that would stick their fingers in electrical sockets if given the chance, and the same beings who would eat dog turd if they didn't have supervision of loving parents. Upvoted, Resteemed and Followed. We have a lot of the same interests :) My focus atm is vaccines as they are currently trying to make it mandatory here in Australia...And in lots of other parts of the world actually.... <3

what the hell is wrong with the mother, she is ruining her child just because she wants to meet ellen

It's partly about promoting tolerance of "pedophilia," which is a term that we need to get rid of as a society. It's not about love, but about adults consuming childhood innocence.

As someone who knows many pedophiles, no, it is about love to real pedophiles. Everything, including the desire of sex, is about love.
What you're thinking of is sadists and generic rapists. They get off on hurting children, and they have been found to be the vast majority of child-molesters.

"As someone who knows many pedophiles"...sorry the rest of us dont have that issue

The funny thing is they're much more logical, friendly, rational, etc, than I've found you to be. They certainly wouldn't flag people just because they disagree with them either.
But you would.
I'm sure you know many pedophiles and probably think of how great it is to see a guy/girl who's good with kids, not realizing they're also pedophiles. After-all 2-5% of the population are pedos.

I'm not sorry that we don't either.

Oh I practically forgot about replying. No it's not about love at all. And I see from your description you are a "child liberationist" - in other words, a "pedophile" yourself, which explains why you know so many. It's a self-serving delusion to believe it's love in any way. But people who embrace that idea never know what truly loving children means, or even what real love is.

Child liberationalist simply means I want to give children proper rights and have their opinions respected as well as have them have some say in their lives. Some voice.
Currently kids have no more power than a house-pet or an animal, which is simply not okay. If their parent is bad, and they have other family or someone they're close to, they should be able to choose to live with them. Kids are not property, sorry, they're people too. They have thoughts, feelings, desires, and needs, and if their parent is a bad parent they should be able to change who is their caregiver.

The funny thing is fag-haters said the same thing about gay people. Sorry but pedos love just as well, arguably better, than most people in society. They typically know love better than anyone as they're not only starved of it and only get it in bursts if at all, but they also have the addition of parental love all bundled together.
Sorry you have to justify your sick behaviors and mistreatment by telling yourself they don't love.

Child liberationalist simply means I want to give children proper rights and have their opinions respected as well as have them have some say in their lives. Some voice.

Currently kids have no more power than a house-pet or an animal, which is simply not okay. If their parent is bad, and they have other family or someone they're close to, they should be able to choose to live with them. Kids are not property, sorry, they're people too. They have thoughts, feelings, desires, and needs, and if their parent is a bad parent they should be able to change who is their caregiver.

So I read your introduction. I came from an abusive family, and I have seen basically two types of adults who come from one. Those who realize they were taught some very twisted ideas which they have to work to get rid of and change, and those who don't realize that or maybe reject the need to change how they see things and change themselves.

I can't do anything to stop you from saying things like this and believing them. That's up to you, and your choice. But they are twisted ideas that don't reflect reality.

Everything you say about children's rights here, for example, is just not the way things really are. Many children do go to relatives to live. It's all too common today. But for the most part, children are better off and safer with their parents even in less than ideal homes.

And you don't seem to see the love that other people have for children in general and their own children, or that they're not treated like animals or property, and they're not disempowered or voiceless. Maybe that's what happened in your family, but that's not the way many children are treated.

Children have the full measure of rights, but it would be wrong to let them exercise them before they're truly able to, and people who care about children do the best they can to try to decide when they're ready to. And children rightfully expect that of adults, to not put things on them that they're not ready for. Every right comes with a responsibility, and someone with responsibility should be able to handle it.

The funny thing is fag-haters said the same thing about gay people. Sorry but pedos love just as well, arguably better, than most people in society. They typically know love better than anyone as they're not only starved of it and only get it in bursts if at all, but they also have the addition of parental love all bundled together.

Sorry you have to justify your sick behaviors and mistreatment by telling yourself they don't love.

As I said, it's not true love. How do you define love, by the way?


This is a fantastic post. A very difficult topic to write about and so necessary! @canadian-coconut would be very interested as well and many others. Resteeming for sure. Also excited to follow you. Your writing approach is very digestable, which helps immensely spreading this kind of awareness. Write on! Also, I showed my daughter who's 8yr this picture and asked her what she thought, she said " I don't like it. Not because he's a boy, he just looks like a creepy doll that came alive and stole his soul!" Just thought it was an interesting statement on her part from a younger viewpoint.

What is happening to the children of today? Hope my children will not be a part of this!

Parents are the ones forcing kids into this sick shit.
Unless you push them into it or surround them in people who do, they won't. Especially if you bash makeup a bit and encourage them to be all natural :)

Yes, parents and surroundings are the most powerful influence. Will try to push them in the right direction.

They won't because you see it for what it is. You are the teacher the example, the molder of their young lives. Once they reach a certain they will come into their own.

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