
Interesting post, left me with a lot To think about. FYI, In the third paragraph, under predictive programming, there is a period where there should be a question mark. Confused me for a second lol. Followed.

LOL! Thank you for the catch! Corrected.

So interesting. I am grown up in East Germany and as a student I often traveled by train around Berlin, direct next to the Berlin Wall. Always I had the feeling that the train was packed with thoughts of how to overcome this insane bulwark. Finally it came down in 1989.

The fall of the Berlin Wall, like 9/11, is one of those gigantic moments in history, full of meaning and emotional weight. I have no doubt that seeing that wall built up an enormous amount of energy and thoughts about its fall in the minds of the people on each side of it. It was a symbol, like the WTC. And like the towers, it came down.

Absolutely brilliant post - but I don't think it will earn much payout, and again I'm wondering why. (Are people blinded to this type of information to the extent that they actually can't see it?)

I've been pondering this stuff since I started researching 911 the day after it happened.

And I've sort of come to essentially the same conclusion.

Now I'm going to ask you these things because they bug me.

Do you think Edward Snowden is for real? (I think he's controlled opposition, like Julian Assange and Noam Chompsky)

Do you think if there is a global elite - Zionists/Freemasons/Illuminati/NWO or whatever we choose to call them, they have enough power and foresight to at least decide on dates of "events" based on their own symbolism? (I do to some extent)

And the big one - Do you think trying to expose conspiracies and false flag events makes the problem better or worse? (this one fucks my shit up)

Do you think Edward Snowden is for real? (I think he's controlled opposition, like Julian Assange and Noam Chompsky)

My default setting is to doubt them - I can't help that. But I really can't tell if something is a sign of a person's individual bias or that they are controlled by someone. Based on my personal feelings, intuition, I would say that Snowden is for real, Assange may have handlers and Chomsky is a tool:)

What is important in my mind is the fact that Snowden and Assange are hailed as heroes, but they didn't actually change the world for the better. Snowden's revelations have made surveillance normal, and Assange is like a tabloid editor, posting stuff that occupies minds and inflames passions. No positive changes, no steps in a better direction.

Do you think if there is a global elite - Zionists/Freemasons/Illuminati/NWO or whatever we choose to call them, they have enough power and foresight to at least decide on dates of "events" based on their own symbolism? (I do to some extent)

I do believe that symbolism, numerology and other occult considerations matter to some of these people, but most, if not all of them, are unconscious agents of the agenda. This is where I diverge from the common conspiracy view - I believe the ideas of these people are more powerful than the people themselves!

I think the dates of wars, financial collapses, assassinations and terror events tend to fall on "significant" dates, but that only re-affirms my view that it is because it makes sense vibrationally. Whether they actually consciously choose those dates because it will help them in their agenda, that's not a question I can answer.

And the big one - Do you think trying to expose conspiacies and false flag events makes the problem better or worse? (this one fucks my shit up)

This one fucks my shit up too! I think there is some limited value in knowing how the world works (false flags and power structures), but trying to expose them doesn't HELP anything. It just means that the person trying to fight against evil is engaged mentally in a vibration of evil.

You can't feel love, while trying to expose evil. You can't view the world in terms of the haves and have-nots, the powerful oppressors and the powerless victims, the 1% and the 99%...and at the same time be FULLY CREATIVE, COMPLETELY FREE or LOVINGLY PROSPEROUS. The vibrations are completely different.

The most similar vibration to that of the murderer is of the cop that is trying to catch him.

I guess I believe in understanding the world, the rules of the game, and then telling the world to go fuck itself while I try to exercise and practice as much freedom and creativity as I can, engaging with the world through a positive lens, in pursuit of my own joy.

1985 G.I. Joe: Another Good Example of 9/11 Predictive Programming

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