Project World

in #project7 years ago

World Project - Contractors - Subconts and Owners

It's still too early and a bit of science when I talk about projects. But in the company a lot more I deal with it. So I would not want to be involved directly in the project handle carpet installing, plastic and steel raised floor and the accessories (the term kerenya smart office development), as sub cont of the main contractor who holds the project. Well the core of this paper I will only tell a little story of love and sorrow of the project that I live. To make it easier for us to review the understanding of the four terms in the above title I briefly describe.
1. Owner: is a person or company of legal entity both private and government (CV, PT, PO, Firma, government department) who have project / work to be given to contractor.

2. Project: is the job the owner gives to the contractor. Such as road construction, bridge construction, factory construction, building construction, office renovation, building renovation, etc. If the project I run from the company mostly is the conventional office renovation to the smart office. Because the main product of my company is Raised floor.

3. Contractor: is the company that works on the project. In the world of contractors known term main contractor and sub cont. The main contractor is the main contractor who controls all the work and organizes the project schedule and is responsible directly to the owner. While the sub cont is contractors both large and small scale under the auspices of the main contractor. The existence of main contractor and cub con it is intended that not all project work can be done by main contractor. Eg: building a building project. Main contractors only have civil and electric divisions for example. While there are still finishing work such as, painting, wall paper, raised floor, furniture, interior design, and data cable. The six areas of this work main contractor can not handle the job so direct seek other contractors who can do the work under the supervision of the main contractor.

4. Sub cont: are contractors both large and small scale under the auspices of the main contractor. Work schedule and instructions, sub con always follow the main contract. Sub cont existing under main contractor aya under direct owner. The direct owner is usually nego the price of the project cost is lower than that offered by the main contractor. For example to work wallpaper owner nyari own.

Some fun things in the project world:

1. Getting new places, situations and cities. This is because the place of the project moves according to the location of the owner who gave the project.

2. Getting friends and new business colleagues. This is because each owner will be different in choosing a contractor. That's where we meet a lot of people from different backgrounds of contractors. Usually when the location, city, building or main contractor the same people we meet relatively the same. This causes the project actors to easily adapt and communicate.

3. Gain new challenges in sharpening thinking ability. This is because each project location has different challenges, constraints and problems. That is where we are challenged to apply our knowledge and thinking skills.

4. If you are tenacious, entrepreneurial and lucky entrepreneur you can build and develop contractor and construction company for meeting many people and many contractors. Luckier if the project time for a while you can conceive again ngelihat women tease ... heheh ....

5. Fulus and seductive bonus ... ..hihihi ... ngandelin OT where there is a bonus bro ?, yach..kali aja bro there bonuses kagetan from emboss ...

Some things that are less fun in the project world:

1. Working late at night can even 24 hours non-stop if the workmanship time felt mepet and close to dead line. Moreover, the installation of smart office that the time is only 2 days Saturday and Monday office must be ready to operate again ??? ... practically Friday night to Sunday night non stop work without bro, lucky team usually divided by 2 shifts.

2. Seek energy and energy is relatively large. Especially if you are a full field worker. Sweat can be pouring down all over your clothes. If you are a leader with a good system you will be able to devote your mind to the project without being bothered with a lot of tiring muscle work. If ane is still spelled fifty-fifty between energy and mind, so yach still lots of muscle out ...

3. To launch a project need to bribe there bribe here if there is no address must be direcokin yes security, yes the project supervisor, yes overseer of the owner etc .. The most frequent is the arrival of project materials, material transfer with elevator in the building, for material safety and tools in the project, and there is another project foreman from the main contractor.

4. Going home with a car whose distance is 2 hours more travel makes the stamina drained. So if not smart to maintain good health and rest usually worker project cepet fallen alias fell ill there are also mencret2 if the first or the beginning of project work.

5. Well ... this is a special unpleasant thing in PT Gondal-gandul about project, organizational structure, jobdesk of project personnel, compensation, incentives and unclear bonuses, under presseure, UM questioned, overtime is problematic, troubled transport, all diungkat- leverage and practical project team just eat OT. Be thankful that sy and the project team can always finish the project in a timely manner or even go ahead or save significant time. So the trust is always in the number united although always get feedback that is not always good from management.

[Construction Project Retention] (

In general, almost all construction projects use retention as one method of payment. From the contractor side of course this retention is useful to ensure the work done by the subcontractor is correct and run normally during the retention period. Usually the retention on the construction project is 3 months with a guarantee of 10% of the value of the project.

When it has passed for 3 months from the minutes of the handover of the work then the retention money can be disbursed, here is the procedure for disbursement of retention funds:

  1. Make sure the disbursement request date is 3month / 90days or corresponds to the length of retention calculated from the first handover report
  2. Create a document submitting a second job report signed by the project leader
  3. Send the document to the finance department of the contracting company

As usual when using the SCF then disbursement of approximately 1 week calculated from the documents received at the contractor company or 1 day counted from documents received in the Related Bank.

[terms in the project] (

The following are commonly used terms in a Project.

  1. The assignor, means the party who wants a job to be performed by another party in connection with his / her interest in the work, or his or her designated representative in the Works.

  2. The Project Manager (PM) is a person appointed by the Giver to act entirely on behalf of the Task Force in leading, coordinating and overseeing the execution of this work in the field at the specified limits both technical and administrative.

  3. Construction Management (MK) is the representative of the PM who is responsible for carrying out the duties of PM. In carrying out its duties the Court is assisted by several people who each have expertise in the disciplines required by the project.

  4. Architectural Planning Consultant (hereinafter referred to as Architectural Planner) shall be the party appointed by the Task Force to act as the Planner (Architecture) of this work, within the limits specified both technical and administrative.

