6,000 Years Of Human History & God's 7,000 Year Plan

in #prophecy6 years ago (edited)

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Reasonable Discussion

If you thought The Man Who Thinks The Earth Is Only 6,000 Years Old was a crazy discussion topic then good. Here's another. I have always done my best to share my thoughts and ideas about many things with you. This topic is one that is the most interesting to me out of any other topic in the world and hopefully you will understand why after this post. First let me start by saying that the Bible nowhere states "This is God's 7000 year plan for the world". Also I am not saying that this plan is true. However there are many clues and symbols to look at that leans in that very direction. Let's begin shall we.

1- Chronology

From Adam To Abraham was roughly 2,000 years. From Abraham to Jesus was another roughly 2,000 years. From Jesus until now there is another 2,000 years and we are staring the 6,000 year mark right in the face. This would put us very close to 6,000 years being complete. Here is a much more detailed chronology.

Significance: Human history is very young.

2- Creation Week Symbolism

The 7th day of creation is considered the day of rest or what is commonly known as the Sabbath. In the Book of Revelation, The Millennium period describes a time when Jesus will rule for a 1,000 years. This will be 1,000 years of rest for the Earth and it will be the time where the Earth is restored to near Eden conditions. These two connections between the rest on the 7th day of creation and a millennial rest are symbolically related.

Significance: This will be the most peaceful time in human history.

3- Time In The Eyes Of God

God is outside of time and is not limited by it whatsoever. Psalms 90:4 essentially says this.  "For a thousand years in Your sight, Are like yesterday when it is past, And like a watch in the night." 2nd Peter 3:8 also states this here. Both verses allude to 1 day representing a larger period of time in God's eyes. Also it is not uncommon in the Bible for long periods of time to be referred to as what we know to be really short periods of time. However this is not the case with the creation days since the literal interpretation is about 7 24hr days. So it is a matter of context, translation, and interpretation.

Significance: It is highly likely that God is giving us a clue that he created creation week in order to mimic the millennia of human history.

4- Number Symbolism 

The number 6 represents mankind and rebellion (6,000 years of man's self rule). The number 7 represents perfection (The Millennium). The number 8 represents new beginnings. (New Heavens & New Earth). Could it be that God is trying to show us something here?

Significance: Numbers in the Bible are super symbolic and these numbers may point to God actually having a 7000 year plan for mankind.

Overall Significance: We are close to the end of Humanity's self rule and Jesus will return to Earth to physically to rule as King for 1,000 years right after the worst 7 years of human history takes place.

Wrap Up

Let me be very open and clear here. The world is in fact headed towards the darkest times in the history of the world. This is promised and it has been prophesied to come to past. This is not to scare you, this is to warn you. IF in fact the 7000 year plan holds it's own then my friends we are much closer to this inevitable darkness according to the chronology and scripture. IF the 7000 year plan is not true however, then it will only prolong the inevitable. To me all this stuff is fun to talk about and I would love to hear all the cases for and against what I said. Much love to everyone.

Do you believe in a God/higher power/universe/etc.?

Do you believe this Being can be known?

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I know you have put great effort to write this post but I don't think we are only 7 thousand years old. Now when we find the remains of out ancestors and that totally proves that we are not some thousand years old

yes i think earth is much older than 7,000 years way much older

Well there's much debate about whether those dating methods are reliable. To me if you want to know the date of anything you can't just rely on chemical tests in a lab.

Kinda reminds me of those "snake oil" salesmen back in the day "step right up, look over here folks! this elixir will heal you! Do not pay mind to the Dr's and scientist who doubt, they do not believe in the power of healing!" If we cannot rely on science with which is proven then what do we have in this world? What is fact?

@humanearl sir....I am a God believer... First of all, we must begin by asking the right question. I could easily assume that there is a God, and go from there, but I won't. Instead, I'm going to begin with this: why do we have something rather than nothing? It's a very famous question, one that has puzzled countless minds for centuries. Still, however, it remains. Why do we have something rather than nothing? There are four basic answers to this question that seem to encompass basically every known belief system.

