Awesome Zend Framework
A curated list of awesome Zend Framework 3 modules, tutorials, books and other nice things.
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Official Resources
- Zend Framework - Official Website.
- Zend Framework Github Organization - Official Zend Framework Github Organization.
- User Guide & Programmer’s Reference Guide - Documentation for the ZF components.
- Zend Framework Tutorials - MVC, Component, Migrating to Version 3 Tutorials.
- API - API Documentation.
- ZF Cheatsheet - Controller, View, Doctrine, Form, Service, Routing, Mail, Validation.
- Coding Standards - Zend Framework coding standards.
- AlexTech - Zend Framework video tutorials on Youtube.
- Zend Webinars- List of Zend Framework Webninars from RogueWave Software.
- Zend Webinars - Another list of recorded Webinars from RogueWave Software.
- Master Zend Framework - Learn everything there is to know about developing amazing applications with the Zend Framework.
- Video2Brain: New in Zend Framework 2 (German) - Look and understand new functions of ZF2.
- Udemy: Zend Framework 2: Learn the PHP framework ZF2 from scratch - Learn how to code and become a professional web developer with the PHP framework ZF2 in just a few hours.
- ZF2 for PRO (Russian) - Zend Framework 2 and Doctrine Youtube course.
- Zend Framework 2. Development fundamentals (Russian) - ZF basics: modules, mvc-controllers, events, zend-db, forms, filter, validators, zend-view, zend-mail.
- Zend Framework 2. Advanced level (Russian) - Advanced ZF: service manager, annotation for forms, authentication with zf2, pagination, rest, csrf.
Project structure examples
- Zend Skeleton - Skeleton application for zend-mvc projects.
- ZF Modules - Zend Framework 2 Modules Repository.
- ZF Campus - Zend Framework Campus.
- ZF-Commons - ZF-Commons.
- ZFTool - Utility module for maintaining modular Zend Framework 2 applications.
- ZendDeveloperTools - Module for developer and debug tools for working with the ZF2 MVC layer.
- DoctrineORMModule - Zend Framework 2 Module for Doctrine ORM.
- zf2rapid - Console application to create ZF2 application rapidly.
- zf2-whoops - PHP whoops error on ZF2 framework.
- ZfSimpleMigrations - Simple Migrations for Zend Framework 2.
- Apigility - The world's easiest way to create high-quality APIs.
- PHP-DI integration with ZF2 - This library provides integration for PHP-DI (Dependency Injection Container) with Zend Framework 2.
- zf2-assets-bundle - AssetsBundle is a module for Zend Framework allowing asset managment (bundling & caching).
- ZfSnapPhpDebugBar - PHP Debug Bar module for Zend Framework 2.
- zf2-twb-bundle - Zend Framework 2 module for easy integration of Twitter Bootstrap.
- AssetManager - AssetManager - Managing assets for ZF2.
Tools and integrations
- ZF2Helper - ZF 2 helper for Sublime Text editor that helps automate the creation of new modules, controllers and actions.
ZF base CMS and engines
- Rubedo CMS - An open source PHP CMS, based on Zend Framework & NoSQL MongoDB and Elasticsearch and AngularJS.
- Libra-CMS - Joomla looking Content Managment System based on ZF2.
- Using Zend Framework 2 - The book about Zend Framework 2 that is easy to read and understand for beginners.
- Using Zend Framework 3 - Using Zend Framework 3 is a free and open-source book about popular PHP web development framework called Zend Framework 3.
- Zend Framework 2.0 by Example: Beginner’s Guide This Book takes your web application building skills to new levels. Learn Zend Framework 2.0 through real world examples.
- Zend Framework 2 Cookbook - This book is the perfect way to access and understand the features of Zend Framework 2.
- Instant Zend Framework 2.0 - Less theory, more practical approach.
- Zend Framework 2 Application Development - Create more powerful applications using the flexibility of Zend Framework 2.
- Learn ZF2 - Learn and develop applications in Zend Framework 2 fast and easy.
- Web Development with Zend Framework 2 - Concepts, Techniques and Practical Solutions.
- Zend Framework 2 Certification Study Guide - An excellent resource to pre-test your skills and guide you to your ultimate goal of becoming a Zend Framework 2 Certified Architect.
- Zend Framework 3 - Das Praxisbuch (German) - One of the best book about ZF in german language.
- Ralf Eggert - Slides about Zend Framework from Ralf Eggert.
- ZF Slideshare - Slides about Zend Framework from SlideShare.
- ZendDevZone - Zend Developer Zone.
- Zend Forum - Official Zend Forum.
- zfforum - German-speaking community.
- ZF Blog - Official Zend Framework Blog.
- Big-Sticky-Notes - Big Sticky Notes is web application tutorial built on of ZF2.
- Matthew Weier O'phinney Blog - ZF project lead Blog.
- Zend Blog exmaple Zend Blog example from Romka.
- Enrico Zimuel Blog — Zend Framework Core Developer Blog.
- Abdul Malik Ikhsan's Blog - Cool ZF 2/3 tutorials.
Social Media
- zfdevteam - Official Zend Framework development team account.
- Master Zend Framework - Get your Zend Framework goodness.
- framework_zend - Blogging important informations on Zend Framework (German).
- ZF on Stackoverflow - Question and answer about Zend Framework on Stackoverflow.
- zendcon-design-patterns - ZendCon Design Patterns.
- ZF on (Russian) - Zend Framework snippets.