Out of the Fog of Progress: Are Our Best Days Behind Us?

in #progress4 years ago

By Mathijs Koenraadt

It's a strange condition, for our people, to know that our best days are behind us. While everyone else is looking forward to our demise, like vultures circling a man dying of thirst, we have nothing left to look forward to. And this condition denies the very notion of progress we've been corn-fed to believe in, ever since Karl Marx. Everything was always supposed to get better, and technology was supposed help us get there.

Lost in the fog of progress, we've put our faith in technology for guidance. More than on humanity, we've come to rely on machinery. Though technical progress has transformed the whole world, by now, it has led us astray from things that really matter. The right to determine the outcome of one's life, for example.

Life has gotten a lot easier, indeed, but do internet dating apps, designed to create the least likely matches, really measure up to having grandchildren who still look like you? How come pictures of our past tell us otherwise? When we compare then and now, it appears as if time has been running backward. Historical footage presents us with a fantasy world, proving the days have long gone when our peoples found any meaning in life beyond teenage girls selling pictures of themselves for $2 each.

No, life wasn't easier back in the day, it was harder. The 1950s were far from perfect, but people still communicated with one another by looking each other in the eye rather than by staring at screens. We seem to have lost a great chunk of our humanity in this mist of mechanical engineering.

The pictures of the past show a much slower-paced world, but filled with crafty architecture, with façades of such a natural beauty they were considered an artist's life work, an expression of his people's soul, as if the artists attempted to recreate nature herself - so unlike today's concrete jails, this urbanized world plastered over with walls of glass and steel. The only adornments we can afford to attach nowadays are surveillance cameras.

The word sterility comes to mind. Our modern world has become sterile, and yet, at the same time, it has become infected. No matter how much we try scrubbing it off, the ugly in our present time just won't come off anymore. It's not the first time something like this has happened. When our peoples first came out of the forests and onto the stage of history, some 2,000 years ago, our ancestors, too, stood in awe before Roman architecture. Soon, the promise of goods and people flowing out of Roman cities and pouring into the Northern homelands got the old Germans hooked on the wealth drug.

Owing to the taller stature and greater health of the German youngsters, the Germanic peoples traded their only possession, their sons and daughters, as tributes to Rome in exchange for peace and prosperity. And many a Germanic chieftain secured for himself a Roman title and a house in Gaul in exchange for his people's submission to Rome. Traitors have always lived among our peoples, but unlike today, they have never been in power before.

When the Romans had all but stripped European towns of its young men, and sent them off to die in wars to the benefit of Roman nobility, and when many a German girl had been dragged off by Roman soldiers never to be seen again, when dark-haired and olive-skinned Roman women could purchase freshly cut locks of blond hair on the slave markets to adorn their homes with, a conservative conspiracy was brewing in forests of the North.

Not everyone was happy to go along with rapid progress.

Though Rome had brought the Germans unprecedent wealth, it had also brought about endless moral decay. Degeneracy roamed free, for this is what is called progressive liberalism, your slow liberation from yourself. Rome had brought colorful migrants to the North, too, but migration also brought savagery and rape to the German territories. So, a small number of reactionaries began planning their revolt. They successfully infiltrated the Roman armies with the sole intent of learning all they could, and then applying their ill-gained knowledge to destroy Rome from within.

What ensued was a military massacre. Having led the foreign occupier into an ambush, the Germans butchered three Roman legions in the Teutoburg Forest, 14,000 soldiers, a supporting staff of 8,000 people, and including General Varus's personal harem of whores. A traditional people of low beginnings and small means had measured up an empire, discovered its weaknesses, and crushed it. It dealt the Roman armies a blow the Empire would never overcome.

Few Romans, if any, survived the slaughter. Tongues were cut out and the Roman snakes were told never to hiss again. The wolf Siegfried had slain an iron dragon. Free again, the days of foreign occupation had come to an end, though Roman generals would return often to seek revenge. Still, never again would the Roman Empire succeed in subduing the German peoples. Some of these German tribes later became the Saxons who crossed the channel to England, and from there, their distant descendants went on to found the United States. The American founding stock has always been a conservative people more interested in freedom than in free stuff.

It's no surprise then that these descendants of the Saxons would free themselves from British rule and end the Civil War, a conservative revolution, in favor of American independence.

But don't we find ourselves, we Europeans and all of our colonial offshoots around the world, in precisely the same predicament, again? Are we not like the Germans of yesterday, like the Americans of the Civil War, but this time, facing a global Empire, and told to surrender our way of life in exchange for the false promise of endless streams of goods and people pouring into our homelands? Isn't it so that this global empire is also taking our best men as tributes and continuously has been sending them off to fight never-ending wars in the Middle East, to die in foreign nations many of us had never even heard of before? More wars for Judea and Rome, more wars for Israel and globalism?

The fog of progress may have clouded our minds, but behind the smokescreen of technological progress, we have all but embraced our willing enslavement. When we just close our eyes for one moment, and listen to ourselves, we can still remember who we once were. Warriors. Perhaps our best days do still lie ahead of us, the days when our people, fed up with globalist levies, decide to take matters in their own hands. Those glorious days when we will finally stand up for ourselves and say this ends here! We will not be erased, not now, not ever, no!

You, the supporters of global empire, you people, have ventured into our lands too far and for too long. You have sacrificed too many of our children on the altars of progress. You thought you could siphon the life essence out of us to fuel your global dream by pimping our girls and killing off our sons. You were wrong. You have underestimated us. We are not your slaves. You are about to find out that over a century of the sickest degeneracy you've been shoving down our throats each day, seven days a week, from sunrise to sunset, has not broken our spirits yet.

Once, our peoples came out of the forests. But today, we shall emerge from the fog!

And as you stand there, in disbelief, wondering what went wrong, retracing your financial calculations, doing your political math, questioning why those people you dared to look down upon as if we were your cattle, now, suddenly appear to have found the strength to rise up against you, as our ancestors before us, to crush your pathetic dreams. You haven't subdued us. We've led you into an ambush. We were just pretending to go along with your progress. We are as strong as ever, and with the freedom-loving peoples of Earth on our side, we dare say to you:

At some point in history, every people must choose to either walk the path of darkness or walk the path of light, and we have chosen. We have chosen to walk the path of light, the light from the hell fires we drag behind us to burn your memory from history.

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