Daily Deep Thoughts #1 - Human Psychology

in #psychology6 years ago (edited)
First of all thank you for reading my post. This will be an experiment I will probably run for a weeks or so.

The goal or purpose for this new series of entry is to simply start a meaningful and deep conversation with my reader/curators.

Human Psychology

I think after I graduated from University and started working back home I started to take interest in human psychology. Just so you know I am a Computer Science Graduate from USNW Sydney and I live in Indonesia.

After looking job for a while I ended up working at a company that is owned by the father of one of my friends. He entrusted me with one of his small branches on East Java. There I went and started working there.

They gave me a position as a manager which at that time I never had any experience with. Before this job I only ever had a sales job and that wasn't very good. When I say wasn't very, I wasn't very good at that job.

Then before I went there and started working, I thought to myself. If I have to manage all these people I better start reading about how to become a good manager!

After that I read a book about managing people by Warren Buffet. Honestly? I don't remember the title but that is one of my books that Warren Buffet wrote that is not about investing.

And by the way! This the an actual picture that I took close to my office there. This is the exact road I went through once a week to meet a client. Goddamn that place looks gorgeous!

So back to my work now! Don't get distracted now. There I was working, managing a small team on my own. And then I started to get more intrigue with human psychology.

  • Why do these people do what they do?
  • Why some of them cannot be trusted with the simplest of task?
  • Why after working for more the a couple of year they still have this bad mentality?

  • Now when I say bad mentality I really meant it. One of them (kind of) steal from the warehouse. I still can't comprehend it until this day. Not to brag but I worked really hard there. I manage to double sales target and even increase yearly bonus so much that I doubled their salary in 1 year! Imagine that!!

    How ungrateful is that? I don't hold grudges but let's get real man. Branch is going great, boss is happy, sales is double, overall salary is double. Think about it! Work for 5 years and you got paid 10! And somebody stole from the warehouse!

    Final thought

    After that working experience and as I always say common sense is not common I decided to dig further into human psychology.

    I took a free online course on iTunesU about human psychology. But the best source I can recommend from my experience is a book called "Road Less Traveled". That is by far one of the best book I've read so far.

    So if you could share your thoughts bellow I would be grateful. Maybe experience you had with friends, co-worker and families? Or do you share the same interest in human psychology just like me? Do you have an actual degree on Psychology? Maybe you are a psychiatrist (I could pick on your brain little bit)?

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    @devytan why did you stop writting about psychology and crypto?

    those were interesting topics.

    cheers, Piotr

    I have other things I should focus on so decided not to do it since it will take time to come up with an interesting article.

    make sense

    thx for reply. and have a great weekend @devytan

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