  5. Structural Consultant (hereinafter referred to as Structural Planner) is the party appointed to act as the Structural Planner on this project within the specified limits both technical and administrative.

  6. Mechanical & Electrical Consultant (hereinafter referred to as M & E Planner) is Party appointed by Task Force to act as Mechanical and Electrical Planner on this project within specified limits both technical and administrative.

  7. Quantity Surveyor (hereinafter referred to as QS Consultant) is a party appointed by the Task Force to serve in the supervision and control of the project's finances so that in the case of its use does not deviate from the planning and the duty of assisting PM in the manufacture of auction documents, Contract documents (including the making of Bills of Quantities ) and job evaluation for progress payments.

  8. A Special Consultant is a Person appointed by the Task Force to plan special / special works.

  9. The Project or Works means all work including the final temporary / preparation and final cleaning to be performed in accordance with the Contract Document

  10. The Contract shall mean a written agreement between the Assignor and the Contractor with the obligations of each party provided for in the Articles of this Agreement. The contract means including all the annexes mentioned in this attachment list which constitute a unity and inseparable from this contract.

  11. The value of the Contract shall mean the total wholesale price of the work mentioned in the offer letter and which has been approved and determined by the Task Force in the Work Order and ratified in the Contract. The contract price includes services and 10% VAT with the scope of work as described in the attachment of contract documents.

  12. The final value of the Contract shall mean the Contract Value plus the Add / Lose Employment value specified in the Working Letter of Add / Lose (Less Variation Order) to be issued by the PM / MK after approval by the Task Provider.

  13. Field means any other area or place where work is performed, or other areas / places designated by the PM / MK for purposes pursuant to the Employment Agreement

  14. Day, meaning all day in calendar, without prejudice to Sundays, big days, or other holidays.

  15. Holidays are Sundays and Public Holidays announced by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia.

  16. Contractor / Contractor means the Party whose offer has been received and has been given a Letter of Passing and has signed a Work Order with the assignor in connection with this work, including its representatives authorized by the Contractor / Contractor.

  17. Sub Contractor / Sub Contractor is a Person with the prior written consent of the Assignor performing a portion of the Contractor's work.

  18. Representative means a person who is officially appointed to carry out the duties.

  19. Tender Documents means auction documents.

  20. BQ or Bills of Quantities is a list of job descriptions and volumes contained in tender documents and contracts and unit price in BQ in the contract is the unit price used to calculate added or less work costs.

  21. The Contingency Fee is the fee that has been provided in the BQ and the Task Owner. These costs are reserved for work that may be present but the planning drawing is not yet clear / clear or is used if any work is instructed by the PM / MK after obtaining approval from the Giver. This reserved work may be done by the contractor or tendered by the assignor. Although this contingency is part of the contract price but the percentage of down payment and progress or other payments eligible to be accepted by the contractor do not include this contingency score. If the value of this contingency is not used then this value will be issued in the contract value and there is no compensation for the cost that can be requested by the contractor on this matter.

  22. Provisional Quantity is the volume in the BQ is an estimate and will be recalculated in accordance with the implementation picture, while the unit price is binding.

  23. Daily estimation cost is the unit price of labor wages, materials or equipment used as reference in calculating the added work on the use of personnel or equipment. This unit price should include all necessary things such as supporting equipment, mob / demob, operator, fuel, incentives, bonuses, taxes etc.

  24. Lump Sum Contract, is a fixed contract price, does not change either quantity or unit price unless there is change (increase / decrease) the scope of work and / or specification based on PM / MK instruction. The contract value is unchanged due to the increase of fuel price, electricity tariff, unit price of materials, wages, services, transport, tax and fluctuation of rupiah currency to foreign currency.

  25. Contract drawing means the drawings used as the basis for making the Schedule of Working Volume Description and Calculation (BQ), the drawings obtained during the auction period and the basis for the calculation of the Contractor in submitting Bid on the Job auction and the calculation of added / less work.

  26. The Implementation Implementation shall mean contractual drawings and revised drawings (if any) received by the Contractor / PM / CM during implementation with PM / CM instructions on changes / additions / reductions of work approved by the Giver.

  27. Shop Drawing (drawing Work) is a complete drawing including details made by the Contractor on the Implementation Implementation requested by the PM / CM to facilitate the execution of the work.

  28. As Built Drawing (image accomplished) is a drawing made by the Contractor based on the fact that it is implemented
    Tender (tender) is a process of bidding submitted by contractor to be executed in field in accordance with Tender document

Tender Objectives:
Selecting and Establishing a Prospective Contractor

A proposal is a proposed activity or plan described in the form of a detailed and systematic work plan to be implemented or worked on.
Types of Proposals
Based on the form, the proposal can be classified into two types, namely:
Formal proposal
Semiformal Proposal (Simple Proposal)
Formal Proposal
Formal proposals are completely composed including three main parts, namely
The introductory complementary section
Fill proposal
Part cover
Semi-formal proposal
Semiformal proposal is divided into two types, namely: Proposal of general activity and proposal of simple scientific activity.
General Activities Proposal
A general activity proposal is a proposal that contains a proposal or a general activity plan.
Example: Bazaar, social service, pesantren kilat.

The project in general is a work activity undertaken on the basis of a request from a businessman or employer who wishes to achieve a particular goal and is executed by the executor of the work in accordance with the wishes of the business owner or project owner and the existing specifications.

Simple Scientific Activity Proposal

A simple scientific research proposal or a simple scientific research proposal is a proposed activity that contains a work plan or steps to perform a simple scientific activity.



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