in #promo-steem7 years ago (edited)

Steemit Meet-up Ibadan was a seminar and workshop put together by the Steemit community in Ibadan headed by @tojukaka with the support of the STACH team. The seminar records attendance of 200+ Steemian from all across the country as far as Kaduna, Enugu, Uyo, Delta, Lagos, Ife and even attracted Steemians from the state's capital, Oyo, from the lautech Steemit community, ogbomosho. Superb would be an understatement and it is one of it's kind in the history of meet-ups to which I was privileged to be part of this wonderful setup.




I arrived Ibadan from Ile-Ife with other reputable Steemians residing/schooling in Ife which are @illuminatus(such a down to earth fellow and lovable), @official-hord (really amazing personality with a savage, @mediahousent(He was the MC at the event and he's good at what he does), @willams-owb (a calm Steemian with whom I would love to sit with again). I tell you, nothing beats this departure team. That was the beginning of my own Meet-up.



Meet-ups are avenues of creating lasting relationships, long-term friendships, acquiring knowledge, getting motivated, and clearing confusion. Steemup Ibadan was no different. This event met more than prerequisites for a proper meet-up. I was and am still amazed at the organization and planning committee behind this formal gathering. I hope to organize and attend subsequent meet-ups like this.



Personally, I have gained so many things through this event. I gained friends, I gained business partners, I gained team workers, I gained trust, I gained motivation, I gained such love that my cheeks still blushes when i remember every moment spent in Ibadan. Though I am back in the comfort of my abode but I love more, the miles I go for Steemit's sake.



I was quite late for the red carpet interview when I arrived the venue (we'novation hub, Ibadan). I was privileged to meet the first speaker @samsticks on the mic and he talked about "BLOCKCHAIN AND CRYPTOCURRENCY". It was a topic which piqued my interest as it is a basic understanding into the world of Steem.


The next speaker was my favourite who happens to be @tojukaka. He opened our eyes to the world of Steemit and that day, I learnt from the end to the beginning. Such a beautiful confusion and realization..hahaha... Well, I got to learn about the brains behind the creation of Steemit which is an idea begotten by two innovative minds : Dan Larimar and Ned Scott @ned. If you didn't know this before now, I am glad to update your knowledge gallery as @tojukaka has done mine. He also emphasized further, the difference between Steemit and Steem. Steemit is a social media platform where you create value to get value in return while Steem is the Value. You would agree with me it was a beautiful presentation. Lest I forgot, @tojukaka gave out 10sbds as a gift to those who interacted well and asked questions. I was one of such lucky people.. Don't forget sir... Lol



A beautiful and intelligent lady in the person of @gee1 ascended the podium and delivered an equally beautiful presentation on "How to Earn as a Newbie". This is really a sensitive topic to every new and existing steemian. We have in one way or the other passed through this critical time and some of us are still not earning fine despite our beautiful articles. @gee1 says "Say no more as I am here to throw to you, a secret to making it on Steemit". One of such methods in staying relevant in the community and giving even in your own little way to help others. I remember you are owing me some SBDs too... Lol.. Thank you for being beautiful within and without...



Mounting the podium next is @ejemai of STACH. I have never seen someone more inspiring and humbler! He spoke about "STACH" and the journey to the now and future using his life and dreams as a stance. A lot of people got inspired including me. He left us all with the "I AM BORN FOR MORE, I CAN DO MORE" enthusiastic feeling. He has managed to get me thinking of what I could do to make impact on the blockxhain and the community at large. @ejemai through STACH has been the reason for so many Steemians success stories and would be reason for more, for mine. STACH has recently opened a hub in Uyo and has announced one to be opening soon in Ibadan till we take over the whole world through blockchain empowerment and chase away shamefully, corrupt leaders! What a grand aspiration! I wish to be part of this revolutionary movement. Thank you @ejemai for choosing to touch lives positively. Did I forget to say, he loves taking pictures and granted everyone who was willing, a picture audience including me....



Next in line for presentation was @thelovejunkie. She is one of the brains behind the @air-clinic project. I used to love to read her articles but I can say I love more to hear her speak and teach. She is smeared with love, carries love and reeks love. There is this calm demeanour that floats around her and you would know she's one who abhors toxic behaviours which was why she spoke on "STEEMIT ETIQUETTES". Thank you for enlightening us on what to do and what nots on Steemit. I hope my next meet-up with you will be to eat baby rice. What do you think I was insinuating when I meant she carries love? Hahahaah.. Now you know!



The next speaker is one who gives me such happiness by just his mere presence. He has given so much for the Nigerian community that I am sometimes scared he might give someday at his own detriment but then, there is no limit to giving and he is more than willing. He is our very own @gbenga. This down-to-earth, hard working, role model Steemian gave a presentation on "Steemit Abuse and Flagging". No one could have spoken more honestly on this issue of Steemit abuse and flagging than he did. It was another sensitive issue and a topical one at that as we all can relate one way or the other for either falling victim or the other way round. He stated appropriate authorities to contact when one encounters such issues. Thanks for delivering so beautifully and bluntly.



@ehiboss of Genesis Project was one speaker that enraptured the minds of the audience with his chosen speech methods. A good speaker is known as one with the ability to carry everyone along and eliminate the possibility of getting the audience bored. He spoke awesomely on "Protecting Passwords and Recovery". I love that he added some anecdotes and comedy to the talks. I also must admit that I am wowed by his real life personality. I had a contorted view of him prior this meet-up but I am convinced he is nothing compared to how I have judged his online traits. We all need to get closer to people before we pass accusatory remarks about them. Thanks for a beautiful presentation and showing your real good sides. You are truly worthy of being a leader such as you have being to Genesis Project. Keep being awesome.



