Di Kedai Kopi ini, Kamu Bisa Bayar Kopi dengan SBD | At this Coffee Shop, You Can Pay Coffee with SBD [BILINGUAL]
Ada yang berubah di kedai kopi Aceh, sesuai perkembangan teknologi, kini kedai kopi di Aceh bukan hanya tersedia jaringan wifi, tapi juga melayani transaksi mata uang virtual.
Di sudut kota kecil di Aceh Utara bahagian barat, tepatnya di Krueng Geukuh, ada sebuah kedai kopi yang cukup familiar bagi anak muda, M Kupie, nama kedai kopinya, kedai kopi yang menyediakan kopi Arabika Gayo ini, kamu tidak perlu bingung tidak punya uang uang kontan di dompet atau saku celanamu. Kamu bisa membuka wallet di Steemitmu, lihat SBDmu, minum kopi, lalu cara bayarnya dengan cara mentransfer ke akun steemit pemiliknya langsung@abunagaya dan bisa juga ke akun steemit kasirnya@juned. Gampang kan..
Menurut @abunagaya, tujuan membuat layanan ini adalah untuk memudahkan, memberi layanan lebih kepada stemian, selain itu juga mengenalkan mata uang virtual dan juga bentuk promosi steemit tentunya. Karena, setiap hari--kedai kopi ini dikunjungi lebiah dari 25 steemian yang tergabung dalam beberapa komunitas steemit di Aceh Utara dan Kota Lhokseumawe.
Oya, layanan transaksi pembayaran dengan Steem Backed Dollar (SBD) kemarin, Selasa, 11 Oktober 2017, baru saja di launching. Menurut owner M Kupie@abunagaya yang juga steemian aceh, harganya, 1 cangkir kopi espresso 1 SBD, 1 cangkir sanger espresso juga1 SBD, sementara 1cup kacang gonseng seharga 0,5 SBD, kuenya 0,2 SBD per potong.Nah tunggu apalagi? Segera kunjungi M Kupie sekarang juga.
At this Coffee Shop, You Can Pay Coffee with SBD
Something has changed in Aceh's coffee shop, according to technological developments, now the coffee shop in Aceh is not only available wifi network, but also serves the transaction of vitality currency.
In the corner of a small town in North Aceh in the west, precisely in Krueng Geukuh, there is a coffee shop that is quite familiar to young people, M Kupie, the name of the coffee shop, the coffee shop that supplies this Gayo Arabica coffee, you need not be confused with no money cash in your wallet or pocket. You can open the wallet in your Steemit, view your SBD, drink coffee, then pay by transferring to the owner's steemit account directly @abunagaya and also to the cashier @juned steemit account. It's easy..
According @abunagaya, the purpose of making this service is to facilitate, provide more services to the stemian, but also introduce virtual currency and also the form of steemit promotion of course. Because, everyday - this coffee shop visited more than 25 steemian joined in some steemit community in North Aceh and Lhokseumawe City.
So, the payment service transaction with Steem Backed Dollar (SBD) yesterday, Tuesday, October 11, 2017, just in launching. According to owner M Kupie @ abunagaya which is also steemian aceh, the price, 1 cup espresso coffee 1 SBD, 1 cup espresso sanger also SBD, while 1cup peanut roasted for 0.5 SBD, the cake 0.2 SBD per piece. Please visit M Kupie right now.
Thanks for sharing @zulfadliekawom
Ur wlcm@abunagaya
Thank you for Using #promo-steem tag
Thank you for the information @zulfadliekawom
You are welcome@isbrai
Mantap that, kiban taneuk bayeu ngen SBD, mantong laeh that hamba nyoe... Khusus untuk @abunagaya dan @zulfadliekawom alias syakawie👍
Hehehe.sineuk SBD sagay pak@yusrizalhasbi