How networks create form across dimensions, with consciousness as an emergent property

in #psychedelic7 years ago (edited)

Technology nowadays certainly resemble magic, people communicating out of thin air was just a thought experiment decades ago. Our ancestors could see light years without telescopes and imprint their findings on stone, how were they able without technology? the answer consists in perceiving the networks of reality across dimensions, they had plenty of tech in various forms but i will focus on one type of technology, Fungi.

Mushroom tapestry in my House

Fungi are primal, the first, they have sex in many forms and spectrum, they can withstand the hardest conditions as NASA tested, on Spores of Bacillus pumilus SAFR-032 high resistance to techniques used to clean spacecraft like as ultraviolet radiation and peroxide treatment, and it also survived in the vacuum of space.

UV resistance

Yes, life originated on earth but also in other regions, we should not forget there's a fight for life and death every nanosecond we breathe, between bacteria, spores , viruses, etc. Life could have come from Saturn's moons europa, mars, anywhere, it doesn't matter, what's important is that on earth we had all the ingredients, the elements, they came here when earth was collapsing itself, gravity emerged as a property, and in dust formed, bombed by asteroids, nearby supernovas disseminating elements, merging neutron stars, earth had that luck among others conditions.

This fertile land, with no owner, was inseminated by a mysterious entity., one that could travel across space and time, one that could also change form, adapt, survive. It mechanism consists in creating an extension of itself, a sentient member like and arm growing from its core, in order to reach distant elements nearby so it can feed, getting valuable information of its environment, acquiring knowledge, storing, forming a database of elements consumed in time, memories, because it is of existencial value, critical, emergence occurs creating an underground network as a property.

it went underground,why underground? because outside life is hard man, radiation, mutation, you know the deal. It would form fruits instead, extensions fruiting from underground, it found a pattern and used it to travel across the planet, we call it seasons, and so fungi inherited the earth :)

it fed, grew, lived, died, endlessly, it is infinite see? after time another entity rised with another purpose, those fractal golden ratios beautiful Fibonacci energy nodes capturers, photosynthetic technology, transformers of ecosystems, Plantae.

They capture and transform chemical molecular energy CO2 from air and Light Energy from the Sun, they recycle dead matter, this creations transforms CO2 into O2 a breathable air for fungi, they will be life-giving allies like Mycorrhizaee as in Boletus Edulis/Pine mushrooms

Hifas do Fungo / raizes do pinheiro / Algae

or death enemies like Pleurotus Oyster mushrooms who feeds on dying trees.

Autogrow kit i made with dead wood.

Arthrobotrys oligospora is an anamorphic

(exclusively asexually reproducing) fungus that does not produce fruiting bodies (mushrooms). It produces a complex 3D three-dimensional adhesive network of sticky, ring-like snares that chemically bind to the surface of a nematode’s cuticle. Lectin (a protein that is highly specific for certain carbohydrates) on the surface of the net combines irreversibly with a specific sugar on the cuticle to form an unbreakable bond. No matter how much the worm struggles, it can’t break these bonds or escape. By far the most widespread and abundant of all nematode-trapping fungi, A. oligospora is found living in soil, animal feces, and even in freshwater and seawater, where it feeds on decaying vegetation. It only produces its sticky nets when nematodes appear, which the fungus can detect by the worms’ smell. The worms secrete a family of chemical pheromones called ascarosides, which they use to communicate with each other, control their numbers, and locate mates. This way, the fungi don’t needlessly waste the energy and resources needed to create their traps. A 2d spore with 3d abilities eating 3d animals Brutal!

Fungi and Plantae developed a love hate relationship and for a time it was good.

Animalia emerged

its power is movility, no minor feat. It is needed to master the Third 3D dimension in order to gather new unknown elements available to assimilate and feed, mixing; complexing; ordering; living; dying; recycling.

So Fungi created plants when new extra energy sources were available in the environment, like chemical air and light, eventually movility was needed, so fungi created animalia to move spores and seeds around more efficiently.

