in #pride3 years ago

Ray's POV


"I am sorry for arriving late, I got stuck in traffic for almost half an hour. By the way, I am Ray Thanapon Jaruji and I am going to be your housemaid from now Mr. Sky." I lied as soon as I enter inside.

Actually I wasn't stuck in traffic. I arrived before time , but was way too scared to enter the house of devil. If it wasn't was Kevin who pushed me all the way inside then I might have spend my whole day just standing outside.

After entering inside I can see Sky with one more boy whom I guess I have seen many times on TV with none other then Sky.

I was standing with bag in one hand and all my other belongings in box which was in my other hand. Sky was giving me disgusted look, what to expect from someone like him. The boy with dimples was having a poker face.

"Ray, you forgot this in the car." Kevin came inside too and gave me my wallet which I guess I forgot in hurry or in worry, whatever it was.


"Owh, thanks." I took it with a smile.

Sky and that cute dimpled boy was just standing and observing us. I wonder what is going inside their mind.

Sky took a few steps ahead and took a good look at both of us.

"Wait..wait...wait...I guess I forgot to mention that I won't entertain any fan. Ask your friend or brother whoever he is to just leave." Snobby jerk said.

I looked at Kevin, he was rolling his eyes including me.

"Who said I was here to meet you Mr.Sky. I came here just to give the wallet which my friend forgot in the car." Kevin said in a bored tone.

"Yeah right. I have heard excuses like this a million times from my fans who just want to have a close look at me. With a face like yours, I am pretty sure you are gay too and I am not at all interested in men." Jerk being a super jerk uttered these words.

I rolled my eyes again. I guess I will end up rolling my eyes frequently till I am here. I looked at Kevin, he gave me a smirk and moved towards Sky.

Get ready for the burn Mr.Sky.

Kevin was standing on a higher place than Sky so they were basically face to face. Kevin poke his finger on Sky's chest and said , "Listen "Mr.I am famous and rich". I would rather die and bury myself in the ground than meet you. Thank God I took my medicine which prevented me from puking, because after meeting you I am sure I would have fill your floor with my puke by now.

I would rather hang out with street dogs than you. And about me being gay, I am still not sure what my sexuality is,but if I were gay then I would rather date this cutie beside you than wasting my time on someone like you.

And yeah one last thing. If you will hurt my friend even a bit in any way , then be ready for the consequences." After that Kevin came near me, gave me a hug and left, leaving Sky dumbfounded at his place and that dimpled guy with a blush on his face.

Hmm..why is he blushing though?

"Sky." The cutie shook Sky which broke him from his shock.

As soon as he regain his composure he started yelling, "Huh...wha...HE COMPARED ME TO DOG!!?? I WILL KILL HIM!!!"

"You can kill him later but first show your new maid his room and give him tour of this house." The dimpled guy said in a firm tone which kind of cool Sky down.

"Sure, whatever Keith." Sky said, rolling his eyes. his name is Keith. Suits him perfectly.

"Come fast, I don't want to waste my time on someone lowly like you." Sky said without giving me a look.

What an ass.

Sky and Keith gave a me tour to the house. It wasn't a very big house since Sky was living alone. It consists of two bedrooms and one guest room with an attached bathroom, one dining room, one living room, one theater room and a kitchen.

"You'll be sleeping in the guest room and there are few rules that I need you to follow since you will be living here." Sky said in a firm tone.

"Okay, sure. What are the rules?" I said hesitating a bit.

You see, I am kind of an introvert and get uncomfortable around new people. It will be while for me to open up to someone like Sky and boss him around like I do with Kevin.

"Here are the rules and listen carefully.

  1. No parties in this house from your side.

  2. I want my house to be spotless.

  3. I am vegetarian but it's okay if you want to eat. But no non-veg cooking in my kitchen.

  4. Do not bring any of your friends in this house when I am not in the country or city.

  5. If you have a boyfriend then do not bring him here too.

"Don't worry about the boyfriend part, I don't have any and will never have any in future too." I said cutting him between.

Sky gave me a confused look and resume,"Whatever...

  1. I want my black coffee at 7 am sharp, daily.

  2. I will text you whatever I feel like eating on a daily basis.

  3. You are not allowed to come late at night or leave late at night unless there is an emergency.

  4. Do not enter my bedroom after you are done cleaning it.

  5. You will call me sir, never call me by my name.

  6. No late night TV watching.

  7. Your salary will be deducted if you will break anything that belong to this house and not following any of the above rules. Got it!!??"

"Is this a house or military school?" I muttered under my breath.

"What did you say?"

