Continue to be a value-adding content provider wherever you post. In time, more of your community will realize where the real party is happening!
I'm watching this happen right before my eyes.
get a Steemit t-shirt! :) Great conversation starter. I got mine on Amazon. No better way to start the conversation than by someone asking "What's Steemit?"
I have some shirts I made up and am making 100 more right now.
about the wait times for their account to be approved.
I have been funding people's account with enough Steem to get started so they don't have to wait. Youcan do this through
I have felt very blessed to have had the #teamaustralia community there to guide me through my first month of Steemit use.
They have helped me a lot with @openmic and inspired me to start #teammexico
Help people understand the value of leaving their earnings in Steemit and creating more influence on the site.
I built my account from the ground up and teach people how to do the same. It's fun to see people's accounts grow.
You seem to have a good idea of how to approach people about Steemit and I can vouch that all these tips work. I use them myself.
Great post @benleemusic. Glad I'm following you.
Thank you! And thank you for your additional input.