The next speaker is none other than our own blockchain doctor, @nairadaddy. I have never seen a man bubbling with dreams and innovations as this personality. He is the brain behind the creation of @air-clinic which renders online medical consultations to Steemians. First of its kind if I may write, in fact, I have written. He is a doctor, motivator and to crown it all, a handsome speaker. He spoke on the topic "BUILDING IDEAS ON STEEMIT" using @air-clinic as a case study of such ideas. He encouraged us further to blockchainize our ideas and see how far it would lead us. I, on behalf of concerned persons, thank you for the beautiful testimonies @air-clinic has been creating in the community. You are amazing!



Speaking next on the topic "STEEMIT APPS" is a Nigerian curator who works selflessly to make sure curation is rightly diffused to quality contents creators in Nigeria in the person of @destinysaid. I always knew there was more to this very gentle man since I met him at S.I.N ile-ife. He is a man of dreams and works to make them reality. He has touched lives and he's still touching lives with his selfless ambitions to promote Steem to enable youths all over the country independent and self relied. He talked about utilising properly Steemit apps, for our day to day activities and earning more. He further mentioned that there are over 100 Steem related applications ready for use and we can find them on Thank you for delivering beautifully.



There was a question and answer session after this speakers had spoken where all questions were attended to by Steemit professionals as panels. Finally, @fisteganos whose face was radiating smiles which in turn brightened the event, dropped the closing remarks before which menu menu had gone round and kept everyone satiated.


I won't fail to recognise how organized the MC @sushie and Co-Mc @mediahousent of the day had been. They managed to keep the audience calm and entertained. I loved @sushie's lovely British accent and also @mediahousent indigenous incentives. What a combination of fun and talent! Can we keep having you two anchor meet-ups for long? Yes please.


The meet-up wouldn't have made sense without the wonderful Steemians in attendance. We might not be the speaker or the organizer but we were the spice! Without attendance, there wouldn't be a record of a meet-up. I am glad I did a good job of mingling well with everyone. I can't start mentioning or remembering everybody but the least I could do is mention some who made my meet-up memorable. Every name mentioned is truly important to me and those I forget to mention has places in my heart.
@jeaniepearl @olawalium @phait @honourmaus @harbysco @olanrewaju @illuminatus @adore-eu @dr-igwe @bob-elr @michael-cj @nma-love @phunke @ewuoso @official-hord @gloglo @ajoke16 @mimy~vanilla @lizbeth @japfive @kesolink @mizajoke @mercy @sparklez @mapaymusic @george @william-owb @imbigdee @gbenga @destinysaid @tojukaka @samsticks @fisteganos @ejemai @geeone @ehiboss @nairadaddy @thelovejunkie @mediahousent @sushie and @everyone I did not mention. I even carried, in the event, Steemian


With you all, is a moment I can never forget in Ibadan through STEEMIT made....

Please feel free to entertain yourselves with some pictures from the event. Don't really mind that it was taken unprofessionally....















You sure had so much fun darling. The pictures speak for itself. Mingling and interacting with great minds at a physical level is one big plus only meet ups can give. Your summary is even more than a summary, it is detailed.

Keep steeming darling!

You made the meet-up so awesome for me with everything you've done so far through it. You are one hell of a woman I would love to be like. Keep being awesome ma'am....

Awwwwwwwww... I'm so honored. Thanks love. I already sent the token hope you received it.

This is a well detailed information of how the meet-up went. Thanks for sharing

I'm glad you liked it...have a nice day

Wow 😮 What a great experience that was, Thanks ma’am and I hope to be there someday too

Then I would get you meet you on such events.. Keep your promises...

Lovely Photo & place

Hmmmm, you just took me through the meetup again with this detailed writeup. T'was nice having you around and good luck with your Steem adventure.

Thanks for your communal support always.. God bless STACH

Wow..with this, i felt like i was in the meetup because of how detailed you laid it. We are moving to our apex and nothing can stop steemit globally. Thanks for sharing

Oh.. You are so nice...

Thanks for such detailed information of your ibadan meet up. We also had a meet up in Minna too. I guess everyone wants to.get steemit out there.

Makes us two then.... If you wrote something on the Minna Meetup, I would love to catch up... Regards

Yes its right the on my blog

jeez Bae you just said I have a savage gene.... Haba, you know it wasn't all my fault, mediahouserent @mediahousent caused most of it.

Lol.... If you say so... I only said what I noticed

Nicely done @aderonkemi, you guys did have a nice time.

Thanks so much dear...

You're welcome, although the picture was sha much lol.

Ah Haaaa! Aderonkemiii.

You too muuucchiiii! KILODE!!

All I can say is...

You're becoming an intelligentsia to the core. Common!!!

Covering event like say you be CHANNEL TV, in a step-by-step style with down-to-the-earth authority pics exposing all the who's who's of steemit there present, even including a toddler.

Hmmmm! You try wellaa. O kare boo tin se naa ni o maa se.

Thumbs up for this epic post.


Ain't you just too nice?? I appreciate your encouraging words always. . Thank you

Sincerely, I couldn't just hide that feeling. Initially I was determined to just upvote and move on witbout commenting, but lo and behold, as I was reading through, you drew me in and I would have feel stingy without expressing that sincerity.

Keep on flying dearie. Keep on inspiring.

Best wishes as always.

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