  1. Door 1: Reality is an illusion-a belief held predominantly in many Eastern religious sects such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, etc.
  2. Door 2: Reality is self-created-a term known in science as "spontaneous generation" predominantly held by some evolutionists
  3. Door 3: Reality is eternal-a view many naturalists, and skeptics alike would agree with
  4. Door 4: Reality is the product of an eternal Creator-the view of Christians, Muslims, Jews, deists, etc.

So...Let's start with door number one: illusionary universe. This sort of asks the question, "do I really exist? Well, by nature, you must exist in order to doubt your own existence. It is summed up in the words of Rene Descartes when he said, "I think, therefore I am". So that door is out.
Next door: self-created universe. In order for this to occur, we would have to commit a logical fallacy. The premise in and of itself implies that the universe existed prior to its existence. Not really a tenable position for a logical thinker.

So now we're left at a crossroads. Something exists, you cannot have something from nothing, and in the end there has to be an eternal "something". Either eternal universe, or eternal God. So what do we do now? We simply ask ourselves, where does the evidence point? If you look at any scientific data, in fact all key scientific data to date, what does it point towards? Eternal universe, or eternal God? Anyone who closes the door on God (door 4) must automatically choose door 3 (eternal universe) but all evidence points away from eternal universe. Look at Einstein's theory of relativity, the fact of the expanding universe, the laws of thermodynamics, etc. They all point to a finite universe, and therefore an eternal God.

Smart topic for Discussion by @humaneral sir...
Wel done and perfect work sir...

Thanks so much for this. We know the universe is not eternal. I'll go even further. Where do the laws of nature come from. All they are are just codes for how thing work in our world. Surely it's reasonable to assume there must be someone who wrote the codes.

Also God said that he has made himself known through what we see in nature. We know it just didn't happen by chance.

@humanearl, Absolutely pretty interesting and can long discussion topic indeed post. I discussed about this with my close friends those days. Someone disagree and someone angry with me. Probably I most told about god's theory. We all are Buddhist. But I want to tell them that's not a religious topic. It's a scientific topic. But unfortunately both friends leave from me. It's my past history coz I don't like to upset any persons. But I know all every steemians really intelligent & in fact I think they understand better me. Yes, I believe God is real because how else could we be here. And dont you even dare say by science. Scientists believe that we all came from cells that evolved into organisms that then created oxygen and all these other qualities of the Earth. But, ask yourself this, don't think about your religion or belief just think for a second. If the Earth came from a cell, who created that cell? That cell cannot just make itself out of nothing, it had to come from somewhere. Someone had to create science for you to be able to study it. So, someone had to create that cell so it could grow and form into the Earth. Something can't come from nothing. Think about that saying for a moment. Something cannot come from nothing. This is common sense people so just because you don't want to believe it does not mean that it s not real, coz it is and how could it not be real. You have no exact proof that the earth evolves and you have no proof that it came from a cell. Hey everyone. I told you only my opinion and everyone have freedom to tell any comment. Thank you giving opportunity to tell my idea and experience. Stay Blessed.

You are spot on. God created it all. Why do we have something instead of nothing? Science can be really foolish in it's assumptions about life and the universe.

Thanks for sharing what's on your mind. Feel free to share your ideas anytime.

I'm totally down with that idea that we're nearing the end of this 6,000 period and about to enter this 7,000 year Sabbath. Really seems to fit the harmony of the Bible and how these "Sabbaths" are treated.

Along with this theme of 7's is the weekly cycle. Every nation on this planet, no matter how many times we've added weeks or months to the calendar...everyone observes a 7-day weekly cycle.

Good job friend!

It would be one thing if this concept was only seen through the lens of one verse but there are multiple verses and themes in scripture that alude to this. It's symbolically make sense. God loves using numbers to tell stories.

7000 years plan and we are at 6000 years margin! To me it's horrible news! But the world is moving into darkness, so the world needs people like you do, like you think!


Yes it's very close to 6,000 years being complete.

