Python Beem Blurt Project #5 - Working on Delegation
I started working on Blurt delegation with beem.
Plan is to display
incoming delegations: where they are coming from
outgoing delegations: where they are going to
expiring delegations: when delegations expire (since it takes 5 days)
Main part is done like this to get all 3 delegation data
def get_delegation(self):
# find delegations for username
data = {}
if self.username:
# find outgoing delegatons
data['outgoing'] = self.account.get_vesting_delegations()
for value in data['outgoing']:
# vests to BP conversion
# vests = Amount(value['vesting_shares'])
# bp = self.blurt.vests_to_bp(vests.amount)
# value['bp'] = f'{bp:.3f}'
value['bp'] = self.vests_to_bp(value['vesting_shares'])
# find expiring delegatons
data['expiring'] = self.account.get_expiring_vesting_delegations()
for value in data['expiring']:
# vests to BP conversion
# vests = Amount(value['vesting_shares'])
# bp = self.blurt.vests_to_bp(vests.amount)
# value['bp'] = f'{bp:.3f}'
value['bp'] = self.vests_to_bp(value['vesting_shares'])
# find incoming delegatons
data['incoming'] = []
incoming_temp = dict()
for operation in self.account.history(
if self.username == operation["delegator"]:
if operation["vesting_shares"] == '0.000000 VESTS':
incoming_temp[operation["delegator"]] = operation
for key, value in incoming_temp.items():
value['bp'] = self.vests_to_bp(value['vesting_shares'])
return data
def vests_to_bp(self, vests):
# VESTS to BP conversion
bp = 0.000
v = Amount(vests)
bp = self.blurt.vests_to_bp(v.amount)
bp = f'{bp:.3f}'
return bp
I think backend is working, but frontend for this is not done... 😂
Every time I work on frontend, I get distracted and feel like I want to change something, but design takes a looong time for me. It is very exausting.
So just added a bear.
I think I like it like that for now...
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This is turning into an extremely useful dapp
😳😳😳 idk...
I am like using like jquery and stuff that is old 😬
I need to modernize it and still a long way to go 🙄
After all, what works, works. I like using php on my backends, but let's keep that a secret mkay?😂
No way!!! PHP?
I thought you were using fancy language like go or something..
On the frontend I like the new shiny stuff, but in the backend I like to have a mature framework like Laravel