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RE: ---- What we think we need for a revolution VS what we actually need for a revolution ----

Firstly I would like to say that I actually like the article, it is very well written. It also a discussion that I wish was more people could have in civilized manner. I do agree that people usually have a canned response to most major issues.

I understand you chose the US as an example but if you single it out or “chose” as you stated, than you possibly see how one could perceive as a statement specifically against. I admit I’m not the best speaker or writer, it just seemed incongruous to claim it’s not about singling out a certain place, then singling out one specific place. Why not single out several places that still support your point?

About the US as an example. I’d like to flush out some points.
-I do not wish to have a debate on firearms, I agree it’s a terrible mess. Yes they have access to the most firearms.

-What do you consider a “tyrannous government”? It’s hard for me to find examples or make points if I’m not sure what are the specifics your using. Is it possible you could agree that “tyrannous government” is a broad and general statement?

-knee jerk reaction. Agreed. Sometimes i think most debates are just a card game. You play “blank” and I play the “blank”.

-technically no they don’t, so I agree.

-I’m sorry, I’m not sure what your staying here. The demographic of firearm holder? Or tyrannical governments?

There’s a reason i did not take issue with you calling out the “educated”. I agree with the point. What I don’t understand is how you have no examples. Let me explain. If your just using examples to outline behaviors, there’s nothing wrong with that. But I hope you can see that by not having an example to support the behaviors of the educated, you have a stark contrast. The only specific example to support the “behaviors which are being discussed” is the US. It sort of creates an unbalanced section. Which one could perceive as specific bias toward US. I’m not inclining that have any, my point was just how it looks. If per say there were other examples of “tyrannous governments” and examples of “educated” peoples not using their tools, that section of the article would be much more rounded.

I am also confused as to how my education level and location would be relevant. I know that sounds ridiculous Let me try to explain. We have had several discussions on deep subjects. When I read this article your education level and location was not even considered. Partly because i don’t really look at those things, also because your one of the least bias people I have come across. I find it truly amazing when one can be so clearly objective when approaching any topic. I’m a weird way I avoid specifics. I try to not be a specific so that I may see many angles. Maybe it’s silly idk. If your location and level had been a point in the article I might have stated mine. Not that the article needs it, nor were you required to in any way. Not sure if that makes since at all.

Let me be more specific on the mr.freeze issue. I yes there are plenty of cases where the study of those humans who have done a terrible thing prevented more. But it is my opinion that the complete knowledge of why people do terrible and evil things will never truly stop those things from happening. Hence it’s ‘almost worthless. In fact I believe nothing will bring the world back from the path it’s on. More guns will not make us safe. Taking all the guns will not make us safe. Education, nope. Cameras and absolutely zero privacy, nope. It’s as you often state, related to the “hooman” condition. On a side note, I now use that pronunciation in hopes it will become a standard. It’s great if any othose examples you listed used understanding to help people. I just feel ultimately it’s not going to improve the overall state of humanity.

Of course this where we have a different view. I Don believe we have the power within us. I think if Hoomans actually had the power within ourselves to fix the terrible problems we face daily it would already have been done. Thousands of years of Hoomans on earth trying to solve conflicts weighs heavily on the contrary. Yes humanity has made improvements, this last century has advanced technology at lightspeed. Nevertheless this last century has been one of bloodiest times in human history.

I’m sure this article is full of errors as I am typing out on my phone, hard to keep track of where I am at.

Thanks for the response and your valuable insights. I do hope soon that the “hooman” condition is healed.



Im going to break the article down to a point by point of what i was getting at for clarity.

  • MEME states we THINK we need guns and riots for revolution but we NEED is books and reading. additionally some think we need both.
  • I give example of "humans have guns" im many countries AND fighting a tyrannous Gov is literally part of why humans have them in the USA, but no revolution.
  • I give examples of "humans have books/reading" world wide, humans are "educated" AND know governments are tyrannous, but no revolution.
  • I highlight the need to understand the enemy (the Govs), so strategic planning can be considered and give Mr. Freeze example.
  • I present Our Greatest Weapon is the "mind unleashed", implying that guns and books are worthless without intent of the person behind them. The EVIDENCE of this is that we HAVE BOTH guns and books available to us, as per examples given, and STILL no revolution.

Now, the way you have decided to frame what is written means you have taken issue with my reference to the USA in the few times they appear in my article. The reason i asked about BOTH your country of origin AND education is to establish PERSPECTIVE as you only took issue with my reference to the USA, a semantic of a governing factor might i add, and not with my statements about "the educated".

I really think you should take another look at the article because i DO exemplify areas of issue with "the educated", history written by the victors, book knowledge is not practical knowledge, the delusion a degree means they have the upper hand in every situation.

Again you are missing the point of the Mr Freeze section, lets change the example to fire and firefighters. A firefighter who does not learn how fire burns, how it reacts to various chemicals and materials, in various conditions, etc. will be at a considerable disadvantage comparatively to those firefighters who DO know these things. In fact it may be the difference between life and death NOT ONLY for the firefighter but anyone else being impacted by the fire. KNOWING THE ENEMY (the fire) is a crucial element to attaining victory (for the fire fighters) with much less effort. Does that mean there will never be another fire ever again ? no, but it means that firefighters KNOW what needs to be done and the best way to do it to achieve their goal. So you can continue to think its "worthless" but there are numerous examples which prove otherwise.

The power is absolutely within us.... there is no question about it. Here is an exercise for you. take a gun and a book put them together in a room and tell them to start a revolution, then let me know when they themselves have achieved that. I will go out on a limb here and say it wont happen, lol. it takes the hooman to take up these tools and USE them for ANYTHING to happen, the tools will not act alone, THEREFORE, we DO have the power within us, but we CHOOSE not to act even though we have the tools.

Which brings me back to the actual POINT of the article, which is, Our Greatest Weapon is the mind, without it unleashed from its conditioning we could have ANY tools on the face of the earth at our disposal and it will still be irrelevant to the outcome as we will not use the tools as intended.

PS: Im also still waiting on that other country which fits the aforementioned criteria to better my examples...

was hunting for understanding ;)

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