NOCEBO effect.

in #psychology6 years ago

In a previous topic I talked about the PLACEBO Effect giving an explanation of what it is and as they are the effects in our body, to refresh the memory a bit is defined; as a psychological mechanism being able in humans to feel a relief or improvement of a disease, symptoms, pain in a disorder that can suffer the individual when taking a PLACEBO (harmless pills) that does not really have any component that would allow us solve the problem that the person suffers.

Now with a brief introduction of what the PLACEBO Effect is, let us now talk about the NOCEBO Effect, as every action has its reaction, the NOCEBO is the negative part of the PLACEBO the evil brother of this medication system, we go with its definition.


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NOCEBO effect

Now with a brief introduction of what the PLACEBO Effect is, let us now talk about the NOCEBO Effect, as every action has its reaction, the NOCEBO is the negative part of the PLACEBO the evil brother of this medication system, we go with its definition.

The NOCEBO effect is based on suffering adverse events as a result of negative expectations believing that a remedy, therapy or medication will not work, may even be disadvantageous with respect to the health of the individual.

Fear of treatment without success may complicate the symptoms of the pathology and the side effects of the therapy.

The expectations of the individuals (patients) when taking these medicines take a fundamental role in the results, creating the appearance of the *PLACEBO Effect or the NOCEBO Effect.

It is simply a negative effect of a treatment, a harmful side effect because we do not believe that we are going to be cured, our fears become reality.

¿It can kill us the NOCEBO Effect?

Some studies confirm that it can be almost deadly, it is incredible the power of the mind a study of a patient who tried to commit suicide with placebo pills, considering the deadly drug in high doses ingesting more than 20 pills, causing a drastic reduction of tension . They analyzed the pills and found that they did not have any components, giving this information to the patient and recovering quickly.


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The NOCEBO Effect in our daily life.

Already demonstrating that this effect is applied in medicine and in the field of research, as it affects our day to day, in personal terms it echoes the worst of our situations and unconsciously we end up acting negatively and controlling our fears.

We know that life is not easy, or the color of roses, we will have everything at the moment we want or we believe that happiness will knock on the door without us doing anything, we base ourselves on many wrong foundations and sabotage ourselves in an abrupt way, always putting ourselves a worse way.


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The NOCEBO does not exist in real drugs, but even so it can have unpleasant and harmful consequences at the physiological, emotional and cognitive levels. Bearing in mind that like the placebo effect they depend on unconscious learning of the medical acts and the credibility that they are given.

In short, the brain and science have given us the discoveries that today we give faith to them and elements that we did not think were possible.

There are materials that challenge the laws of physics and concepts that have not been explained and how these processes work, leaving much to discover how the processes of the PLACEBO and NOCEBO Effect, how they work in our lives.

If, on many occasions, we know that the power of the mind can do everything, then why do not we put it into practice?


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Very interesting post about the difference between placebo and nocebo effects. In psychology research, the participants are administered placebo in order to investigate the effect of a 'real' medicine. But I did not hear about Nocebo effect. I believe that this effect is present in our lives, I mean, when we think negatively. It's a great lesson to learn that when you believe in yourself, your abilities, you will be successful, but when you think negatively, it affects your productivity.

the nocebo effect is the malignant brother of the placebo effect, this two effects, the definition of our brain and our decisions are a fundamental part of our lives, if you think about how you achieved everything, if you think pessimistic you live in failure

These 2, placebo and nocebo effect are a great example of the big influence our mind has when it comes to literally changing our reality.

if brother, our reality is controlled by the mind, only that sometimes we use it for meaningless acts and leave aside the important part of our lives.

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