Writing To Figure Myself Out: Bipolar Thoughts

in #psychology7 years ago

Writing has always helped me work through my emotional issues, relationship stuff, etc. I wrote about my Struggles with Social Anxiety a while ago and it helped clarify some things and I got some helpful suggestions as well.

I've been feeling really out of sorts lately (really not feeling like... me) and I finally thought that maybe doing some writing would help me find some sort of realizations as to what is up with me.

On top of my other… issues… I am bipolar. I have bipolar? I don’t know how to say it and it really doesn’t matter to me either way. I don’t generally care much about semantics.

At any rate, being diagnosed as bipolar is probably the least worrisome thing that I’ve had to come to terms with as far as my mental health (not that it's a minor thing, by any means!). If nothing else, it made me feel MORE sane than I had before, because it meant that all of the feelings, the crazy stupid shit I did had some sort of reasoning behind it, rather than just some unknown reason that I just felt crazy and out of control for so long during my teen and young adult years (Of course I still don't know how much of my personality/acting out/issues are directly tied to the sexual abuse in my childhood, either).

After I had the understanding of what was going on in at least some small way, for at least a decade or so, the swings were easy to identify. My depression looked and acted the way that I had come to understand and recognize. I developed coping mechanisms and sometimes used medication to take the edge off so that I could function or deal with the things that were exacerbating the depression. The manic phases meant that my house got clean and I didn’t sleep as much. I had boundless energy and could create things seemingly out of thin air and life felt grand. Of course there were the irrational impulses, horrible choices that I made during those times because I was feeling invincible... those were pretty times.

I eventually began to recognize not only the phases as they happened, but I learned that the higher the manic phase went, then the lower the drop was going to be when the pendulum swung in the other way.

It’s been years since my manic phases looked that way. I’m not even sure my depression looks the same anymore.

Now it’s more like manic phases are demonstrated by a short temper, rabid irritability and anxiety that makes me feel like I’m going to crawl out of my skin and punch someone in the throat. I definitely don’t sleep as well, so that’s the same, but instead of just feeling like I don’t need the sleep, I just can’t Get the sleep I need. My moods cycle through raging irritability and leave me wracked with guilt for being so angry or annoyed. I find that I miss the 'high energy' manic phases, because now I just hide away from people for fear of biting everyone's heads off because of my moods.

Depression, I think, has become even more difficult to recognize. Instead of feeling devastated, wanting to cry and feeling just hopeless… it seems to slide into my mental self as almost an apathetic feeling. I still get to the point of feeling the recognizable depressive state that I remember, but it’s such a slow slide. I just lose interest in things that I used to love. Instead of jumping off of an emotional cliff into the sudden throes of depression, I just kind of… wade into it without realizing it.

I realized sometime this past week (or so?) that I was definitely not feeling like myself. I am carrying around this black, pulsing weight of despair in my gut that is just sitting there. It isn’t obviously weighing me down, but it is just there, casting a pall over my thoughts, plans, feelings. It makes every slight seem either worse than it is, or causes me to just shut that person out completely. Of course my anxiety does the exact same thing, the result being that I speak with people even less than I did before. My husband’s long silences make me feel like he’s personally upset with me, even if that’s not the case.

I can recognize this in some ways, but at the same time, it was such a slow crawl to this realization this time that I feel incredibly apathetic about fixing it. I think that was probably my biggest clue that things were just not quite right. Usually (unless I’m in the throes of depression), I want to fix things. I want to talk about things, discuss it, find answers, things to try. I want to read other people’s stories about how they fixed things or found ways to cope…

But this time I just find myself backing into my own brain.

I know this isn’t a healthy way to deal, but I’m also sick and tired of beating myself up for being ‘broken’ or an emotional basket case. I need to find a balance somehow. I need to figure out what I need!

I want to write more about what is going on with me. I used to write almost daily in a journal and sharing things that were bothering me or just thoughts that were bouncing around in my head almost always made me feel more clear. I am hoping that writing through some of my thoughts will help.

Something else I’ve done in the past was to go through self help-style workbooks and use the questions or exercises to write out what I thought/was dealing with/was feeling. That gave me a place to start, rather than (like this post!) spending days or even weeks trying to put a finger on what I was feeling or even WHY I am feeling this way lately… etc.

So, I guess this ended up being a very long post to ask if anyone has any workbook style things that they could recommend for dealing with depression, relationship issues, childhood crap (that I still need to deal with in some ways) or just anything that helps you when you feel like things are getting out of hand or just feeling like it’s too much to deal with alone.

