
You can organise something even among your friends and colleagues in the university. Like I mentioned, the fastest and best way to achieve adoption for Steem if for us to start massive campaigns in our own local community.

100% upvoted and resteemed, and nice showing that one now fampus post by @xpency that @thejohalfiles boosted to the top of trtending that same day when he helped me @tj4real @ortigas100 @mcsamm and xpency all with $1000-$2000 quadtratic reward upvotes and it was LIFE changing! That Xpency post "Success #2 showing steem to 200 people in Nigeria" i recognized its pictures used here in your post and it reminds me of good memories!

@xpency and I and @mcsamm @tj4real all ned to make a serious talk one of these dys casually tallking about our last year on steem and how weve all progressed from 0 to where we are now. I would love to get a documentary made by @chronixx and @richforever on this topic and @richforever @anaman @kwakumax even newer steemians like @steemgh and @kofpato all need to be in this documentary to showcase all the acomplishments Steem Ghana has done, and match them up with Steem nigeria successes and we will have a HUGE Supply of West AFrican Steem SUccess stories t showcase the world of cryptocurrency investorsd who may be looking for project sthat can make them money AND help developing economies! LOT of money to be made in Africa Together with Africans! We arent colonizing Africa we are helping Afriucans to upgrade AFrica and they help Steem with their Numbers their Developers their labor pool and the fac that Africans use steempower as their primary form of savings account instead of local fiat banks, so imagine 1 millin africans each saving up just $1000 each in steempower... thats $1 BILLION dollars worth of steempower that africans will invest into steem in the fuyture even as steem is far above $4 (because to hgave 1 billion dollar marketcap for a 269 million token cryptocurrency requires almost $4 steem to have 1 billion doillar marketcap :)

so if africans on steem got just 1 million of their countrymen and women to join steem and we had 1 million africans on steem, and every one of them applied for grants all around teh world and worked hard to just save up $1000 worth of bitcoin to buy and power up in Steempower, that would be $1 million times $1000 and that definitley equals $1 billion dollars worth now just imagine 10 million africans doing this, that means that africa could add 10 BILLION to the steem blockchain , that would push steem to over $37 dollars per steem and i forsee Africans choosing steem over their local currencies and investment instruments as decentralized digital crypto is going to allow them to use their savings no matter where they go, no more having to find black market traders just to vcash out local fiat currencies to us dollars like in Zimbabwe ! I know Nigeria and Ghana dont have THAt problem but still all fiat currencies even in USA all go down thanks to inflation so we will see peopel in Africa choosing crypto and not just any ut steem because steem is more than a bank but its like a JOB that lkets you EARN more money!

so anyway VIDEOS man we need more videos on dtube dlive facebook instagram and especially youtube (upload teh same video to all thsoe platforms) and we need videos explaining WHY africa can bring steem to the top 10 just because africans can use steem as their primary edonomic tool instead of fiat and iut willa ctually strengthen their fiuat currencies, not totaly replace tyhem over night so lcal governments wont ban them, theyll LOVE th3em its injecting LIQUID CASH into african economies for example when peopel want to BUY local ghanian cedis or Nigerian naijas with crypto trhats a GOD send for the local african fiat currencies, that peopeo are WANTING iot and DEMANDING them for crypto!

most peopel on steem worry about cashing out their crypto like steem or bitcoin into local fiat paper money they can buy food with.... but the magic trick is that whoever is giving worthless paper fiat for valuable scarce crypto is really teh winner... that crypto works all around teh world and in developed countersiu can also buy food etc bu also in Ghana and Nigeria more an dmroe stores accept the bitcoin too! so we will see peopel accepting bitcoin instead of fiat and steem and sbd id just a few cliocks aeway from bitcoiu tyhanks to @blocktrades

so yeah anyway man VCERY exciting @yensesa is also very exciting to see Ghanian s having a functioning exchange using mobile money and it should get working in Nigeria one day soon :D its a whoel new world man

steem will create hundreds of millions of jobs throughout Africa in teh next 10 years! $400 steem is very realistic in 2 years

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