6 programs may not be found only in a computer-obsessed (Geek)!

in #programs7 years ago

No one disagrees that the private computers Palmeoocn distinct from the rest of the other computers its proximity to some of the distinctive Albramaj which may not be found only in computers, nerds, and explicitly naming maniac (Geek) is not hostage to the technical domain and technology leaders, but anyone fall ill, obsession or relating to the degree a certain madness with something no matter what it is, it can be called a freak label. To find out Aktar on what this unique term I invite you to review the subject (episode) earlier we would have touched them to explain the true meaning of the word freak and subject came under the title "Who is al Geek? Did I already Geek". The theme of the day will be confined Ay nerds and new technology. And we will review with you Aktar Almtbuth Aalmhoocn programs in computers, and does not have to agree with me on the menu that formed, but in the end there are some programs that are really impossible to not find a computer anyone obsessed with technology.
1 Photoshop (or one of the other Adobe products)

From my perspective Me I think it is fitting that originally called maniac term for anyone unprecedented and that the deal with the famous Photoshop program even once at least. Whether you're a designer or programmer or blogger or even a letter marketer Vanma would you use for this program experience, I Ongd that this design and photo editing software has hardly devoid of any computer-obsessed person. On the contrary, it is not the preserve of nerds but the way they used their category by these circumstances remain unique and distinct.

And when I say Photoshop, I do not confine my words with him only, but all that apply it also applies to the rest of the products brilliant company Adobe, Mattel Alalstreetor and this default Effect and Adobe Premiere and other, important and fundamental is the presence of one of these circumstances programs in the computer the Geek.

2 BB code editor!

Whether it is or b Sublim Text Brackets or DreamWeaver or even ++ Notebad. All programs is imperative that you find in computer nerds, the fact that they make up for them Notepad by blowing up the ideas and thoughts, not necessarily have to be this obsessed professional programmer to find in his computer Mattel this type of program, the fact that they reflect the fundamentals Itbtha real-obsessed ago even to think of Tetbit Microsoft Office extensions.

3 Autacity

Me may differ from some of my listing for this program in the list, but in fact it is considered one of the Aktar programs that you may find handcuffs and fixed it on the computer nerds, because it is not the preserve of the professionals, it is a prompt for beginners by professional, and to indicate this program is the best in the field of improving sound quality and create a wonderful Totarat it, and is used widely in the field of YouTube.
geek (1).jpg
4 Camstasai Studoi 8.

Versions, but the program remains one of the best programs that you can rely on in the filming of a computer screen professionally vary, saluting also includes a small applet to Monatj, but it features a professional, a Kmalk of programs which are impossible to find a computer-obsessed person devoid of them, and you may find the latter does not use it for anything but he holds it for entertainment only and is sometimes a necessity.

5 applications and games for mobile emulator!

From time to time, and the other wants obsessed experience some applications and games on his computer, though it does not operate only on smartphones, but however the presence of Shi name Emulators realized desire nerds enjoy the experience of a unique use of the kind of applications and games, and already obsessed loves excellence and the difference for the people others in how to use it for public programs and technology.

6 Provide another program used by you Kmhos !!

Can not be software used by nerds technology in which Dkrt predetermined limit, and I know that there are many programs that are not used only fanatics and that have not included them in our list of these circumstances, so I invite you Kmhos "Geek" by partnering with experience Astkhademk for a special programs that you think are only private Palmhuseyn. I think the obsession with technology not only depend on Ptetbit some great software, but obsession (technology) also Eetmtl in the way you use these circumstances to programs and Kmalk you enjoy some of the skills that distinguish the real-obsessed!

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