Welcome @oselinkz and Growing the Nigerian Steem Community
I spend a lot of time on Twitter talking about Steem, Arsenal, Politics and a lot of other topics. Every now and then people come into my inbox to enquire about Steem and one of those times led to me onboarding @oselinkz to Steem platform. He's gone on to make an introductory post here, please drop by his page and say hello to him. He's a Nigerian Realtor, Arsenal fan and family man living in Lagos, Nigeria.
He actually noticed me through my posts on @arsenal4life account about Arsenal and took interest in Steem. He's already jumped straight into it and is getting a hang of the platform.
Growing Nigerian Community
I was having a conversation with @josediccus recently and we shared our similar feelings about the lack of activity from members of the Nigerian Steem community. We concluded that this is largely due to the drop in the value of steem and while I don't think it's right, it is what it is.
With that said, there are some Nigerian steemians I'd like to mention that are active on this here platform, please show them some love;
@mattsanthonyit and his wife @ayopeju
Steem Promotion Activity
Promoting Steem is a collective effort and people like @stephenkendal @theycallmedan @ocd @clixmoney @jaynie and a host of others are constantly spreading the word about the platform. If you're on Twitter, please come join the party. All you have to do is include or follow either of #steem, #posh #steemit, and #steempeak tags to meet other Steemians there and keep the conversation flowing.
You can click this link to follow the #Steem tag on Twitter https://twitter.com/search?q=%23STEEM&src=typeahead_click&f=live and interact with many Steemians using the tag for promoting their post and tweets.
The idea is to interact with people without looking conspicuous. Talk about general stuff and make them know that you're not some creep trying to force cryptocurrency down their throat. I also advise sharing Steem posts that are about general topics and then subtly remind people how much the post earned.
Automatically Share Steemit Posts on Twitter
@horpey gave a step by step way in which you can start sharing your posts here to twitter automatically. You can read all about it here. Great job man.
Had mine setup quick and easy
Every post you resteem also gets posted on your Twitter. Please check it out
Join the "I ❤ Steem" hosted by @stephenkendal by including the phrase "I ❤ Steem" to your Twitter name
Promote your Steem content on Twitter using #posh and #steem or #steempeak tag. Sponsored by @ocdb @ocd
Use the tag #promo-steem on your steem articles and posts that have to do with promoting steem on other platforms. Sponsored by @theycallmedan
- In the past week, my interaction with Steem content on Twitter has created over 2,000 impressions

My Strategy is to;
- Interact with tweets related to steem and cryptocurrency as a whole
- Interact with people promoting their Steem content on Twitter
Here are Tweets to interact with;
You can also find me on;
Link to Tweet:
Thanks brother for the mention. I was thinking of coming up with a blog on this issue soon. Stay tune 💯🆕
Posted using Partiko Android
You're welcome bro.