Last time I expressed my opinion about this. This topic can be discussed for a long time. Each side has its own facts and conjectures.
But I liked that you give arguments in favor of the theory of "7000 plan of the world." I was interested to read and see a different point of view. I think in order to come to the conclusion, we must look at the situation under the different viewing angles.
Symbolism is something that interests me.
I believe in the universe (the universal being). I think that in our world and our universe there are a lot of questions for which there are no answers. There are things that the human mind can not understand and to which science has no answers. Basically, everything is built on theories, because our capabilities are not enough.
The end is inevitable only for one reason - people. Wars and disagreements do not do any good for a human being. People are divided and do not want to live peacefully. (the wars were at all periods of human history) I am sure that there will always be evil and good people and therefore the confrontation will continue.
A good topic for discussion

Yes we will each debate from our worldviews. However things will get much worse I promise they will. I never make promises but I am promising this because God has said that it will get much worse. The God of the Bible does not lie. He is the ultimate standard of what is good and he is the ultimate standard of what is actually true.

Another wonderful and interesting discussion by @humanearl sir...
Actually this is my personal idea...I don't believe in god I think that God doesn't exist because it doesn't make any sense at all, think about the fact that you are a human which means you have a brain, the brain is you, it contains everything you know, it's who you are, god who doesn't have brain therefore doesn't have any personality, than i start to think about the fact that god communicated with us, humans but then he doesn't have brain, so how can something communicate with us without it, it just doesn't make any sense, that leads me to the fact that a human invented the story that god exists, so he could believe in something, so he could cover the lack of explanation to why the universe exists, well who is a human to create god, just the fact that a human invented god makes me think, than how can you know it's right out of all the options you could think of you choose god?, i don't know if that answer satisfied you i just wanted to get that stuff out of my mind, i don't have a problem with someone who believes in god, i just don't agree with him.

I think "sUccess is depend only secand letter "U"...

Thanks sir...

No problem @senu. Either God exists or he doesn't. I can't prove he does exist but you also can't prove he doesn't exist. So we have to look at evidence to support whether or not he exists. Now we know nothing can be made without a maker. The same goes for what we see in nature. It did not just come from nothing. Something cannot come from nothing. It's impossible. There must be a creator in order to make something.

You may not see the builder of a car but you know someone built it. So the question to you is why do we have something instead of nothing?

Our ionosphere and magneticphere have decreased by almost 20% since 2000 causing weather and earthquakes and volcanoes to increase a long with the magnetic pole flip that we are in now.
He said there would be stress of all nations with perplexity and signs in the heavens and on earth.
There would be wars and roomers of wars.There would be famine and mass disease and illness.Water would not be pot table and 1/3 of the ocean will die.
Look around you my brothers and sisters is this happening now? Is it maybe just starting?
Ask your self now ,could this really be true?
How much more proof do I need?
Yes we can help by loving and reaching out to those in need.
Thank you brother Earl for the great wake up call.
Be Blessed.

NOW is the time to be aware and alert of what's going on. At first when I cam across this 7000 year plan I thought it was bogus but when you really study it you find so much symbolism and what seems to be evidence to support this plan.

Hi there @humanearl, your blog is an eye openner to all, indeed everything is true it was all written in the bible at the book of revelation the last book of the bible

I am a born again christian, I did accept Him as my personal God and saviour.
God is known but sad to say only few believes in Him deep within their hearts. As what you said it is a warning to all mankind, be aware of what is happening around you. Be ready all the time for we are all at the end times.
God blessed everyone!!!Shalom!!!

Hi there @humanearl, your blog is an eye openner to all, indeed everything is true it was all written in the bible at the book of revelation the last book of the bible

Seriously I have never seen anything like this. This is more than just an eye opener to me. I love the analogy, it is just on point and apt.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts☺️. Find time to read the bible in the new testament at the book of revelation, it was so terrifying about the end times.

@maan you are so right. We must be alert to what's happening in the world. Jesus told us what to look for prior to his return.

Indeed we should be ready all the time


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