
in #proofofbrain7 years ago (edited)


Suffering a creativity lull right now? Lacking inspiration during a market boom? Well that's a bit of a shitter is isn't it!

Worry not though, because in the future if your mind is drawing blanks, just buy someone else's...

So its like...

“Honey, we're having dinner with the couple next door tonight.“

“Who? Not number 26? I've got nothing in common with that guy. He's always on about Blockchain, and decentralization, and how he saw it coming 20 years ago“.

“Don't worry love, I've just downloaded Brock Pierce's memories for you.“

“What? So i can talk about how cool The Mighty Ducks were back in the day?“



Scientists are now confident that in as little as 15 years we will be able to communicate telepathically, delete memories, and install the memories of others on to our own 'Brain-chip'.


This is bonkers!

I need an memory expansion just to process what effect this will have on the lives of the future people.


What/Who's memories would you buy and what thoughts and words would we have and say?

I wonder what it was like to step on the moon?

Do you remember when I....... well yes I do actually, in fact I am remembering it right now.

Are you thinking what I know you're thinking!?!?

Soon Abraham, soon.

Home alone again this evening... I wonder if Hugh Hefner's marbles are on discount still?


And some more...

I'm I still going to get paid for proof-of-brain produced content sent telepathically to the blockchain?

Is it still 'original content' if someone else thunk it first?

@cheetah has tough times ahead?!

Other working titles for this brain-fart blog included:

Who's brain is it anyway?

Do androids STILL dream of electric sheep?




Image sources 1,2,5,6


Nice post @abh12345. I hope it will become reality soon. upvoted fully through steemfollower.

Hmmmm. This post though. Took me a lot of patience to understand some of your points. Anyways beautiful post. I like the part where it reads "no man has a good enough memory to be a Successful liar".

So there's this guy screwing a device on his head in a post relating to a news article that discussed buying someone else's memories.

And then a memory from Blockchain Brock's younger days..

And then a stupid elephant joke.

And then a potentially suitable set of memories/marbles for the guy home alone with 'time' on his hands:

Home alone again this evening... I wonder if Hugh Hefner's marbles are on discount still?

And then a couple more badly written questions wondering if you are plagiarizing if you use someone else's memory as your content.

As clear as mud! :)

Thanks for explaining again 😊😊

Hey nice birth date Brock!

I could use some boost of my brain to understand what I just read :)


Follow this comment and a text message earlier today asking if I was on drugs, I now see this article for what it is - A failed attempt at mixing humor and lightheartedness with a news article I read a couple of days ago.

I will now resort back to the production of data analysis and bar charts so not to confuse readers and make myself look like a wack job.

Thanks for the confirmation!


It is hard to read but no worries, everybody need to express himself ;) It is sometimes hard to do it through words but never stop trying ;) I choose modelmaking as my medium :)

Right on :)

Thanks for trying! I have edited it and in the comments to the first reply there are some clues? But you know what you got to explain the 'joke'....yeah :)

now that's a kind of post I haven't seen from you before! I'm .... flashed?! No tables, no graphs, no glowing scatter plot? ;-)

Yep! Not a chart in sight today!

Bet you didn't think that was coming.... or did you?

that caught me off guard!

Just keeping you on your toes :)

As you know, some of the other work can take hours and hours. Less than 2 for this one!

...and I can imagine you had great fun putting this together! :)

The future past?

sh*t, women are simply a step ahead in this game...
If those AI/brainchip scientists are aware how many happy relationships they will sacrifice by deploying this technology?


Women don't need the brain-chip - or maybe they already have one installed?

Good idea thanks for upvote

So cool nice view.

Hahahaha never seen this kind of post before. Are you sure someone else didn't think this and you installed their memory and wrote this? Haha. Nice banter for Cheetah there.

It's one of those days, huh? I do get them sometimes. Don't know what to write and just write anything that comes to mind.

A good way of decluttering your brain. :)

Yes I guess it was one of those days. 'Well it makes sense to me!' haha

I've since edited the post a little to try and help, but hey, it's one day old who cares now!

Hahaha. Well, I cared. I just re-read it and I think I better understood it now, if that's possible. XD

I do appreciate the effort in doing that!

Room 101 for this one I think though!

Thanks Doc! XD

You are fit and well 👨🏽‍🚀

Couldn't see the doctor so you have a astronaut instead😁

Sounds quite Black Mirror and Limitless-ish :)

This is great because I found that series and film very interesting! I'm going to take this as a big compliment and now consider this post a success! :D

Yep, book it under success :D
Have you seen the new season yet? 2 of the 3 episodes I've watched have to do with brain chips. And this one with accessing memories... Maybe you can write a future episode!! :)

I have not seen the new series but may take a look soon, thanks for the heads up.

I think it's best to let the community digest the first episode first?!

Maybe. Then they can brace themselves for every episode eventually happening in real life ;)

Well as long their are no zombies I could be ok with that - some of the episodes of black mirror were a bit dark!

That is pretty whacked bro (-: Don't know if I want a hardwired brain, i still enjoy the naturalness of forgetting things... maybe my wife doesn't, but yet I think she thinks it's charming in a way to have a goof for a husband.

Is anyone thoughts really original or is just a rephrased though that they heard from someone else?


Most have to come in from the senses I guess? So from the enviroment and others around them.

Then they are processed and output. So I would say there is some truth in what you are saying. With a brain-chip though, these thoughts skip the sensory/processing parts I guess, so they are pretty much someone else's!

I'm sure that soon we will face a technological singularity that will completely turn our minds around. Already, they are testing chips that are implanted directly into the human brain ... Thus scientists have been able to strengthen the memory of a person. This is only the beginning of an era of great change.
The fact that soon we will only communicate by the power of thought is a horror fact that will be confirmed with the passage of time
have a nice day

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