Promo-steem, Ideas and Inspiration.
The arrival of Oracle-D to Aceh, Indonesia some time ago is not just was a ceremonial, why do I assume that? Despite the arrival of Chief Executive Officer @ Oracle-d Matthew Starkey (@starkerz) and Chief Executive Technology @ ORACLE-D, Dylan Leighton (@anarcotech) initially only wanted to attend the 2018 South East Asia Summit Blockchain which took place at the Jakarta Convention Center (JCC) , Sunday, November 4, 2018. However, the wishes of the two initiators of the promo-steem to be present at several universities in Indonesia at the same time suggest that blockchain technology is now one of 4.0 technologies in the digital industry era, which has inspired us of all.
Kedatangan Oracle-D ke Aceh, Indonesia beberapa waktu yang lalu bukan hanya sekedar ceremonial semata, mengapa saya berasumsi demikian? Meskipun kedatangan Chief Executive Officer @oracle-d Matthew Starkey (@starkerz) dan Chief Executive Technology @oracle-d, Dylan Leighton (@anarcotech) pada awalnya hanya ingin menghadiri South East Asia Summit Blockchain 2018 yang berlangsung di Jakarta Convention Center (JCC), Minggu 4 November 2018. Namun keinginan dua inisiator promo-steem ini untuk terlebih dulu hadir di beberapa universitas di Indonesia sekaligus mengemukakan tekhnologi blockchain yang kini memang menjadi salah satu tekhnologi 4.0 di era industri digital telah menjadi semangat yang menginspirasi kita semua.
So far the promo-steem blockchain had not a significant influence on various opportunities that have been carried out in Indonesia, especially in Aceh which has the largest number of Steem blockchain community in Indonesia. The lack achievement of the overall promo-steem blockchain could be caused by a variety of factors, one of which has not mastered the blockchain technology maximally by some of us and also has not involved investors being one of the less influential causes of every event or seminars that have previously been held.
Selama ini promo-steem blockchain belum memiliki pengaruh yang terlalu signifikan di berbagai kesempatan yang pernah dilakukan di Indonesia, Aceh khususnya yang memiliki jumlah komunitas steem blockchain terbesar di Indonesia. Belum tercapainya tujuan promo-steem blockchain dengan menyeluruh bisa diakibatkan oleh berbagai faktor, salah satunya belum dikuasainya tekhnologi blockchain secara maksimal oleh sebahagian dari kita dan juga belum terlibatnya investor menjadi salah satu penyebab kurang berpengaruhnya setiap event maupun seminar-seminar yang sebelumnya pernah dilaksanakan.
This is the first challenge where we should be able to maximize the implementation of promo-steem blockchain in the future. Oracle-d has opened up opportunities for the realization of various sustainable visions for the development of blockchain technology in Indonesia, the presence of two world blockchain experts is a breath of development the ideas and inspiration for the next generation of Steem blockchain to contribute significantly for the development of blockchain technology in Indonesia, such as through the education way.
Ini adalah tantangan awal dimana seharusnya kita bisa lebih maksimal dalam mewujudkan implementasi promo-steem blockchain dimasa yang akan datang. Oracle-d telah membuka peluang terwujudnya berbagai visi yang berkelanjutan untuk perkembangan teknologi blockchain di Indonesia, kehadiran dua pakar blockchain dunia tersebut menjadi angin segar pengembangan ide maupun inspirasi bagi generasi steem blockchain untuk terus berpartisipasi memberi pengaruh yang signifikan untuk berkembangnya tekhnologi blockchain di Indonesia, salah satunya melalui dunia pendidikan.
The world of education is something that is inseparable from current technological civilizations, including blockchain technology. The wheel of technology continues to revolve over civilization, event it for our education world. You could not stop it, but you will continue to be carried away by technology and make it a part of your current civilization. The world of education is a place where technology is most easily accepted, because after all technological competition will refer to the extent of education applied in your country at this time, of course Indonesia, which now holds the status of a developed country, does not want to miss the existing technological civilization.
Dunia pendidikan adalah hal yang tidak terlepas dari peradaban tekhnologi saat ini, tidak terkecuali tekhnologi blockchain. Roda tekhnologi terus berputar menggilas peradaban, bahkan juga menyasar dunia pendidikan kita. Anda tidak bisa menghentikan itu, melainkan anda akan terus terbawa arus tekhnologi dan menjadikannya sebagai bahagian dari peradaban anda saat ini. Dunia pendidikan adalah tempat dimana tekhnologi paling mudah diterima, karena bagaimanapun persaingan tekhnologi akan mengacu pada sejauh mana pendidikan yang diterapkan di negara anda saat ini, tentu saja Indonesia yang kini menyandang status sebagai negara maju, tidak ingin ketinggalan dari peradaban tekhnologi yang ada.
Malikussaleh University is the First one to Be Ready Welcoming Blockchain Technology in Indonesia |Universitas Malikussaleh Menjadi yang Pertama Siap Untuk Menyambut Tekhnologi Blockchain di Indonesia.
Picture Credit : @mariska.lubis
The arrival of Chief Executive Officer @oracle-d Matthew Starkey (@starkerz) and Chief Executive Technology ORACLE-D, Dylan Leighton (@anarcotech) to Aceh coincided with the appointment of the Sixth National Economic Seminar at the Faculty of Business Economics, University of Malikussaleh in Cut Meutia Hall, Bukit Indah Campus on Saturday (10/20) became a milestone to introduce blockchain technology to various circles, a very interesting momentum, besides being able to be directly introduced in a formal forum, the material was also delivered by experts who had thorough knowledge in their fields.
