Steem Summit Weekly Status Update #2

in #promo-steem7 years ago

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Hello Steemians! Whew. Time flies so fast. Only four more weeks to go 'til the most-awaited Steem Summit 2018! As mentioned in the First Weekly Status Update, all of the things that the organizers have initiated so far are part of the pre-summit activities. The pre-summit activities were designed to:

  1. lay the groundwork for the Steem Summit to the Steemit Community;
  2. establish the identity of the Steem Summit;
  3. gather support, of any kind, from Steemians;
  4. uphold accountability, transparency and correspondence through the organizers; and
  5. involve the whole steemph.cebu community in the event.

Also mentioned in the first weekly update, this post series aims to let all of you to get caught up with all things summit-related. Don’t forget to hit the upvote and resteem buttons to show your support! The organizers are still extremely grateful for the support that they have been given. In line with the aims of the pre-summit activities, consider this update a call for Cebuano Steemians to share your passions and talents to the whole Steemit community. You still have a chance to join in these competitions:

Call for Submissions

Steem Summit's Call for Art Submissions. The deadline for the submissions had been extended up to April 6. The announcement of the deadline extension can be read here. The mechanics for submitting a work of art, along with the rewards and the contest specifics were highlighted in this post.

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Steem Summit's Call for Photography Submissions. The mechanics for submitting a photo entry, along with the rewards and the contest specifics were highlighted in this post.

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Steem Summit's Singing Competition. The Steem Summit's Program Facilitator and Administrative Coordinator, @honeyletsgo, will be resuming her post this week after her Board Examinations. Announcements pertaining to this competition will be posted within this week, please stay tuned everyone. The mechanics for submitting a song entry, along with the rewards and the contest specifics were highlighted in this post.


Good News

Steem Summit As A Promo-steem Initiative. The Summit will be featured in The London Cryptocurrency Show! As mentioned in the highlighted post, the first London Cryptocurrency Show is a gathering of crypto enthusiasts and investors. It will showcase Steemit to attract potential investors to invest in the platform. A big thanks to @starkerz of #promo-steem who reached out to the organizers through @jassennessaj for this.

ASpace Cebu is all set for the Steem Summit. As mentioned in the first Financial Update, @kryptonia sponsored to shoulder the venue costs. Thank you @kryptonia! The organizers have already paid ASpace Cebu in full, therefore, the place is ours on the 22nd of April you guys!

What to Expect this Week

Call for Poetry and Beatbox Submissions.

All those interested to perform in the summit with their spoken word and beatbox numbers are encouraged to look out for the posts on the details of these contests. An announcement had been made in the first update about the beatbox competition, but sadly, the organizers weren't able to post this because of a conflict in schedule. To those who were waiting for this, keep your eyes peeled on this page this week!

Announcement of Updates for the Singing Competition.

All of those who submitted their entries for the singing category will be updated this week. As mentioned previously, the program coordinator will be resuming her post this week. Steemian songbirds, keep an eye out for updates anytime this week.

Announcement of Winners for the Photography Competition.

All of those who submitted their entries for the photography competition will be thrilled to know who the winners are this week. The winners and the runners-up will be receiving SBD prizes. The winners also get to showcase their work in the exhibit.

The organizers hope that you’re all as excited for these as they are! May the talented share their passions and the shy turtles come out of their shells.

See you in the next post and more importantly, see you in the summit!


This update was written by @thegaillery.

Event Organizers:

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