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RE: The Bewildered Herd - Mass Shootings and Propaganda

in #propaganda7 years ago

What you propose is, by no means, outlandish. Anyone who thinks that any atrocity is beyond the scope of the U.S. Government needs to reevaluate the situation.

My personal view is that the media and government are simply the two arms of the banksters. This is the one two punch they use. The media controls the mind while the government controls the body. They use the propaganda machine to program people into obedience, into sheepish behavior. Of course, if the people start to show any initiation on their own, that is stamped out either through laws (you cant do that) or via force.

I am continually astonished at the people I meet who do not even question what is being programmed into them. Of course, they are ideologues who want to blame the democrats or republicans for all the problems. Depending upon which side of the aisle on is on determines whether MSNBC is the fair news organization and FOXNews satan or vice versa.

The trouble with discounting all conspiracies is that there is an element of truth in most of them. And as we see, over time, some of those conspiracies are proven correct.

I never put anything past some of the elements of the elite class. They all have an agenda. For many, it is just making more money. However, there are a number who have much sinister intentions. And they will use whatever methods necessary.

Great article...thanks sharing these views. It gets one thinking.


Thanks for your great comments and insight, I think the mind and body analogy is a great point.

I'm also shocked that people just accept what they're being told without question. Perhaps, they choose not to think because it's easier to just pick side A or side B and have your prefabricated opinions fed to you through the screen.

I feel that if our governments/leaders/elite wage wars in foreign lands to gain control of natural resources with little regard for life, why should we expect them to value life at home? I think it's part of the illusion as well, because they do not value life but the ideals that we've been indoctrinated with our whole lives prevents many of us from seeing the ugly truth.

I tend to look at things a bit more simplistic.

All wars are banker's wars.

The US has a $1T defense budget. Wars in Afghan and Iraq keep going.

Many accused the Bush administration of invading Iraq for the oil...if they did that I could live with it since we would have $1.25 gas. Instead, they left the oil, and turned to "peacemaking" which seems to be scaled down war with nation building..both which cost a ton of money which the bankers love.

I agree it is easier to wage the wars on foreign lands, less clean up. They just throw out in the name of Terror and it seems to appease the populous. Of course, now with the terrorist accusation thrown out at every uprising, they basically can do what they want on American soil and the people will believe it since FoxNew and MSNBC say so.

The head is the sand is much easier as long as one is given more credit to buy stuff to feel better about oneself.

'The media controls the mind while the government controls the body'. I like it - very well put.

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