It was a nice thing we had once, wasn't it? I do have just one issue with your article here and I would like to take the time to hopefully clarify a bit.
"government's quest for more power", isn't the most accurate statement. People tend to waste their energy blaming the Government (ie, mind-control) without realizing that since the inception of the Federal Reserve Bank, we ceased to have a democracy. The Fed is and always has been, over our so called, "Democracy". The Fed holds all of the power. Thanks to lobbying, these greedy banksters can put anyone into power they want, or coerce anyone they don't want into doing the things they want them to do.
So, it really isn't the Government's fault. They are only doing what their Masters tell them to do, often under the threat of the penalty of death.
It was are careless use of the Fed's Reserve Notes that created this pyramid of power in this country. We never should of let that institution exist from the beginning. It was Congress's power to print debt free money that made this country great back in the day. Sad to say it but, those days are gone my friends. We are about to enter 1984X10.
Have fun with that. Though, my best advice is for all of you to grow food if you can and to avoid vaccines at ALL costs. Good luck, people.
Jesus tap dancing christ, why won't it let me Edit my previous comment?
I fucking hate the state of technology these days. It is garbage compared to the tech I had access to 15 years ago. It seems like nothing works these days.