What is probate and / or probate court?
"The County Probate Recorder"
"Deputy Clerks of the Probate Courts"
"Just look at “your” Birth Certificate—signed by the County Registrar, an officer of the probate court"
"You all know what happens in probate, don't you? Well, everything gets thrown into a Slush Pile, and the Heirs have to come forward in the absence of a Will and claim back their own as best they can. Otherwise, their assets are deemed "abandoned" and up for grabs."
"The rot — the false probate of estates, the contracting with minors, the false claims of guardianship, the false claims of abandonment, pauperism, claims of “legal” death, and claims of commonwealth interest in the estates of “infant decedents” does go all the way back to the Church in the Middle Ages. It vastly predates the Cestui Que Vie Act of 1666."
"but that requires a secret process in front of the probate court"
"The child becomes an agent or executor of his or her probated estate."
"Once this process is completed and your claim is received, posted on the public record of the probate court, and you have your certified copy of the action, you are the recognized Executor of your own ESTATE trust"
"Once you put this nonsense to rest by reclaiming your ESTATE from the probate court, they face court-martial and death penalty criminal charges if they continue to take such actions against you."
"Probate court is a specialized type of court that deals with the property and debts of a person who has died.
The basic role of the probate court judge is to assure that the deceased person’s creditors are paid, and that any remaining assets are distributed to the proper beneficiaries."