I know therapy can be a good thing, but I’ve just had way too many times of bad experiences and I can’t afford a good therapist at the moment, even if I could find one, so for the time being, it is just me and my laptop and lots of writing.

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Sharing your thoughts is very-very important and I feel exactly how you felt - I feel like my mental health has a problem and it actually is an issue, rather than me just making stuff up. A great post!

Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me. I hope that you find what works for you as well.

I have been lucky thus far not to have such problems, so I can't really give any advice except that you find ways to express yourself. Maybe find a new hobby that you can share with people, something that will keep you occupied and help you relax.

That is very much what writing does for me. I've been getting so much from doing the creative writing contests and challenges on steemit. This platform has been amazing for me.

Thank you for your support.

This post is sponsored by @appreciator in collaboration with #steemitbloggers. Keep up the good work

Thanks for sharing! Some kind of blackness has taken over me too. But yeah - writing helps to understand it better!

I'm sure that this was difficult and hard to share. I'm deeply moved by your expression and honesty and hope you find some helpful advice, as you have asked for. My sister is also bipolar so I understand a lot of what you have described and I myself suffer from anxiety and depression so yes it can be difficult at times. Writing has also helped me. All the best and I hope you find some relief.

Thank you. I'm sure that writing will help me again, I just need to get back in the groove of doing it! I think from the comments that other people find it useful or helpful in some ways, too, so thank you for your comment and support. I hope to write more on the subject as I find things that help!

I came here today to try to write a post about how I feel myself, and then I found your post. Well, it shares surprisingly a lot of my thoughts, especially the parts about depression and ‘not-feeling-like-me’. I don’t know anything about bipolar and don’t know if that’s my issue, but your post relieved me a bit. Thank you.

Thank you for the comment. I feel like I should really explore my thoughts and feelings more often, I suppose I should do it here from time to time so that people who need to hear it can have the chance to! I'm so glad that you are a little relieved by my writing.

Wow you are one great and brave woman @byn , this is something i don't Think I can do, to be able to deal and have the courage to share it to the world,, I know with your attitude your will, you will be able to surpass this stage.... maybe a blog from a great woman too @arbitrarykitten will be able to help you even in a simple way... because I've tried this one too try this stay positive ma'am 😘😘😊

Thank you :) I will go check her out again (I think I'm actually already following her, but I've been lax at keeping up!)

The way you describe anxiety and depression is almost exactly the same for me. I suppose I'm trying the old 'a problem shared is a problem halved' line but honestly I know it is just a case of pursuing the right strategies to cope, for you. I suppose my main strategy for leveling out and reducing the intensity the anxious backseat driver in my head, is to get out into the wild. Not a park or the seaside, I mean where there are no people. I find deep meditative moments in observing birds, animals and all things growing. If there are no people around the leveling effect is even stronger. If I had to pin it down, it feels like I can quiet the monkey brain and slip into instinctual mode out in nature. Walk, eat, water, silence and when observing wildlife it's almost like hunting focus but without the final predatory conclusion. I'm not sure if that helps, could be worth a try @byn. Your honesty in your writing is fantastic, sharing like this can be cathartic also. Good thoughts + hugs from Liverpool :-)

Thank you. I LOVE this saying "'a problem shared is a problem halved'" and I feel that way, too! You sound like my husband. He definitely recharges by being out in nature. When we lived on the boat for a while, I had a lot of alone time and a lot of out in nature (quite often I was the only person around in gorgeous surroundings)... and although it isn't a bad thing, it's definitely not the same type of recharging thing as it is for my husband.

Writing definitely helps, but I think I also struggle because I want to be around people... but at the same time, I'm an empath, so being around other people is also really draining, so I can't quite find my balance there yet.

Thank you so much for reading and for the suggestion! I wish it wasn't so bloody cold and rainy here right now, because I would go outside and put my feet in the grass just to connect with something earthy!

I wish I wasn’t so low on voting power. I would upvote this 150 percent if I could. (Okay, I know that’s not s thing.) I just really bow down to you for the bravery to share all this and put yourself out there. I think it will ultimately do a lot of good, not only for you but for others who experience what you experience. I hope it is healing and helpful for you!

Thank you. I don't feel very brave, just... in need to putting it out there to maybe get some understanding back and hopefully help someone else in the process!

I appreciate the encouragement, truly!

Mental Health is Wealth . This post deserves more attention, thank you for sharing your experience. Followed you as well.🚀

Comp 1.gif

Thank you! I feel like I've worked through a tremendous amount of things in my adult life, so hopefully sharing my process and my experience will help someone else!

Ayy thats the spirit for sure , It helped me :) I look forward to more great work from you.

Thank you for saying so. I'm glad it helped!

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