Those who use reason and do not mystify s**t which is in it.

in #psychology8 years ago (edited)

Because they do not agree that the world is nice, for they see the poop that we as a species create every day and it is disappearing to a place where it's far away from our eyes. The problem of course is in this: trash never disappears and so doesn't poop. All of it still exists even if it is processed and recycled a thousand times. In our history there was a man who already came up with an answer to this problem that goes by the name Immanuel Kant, even if it is strange hearing that for he was a great german philosopher. At some point the said that without using public reason, citizens slip very fast into a state in which it is exactly opposite of enlightenment, he called this state perpetual state of being a minor.

Public usage of reason does not mean that people exchange their opinions and support each other in doing that. That kind of thinking and using reason is private, it may even be showed or held in public or even television, but still that kind of using reason is private. In it people exchange opinions for which they have a right to and love to spread them around and look for the same minded. This of course makes them use up the public space and occupy it with their opinions. Where can we see that? Have you ever seen a political debate, or seen TV channel that sold some random item that advertised it as spiritually necessary to own?

A public use of reason is something else, it means thinking in its strictest meaning. Using reason is not something anyone can own, it cannot become private property thus it is for all to use, one can say it is above any idea of opinion or any attempt to force people to a unified thinking. Let us not be blinded that the government institutions, religious corporations and other companies try to use up the public space for their interests, while at it, convincing people to work for the common good, reason and universal. There is no need to listen to the talk of a few professions, thus we must insist we make the government and other institutions, political parties and organisations stop unjustifiably using up the public space for the sole purpose of their interest.

So how would we define what exactly is public reason.

It is a way of thinking that is not subjugated to any advanced or predetermined cause in which is even more use of public use of reason. When a man publicly uses reason, he cannot by definition have any personal interests. Reason is used for it can be used and because it is right to do so. Public use of reason is bound to ethical imperative.
What does that even mean? Think, because you need to think. Public use of reason does not acknowledge any authority therefore it means that it is anarchist in its core meaning of the word. Reason has but one authority, itself. There must not and cannot be any higher authority over it.

People of course come into contact with one another on a daily basis, we enter in mutual relations, we have no other choice (we are social beings). We live in a capitalistic system thus these real mutual relations is utmost and foremost essential to the capitalism for it means that it is strongly supported by the ideology of egocentrism, selfishness, private ownership, aggression, success and competition.

A author called Mark Fisher in his book Capitalist Realism has much to say about this.

The public use or reason is anarchist, free, autonomous and independent. Thinking inevitably leads us to a paradox which is: a man is only free if he/she of its own will obeys reason and uses it publicly for all to hear. In this modern times it is free and anarchist thinking very important, for capitalism assaults assaults with no time to rest this and wants to privatize it.

We can say that using reason - mind, is also radical and embedded into our roots as human beings, thus cannot be stopped by anyone. A man who uses it is afraid of no one therefore he stops for no one to be liked. He does not mind to be criticized or be afraid of what people will think of him, which is only logical for a man that thinks what people will think of him is not free nor independent, but is instead a spiritual cripple. Do we really need or even want to follow someone like that? I think not. No reason for it. Spiritual cripples cannot freely use reason, for they are dependent on other people's opinions, precisely why they need to stick together, because they have - share the safety of the group and power they hold. It is right in this place that the people can be shown in a light of s**t. They do not use public reason instead only offering their opinions supported by interest to be together, but they also need someone to outcast. Any ideas who is it going to be this time? Ever heard of refugees, gays, lesbians, jews, etc.? (long list, in one time frame or another)

Thus they promptly exclude them instead of taking responsibility and think, they rather talk about how they only bring violence and chaos - everything associated with the systems problems. This is why they represent the logic of usefulness and value so they plead to the experts who allegedly know everything, in the mean time ignoring the suffering of many, while just trying to be normal like everyone else who relies upon those same experts. The irony.

But a man - human (don't want to exclude any woman) that can use reason, it is not possible to give him any advice or even possibly try to command him. For the humans would learn already in childhood how to use reason, no one would ever take the representatives of opinions and their interests seriously. There for eliminating any need for a government such as we all know in each country or even religion.

It is exactly us the intellectuals that really work hard. For we do not take them seriously. Logic is turned on its head in these times. I does not even come to mind to solve the problems that would define other people. The public use of reason also means just that, se reject conservatism and its problems which come up every day. That kind of confrontation is meaningless and helpless, for they want to define new problems with old and outdated reasoning, meaning that they want already proven solutions for them.

The people don't realise that their way of thinking is a part of the problem. The problems which are new all ready gives us the solutions. We must redefine ourselves and progress in order to solve problems. Let us not be bound any further by the chains is opinions.

I imagine (didn't read everything yet) Freud would say that it is difficult to accept our symptoms for we are doing this already subconsciously - almost reflex like, thus so much harder to use the public reason.

But i AM free.


This is a very good read. I agree, there's the logical, right minded approach, dealing with what is, and being truthful about it, regardless of public opinion. Or there is the group think, hive mind approach. I like how you tie the true approach to the anarchist ideals. As you put it - "Reason has but one authority - itself."

Thank you @naquoya, it means a lot to me that anyone actually read it. I put some hard work into this post.

Yes, and I am glad I took the time to read it. I have ReSteemed this.

This is interesting and I hope people take time to actually read it. I think that people fail to understand what true freedom is, or if they do they are terrified of it. As of late logic and reason are my current passions and I enjoyed reading your thoughts.

Thank you very much @bmwrider
It is nice to see people think about such difficult things. It is an honor.

That's a great post and subject @darkminded !! up voted totally !!

Thank you very much. I'm glad you liked it.
And greetings to a fellow thinker. :)

Well thats very nice of you to say !! You are most welcome @darkminded ! ; - )

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Hi @darkminded153, I just stopped back to let you know that your post was one of my favourite reads today and is included in my Steemit Ramble. You can read what I said about your post here.

Hi @shadowspub, I'm glad you liked my post so much, and i thank you even more for promoting it. I put some hard work into making it.
It is an honor to greet a fellow thinker.

I've followed you so I'll be watching for other posts :)

Great post. Keep it active :)

Good article man

Thank you. It's an honor for even more people reading it.

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