Kedatangan Chief Executive Officer @oracle-d Matthew Starkey (@starkerz) dan Chief Executive Technology @oracle-d, Dylan Leighton (@anarcotech) ke Aceh bertepatan dengan di agendakannya Seminar Nasional Ekonomi VI di Fakultas Ekonomi Bisnis Universitas Malikussaleh di Aula Cut Meutia, Kampus Bukit Indah Sabtu (20/10) lalu menjadi batu loncatan memperkenalkan tekhnologi blockchain keberbagai kalangan, momentum yang sangat menarik, selain bisa langsung diperkenalkan dalam forum formal, materi juga disampaikan oleh para expert yang telah memiliki pengetahuan menyeluruh dibidangnya.
Of course, thie seminar has a very significant influence on the sustainability of blockchain technology in a sustainable manner, the forum which was attended by more than 220 participants presenting various circles and professions, there are students, entrepreneurs, business people, teaching staff, lecturers, even deans of the University's Business Economics Faculty. participated in the exposure to the blockchain technology presented on this occasion.
Tentu saja seminar ini memiliki pengaruh yang sangat signifikan bagi keberlangsungan tekhnologi blockchain secara berkelanjutan, wadah yang dihadiri lebih dari 220 peserta itu menghadirkan berbagai kalangan dan profesi, ada mahasiswa, wirausahawan, pelaku bisnis, tenaga pengajar, dosen, bahkan dekan Fakultas Ekonomi Bisnis Universitas Tersebut turut mengikuti paparan tekhnologi blockchain yang disampaikan dalam sebuah kesempatan tersebut.
Exposure the blockchain technology delivered by Chief Executive Officer @ Oracle-d Matthew Starkey (@starkerz) and Chief Executive Technology ORACLE-D, Dylan Leighton (@anarcotech) in the material at the seminar produced satisfying results. The interest of the Dean of the University's Faculty of Business Economics with blockchain technology received a tremendous response, he even requested that it be implemented together with the realization of a digital business study program at the University to welcome the progress of technology that is currently developing.
Paparan tekhnologi blockchain yang disampaikan oleh Chief Executive Officer @oracle-d Matthew Starkey (@starkerz) dan Chief Executive Technology @oracle-d, Dylan Leighton (@anarcotech) dalam materi di seminar tersebut membuahkan hasil yang memuaskan. Ketertarikan Dekan Fakultas Ekonomi Bisnis Universitas tersebut dengan tekhnologi blockchain mendapatkan sambutan yang luar biasa, bahkan beliau meminta agar dapat di implementasikan bersamaan dengan diwujudkannya program studi bisnis digital di Universitas tersebut untuk menyambut kemajuan tekhnologi yang sedang berkembang saat ini.
This was stated by Mr. @wahyuddinalbra as Dean of the faculty of business economics at Malikussaleh University on an occasion at one of the local media in Aceh. The seriously, even the digital business study program has a blueprint and it was ready to be implemented in 2019 later at Malikussaleh University.
Hal tersebut diutarakan oleh Bapak @wahyuddinalbra selaku Dekan fakultas ekonomi bisnis Universitas Malikussaleh dalam sebuah kesempatan di salah satu media lokal di Aceh. Bukan main-main, bahkan prodi bisnis digital tersebut telah ada cetak biru dan siap di implementasikan pada tahun 2019 nantinya di Universitas Malikussaleh.
Moreover, the Sixth Business Economy Seminar at the University also presented Chief Executive Officer @oracle-d Matthew Starkey (@starkerz) and Chief Executive Technology @oracle-d, Dylan Leighton (@anarcotech) who agreed to help if the study program materialized, two of Blockchain technology experts are even willing to prepare learning material requirements for the University, which is proud of the city of Steem blockchain in Aceh.
Apalagi Seminar Ekonomi Bisnis ke VI di Universitas tersebut ikut menghadirkan Chief Executive Officer @oracle-d Matthew Starkey (@starkerz) dan Chief Executive Technology @oracle-d, Dylan Leighton (@anarcotech) yang memang sepakat membantu bila nantinya prodi tersebut terwujud, Dua pakar tekhnologi blockchain tersebut bahkan bersedia mempersiapkan kebutuhan materi pembelajaran bagi Universitas kebanggaan kota steem blockchain di Aceh tersebut.
This is a manifestation of sustainable promo-steem blockchain with global ideas and inspiration for the continuation of blockchain technology in the province of Aceh in the future. As one of the people who is now involved in blockchain technology, of course we should support every positive progress for the world of education in our beloved province, Aceh-Indonesia.
Ini adalah wujud dari promo-steem yang berkelanjutan dengan ide maupun inspirasi global bagi keberlangsungan tekhnologi blockchain di provinsi Aceh dimasa yang akan datang. Sebagai salah satu masyarakat yang kini terlibat dalam tekhnologi blockchain, tentunya kita patut mendukung setiap progress yang positif bagi dunia pendidikan di provinsi kita tercinta, Aceh-Indonesia.
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Promo-steem, Ideas and Inspiration