Jesus taught on the road to Emmaus: And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he explained to them what was said in all the Scriptures. Luke 24:27
The gospel of Luke relates that after the death and crucifixion of the Lord Jesus, the disciples were dejected and disoriented, and thus a prophecy was fulfilled: "Stike the shepherd, and the sheep will be scattered, and I will turn my hand against the little ones" Zechariah 13:7.
But the disciples were not yet filled with the holy spirit, and could not by the simple forces of the soul change such a difficult situation. The gospel of Luke explains that Jesus appeared to the disciples after his resurrection to give them the last instructions before the arrival of the spirit at Pentecost and the birth of the Church, although the disciples had great difficulty recognizing him.
And one of these encounters was when two disciples went on the road to Emmaus, a city near Jerusalem. Jesus approached his disciples who did not recognize him, and when Jesus asked them what was happening to them, they explained to him about the death of their teacher; the death of Jesus had become a scandal for the entire holy city. Furthermore, the disciples told him, many were worried because the body of their teacher had disappeared.
Upon hearing them, Jesus rebuked them for their lack of faith and understanding, and taught them the meaning of the scriptures about what had to be fulfilled.
With these words, the gospel of Luke relates the fact:
"He said to them, ´How foolish you are, and how slow to believe all that the prophets have spoken! Did not the Messiah have to suffer these things and then enter his glory?´ And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he explained to them what was said in all the Scriptures concerning himself". Luke 24:25-27.
The gospel ends the story saying that Jesus disappeared when the eyes of the soul were opened to the disciples, and thus they were strengthened in faith and were able to bear witness to their Lord.
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