My top 3 posts in @project.hope community (10/02/2021)

Articles curated by @project.hope : my top 3 weekly selection (10/02/2021)

I like the community and as a participant in projects I have given myself the task of weekly starting a selection of the articles that seem most interesting to me and here I bring them to you and present them now.

This is all thanks to the work of @crypto.piotr who has built this beautiful and growing community called @project.hope

We are a group of people who love technology, artificial intelligence, psychology, marketing, finance and areas for which we are passionate that we come together to share and express our ideas through this community.

This time we will talk about graphic design, psychology and technology, I hope you enjoy these complete contents.

So Lets see, here is my top 3 :

1 - Supfrica a great business move

@juanmolina tells us about the move that an entrepreneur makes in South Africa and how by taking advantage of the limited technology in his country he has seen a great opportunity to float to the light of a great solution.

"...Since they learned about the new changes in WhatsApp policies, which, apparently, threaten the privacy of users' personal data, a massive migration of the user base to other platforms and messaging services has been unleashed.
Much has been said about this policy change. Accusations of all kinds have created an opinion matrix based on speculation. The truth is that this move was very expensive for WhatsApp, since it lost many customers..."


2 - Sticking to the truth

@samminator talks to us about why it is important to tell the truth, telling an anecdote from a friend of his that happened during work, having a very good moral that should be followed by all.

"...No matter how long a particular lie has stayed, a day will come when the truth will surface and will prevail. One very bad thing about lying is that you will need more lies in order to cover the initial one and at the end you will realize that the lie was not worth it at the beginning. There is nothing that will be worth more than truth at the end, so it is good to stick with the truth..."


3 - How to create a strong identity for your business

@aditayajainxds explains to us this week about how important it is to have a good logo, and why we should have it well designed, So let's not overlook this great publication and I invite you to read the knowledge it is sharing with us.

"...Creating a logo is a complex job . Beyond the elegance and the particularity of the design, it is above all a question of creating and revealing a brand in order to make it memorable; it is also about conveying the values of your company. It is therefore very important that this logo is well thought out and in line with your strategy . Because a company that pays little attention to its visual identity immediately shows its customers its lack of professionalism..."


Wish you enjoy this reviews, i made it to collaborate with @project.hope

¡See you on my next post!

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