Where is STEEM-PRICE heading and What is going on in the WORLD-ECONOMY? Let us find out! (VIDEO 27 minutes)
In this video I will take you through the MAJOR Crypto-Projects, The World-Economy, South American & African currencies worth looking at on a larger scale then before.
Hi, @fyrstikken
This reply is unrelated to your post :)
I remember that months ago you expressed a wish to have a post scheduling tool. Well, here it is: Draft Your Steemit Posts With Ladder And Publish Them At Exact Time Of Your Choice
Awesome, let me check it out later today, uploading ProCharts for December 15 now.
@fyrstikken, I will be watching this video soon. Going to read some post, then I'm all over it. Steem On Dude!
Awesome @runridefly - looking forward to talk to you later :)
Awesome I will be watching this video soon! today is my birthday so I don't have time right now though ^_^
Happy Birthday @ballinconscious :)
Have a GREAT day :D
Thanks @fyrstikken, I appreciate it!