We are more close to Fungi than to Plantae, we breathe same air mix of O2 and other gases, we share defenses anti biotics mechanisms, as Fungi's child we have it's power, knowledge, the know-how, we share senses with network ability transporting information all across our form.

A power that goes beyond comprehension. A power that transcends dimension, from 0D to 1D to 2D, from 3D to 4D so on and so forth.

Then something happened which unleashed the power of our imagination, we learned to talk.

It was important, the young alienated animal wanted to express, they kept track of what was really important.

Beeman old painting in cave more than 9000 years ago, they saved mushrooms in honey granting a high psycoactive beverage often called hidromiel

Persefone & Demeter- Notice how the artist emphatyse the position of eye-hand contact, it's expressing .- This is important take it.-

Glossolalia, from thought to reality, consciousness as an emergent property of networks, we got freed from the fungi controlled matrix ironically thanks to them.

Alex Grey painting

Yamabushitake / Lions Mane mushroom / Hericium erinaceus is a medicinal no psycoactive edible mushroom, known for causing neurogenesis, its a nootropic, the creation of new neurons, resulting in permanent improvements to brain health, increasing exponential nerve growth factor, deleting old deprecated neural pathways creating new ones, helping deppression, anxiety, network information processing. Psilocybin Cubensis are powerfull nootropics too.

It's a technological entity, Fungi has the power to transcend dimensions, terraform worlds, nurture our minds, gave birth to our so valued consciousness, networks sinergy, control of will, gate keepers species generators.

We are bastard childs, we resent it, with bad attitude, we dont need nothing from no one, that we can make it alone. It's the whole ego thing, we lost humility, the mushrooms that helped in connecting, caring, loving, feeding and medicating the tribe were lost in space and time. Earth changed, we were afraid and alone, ego emerged as a construct in our minds, a necessity of having own offspring childs, territory, control, survive. An ego-civilization was borned.

With globalization, we found the mushrooms again, our multiuse technology entity, our precious, the mushroom is a friend, a good enhancing symbiote, an ally, someone you can tell your problems, it is therapeutic, it is the connection into hyperspace

it holds eons of information in its sentient networks, we should be thankfull to them, for the chance of being alive and embrace their legacy and power, they will terraform the next worlds for us, and provide with language, connecting species across dimensions.

Fungi can feed you, heal you, kill you, even take you into a spiritual journey.

let's connect it's the way of the Fungi !


Awesome writing. Glad I took the time to read it all. Mushrooms sure have given me some good experiences :)

hoping to see mushroom 🍄 art from you

Stay tuned :) I did a Mushroom Mandala once, I haven;t posted it on here yet

then do it man! mushrooms everyday !

good article mate! keep the mycelium growing :-) but i noticed u just got a few votes, and thats a shame .. u could look into minnowsupport from "peace abundance liberty" on discordapp . its a bot to help minnows like u and me to get some more exposure..

Thanks for resteem helps me a lot

Amazing post dear @psilocybit!!! Mushrooms are such mystical and magical beings and the wisdom they bear inside is endless!
Your post was so interesting to read!

The thing about the worm's smell is so cool! :)

And I really loved the title of the book" The wonderful flight to the mushroom planet" :D <3

So cool you appreciate mushrooms that much, too <3

Here's some mushroom art for you :) <3

Keep on writing about our funghus friends my dear :)
You do an amazing job! :)

Hugs to you :)

Some more mushroom art, if you want to see :)

This is my purse

My phone case

And a poster I painted :)

I love to take boring things and paint them trippy :D

thanks for coloring my writings with your art 🙏🏻 🍄 ♥

Thank you very much for appreciating :) <3

Thank you very much :)
Best compliment ever :D ;)

i re wrote my article, resteeem please share love!

Awesome, I definately will! :)

Very cool you re wrote this amazing post!

I'll upvote and resteem it! :)

Much love to you and the funghis :)

<3 :) Love you too mate :) Namasté

Fab, this is a fantastic article, and I agree with @pantov that you need more exposure :)

Learning from you know about the fungi world!


Just by having you in my life I'm already done my friend.

Wow! This is a very awesome post. Thank you.

I gave you some lovin! How 'bout you give me some too?

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