"No..nothing. I will follow all rules sir." I said with a fake smile on my face. I looked at Keith, he was busy rolling his eyes.

"Good and this person here who is rolling his eyes is my half brother. So he or any of my family members are allowed to come here whenever they feel like. But never let a stranger inside when I am not home."

"Okay sir, will keep that in mind." I said, looking at the floor.

God, why was I getting intimidated by this guy?

"Give me your phone." Sky said,putting his palm up in front of my face.

"Here." I gave it to him.

"The fuck is this!!!?" he said looking at my phone.


"It's phone."

"Looks like a piece of junk to me." he said with disgust.

"Not everyone is as rich you are sir." I finally said something back. I hope he won't kick me out of my job for this.

"I don't care what phone you use as long as I will get a reply to my texts and calls from you." After that he feeds his number in a cell and calls himself and saves it.

"Here. I have to go for practice now. I will be home by dinner time, and will send you what I want to eat later. Make sure it is prepared when I will arrive."

"Okay sir."

"Good, Keith stop being a statute and let's go now." Sky said looking at Keith who was busy looking, not looking but staring at me.

"Huh!! Oh yeah, let's go. Bye..ummm....Ray." he waved and left with Sky.

"Looks like Mr.Attitude is the only one in the family who has so much ego in him." I said to no one.

It's time to get to work.

After cleaning and making the house spotless, I took a bath and decided to prepare lunch for me.

I must say, even though he was living alone without a maid for the past few weeks , his house was indeed much cleaner than I assumed it would be.

I cooked a simple meal for myself and ate it alone. There was a TV but I wasn't feeling like watching it. I was dead tired and just wanted to eat and sleep the whole afternoon.

Kevin texted in later asking me my well being. I said I am fine and he doesn't have to worry about me.

After everything was over I decided to take a nap.


Sound from my phone woke me up from my deep slumber. I pick my phone and look at the message. I cannot help myself but to roll my eyes at the name that jerk has saved under his number.

Boss: Make me veg Pad Thai and some soup.

I changed his name and sent him a reply.

Me: Okay sir, anything else?

Hitler: No, that's all. I will be home around nine or so.

Me: Okay.

I looked at the time, it was past six in the evening. I can't believe I slept that long.

I got up from bed, washed myself up and went towards the kitchen. I cannot cook fast and since it's a new kitchen for me it becomes difficult to find ingredients , just like it happened in the afternoon. So better start preparing now than getting late.

I looked inside the fridge and took out all the needed ingredients needed to cook veg Pad Thai.

"Veg Pad Thai. I can't believe that jerk is a vegetarian. I mean just look at his muscles and shit." I mumble to myself.

After an hour or so Veg Pad Thai was ready.

I knew it would take a whole lot of time to prepare just one dish, but some of the ingredients were on the top most shelf and it was hard for me to reach there. So , every time I have to grab something from it I have to use some stool to reach the shelf, as a result it delays the cooking.

Now all I have to do is cook soup and I still have an hour left before the arrival of Hitler.

I was finally done with cooking and cleaning the kitchen. I looked at the time and it was quarter to nine, which means Sky will be here in fifteen minutes.

I decided to arrange a few things in the kitchen to kill the time.

"What are you doing?" I was startled by the voice. I turned around and noticed Sky was standing near kitchen island and looking at me sternly.

I was so engrossed in arranging things that I didn't even notice him enter the house.

"I should go and clean. I will prepare a table for you sir." I said ignoring his question. I didn't want to tell him that the shelf was high for me because I know he will end up making fun of me.

"Okay." he said and left.

After five minutes he came back with changed clothes. I was done arranging everything on the table.

"Leave, I like to eat alone. Do not disturb me and show your stupid face while I am eating." he said in firm tone.

"Okay sir."

Could have asked in a polite way.

But he is Sky for crying out loud, politeness doesn't exist in his dictionary.

I went inside my room with my portion of food. I ate it alone again. I was missing Kevin a lot, he might not be with me during lunch but he is always there with me during dinner.

I guess I should get used to eating alone now.

"RAY!!!" the great Hitler shouted.

I ran to the dining room,"What happened sir?" I asked.

"There is soup on the floor." he said looking at floor.

I looked at it and found the floor clean.

"But the floor is clean, where is the soup?" I asked, getting confused.

Is he high or what?

He picks the bowl of soup up and drops it on the floor, making soup getting scattered on the floor with pieces of bowl.

"Oops!My bad, now there is soup and a broken bowl on the floor. Make sure to keep the floor stain free. I am off to sleep." he said and left with an evil grin on his face.

I gave him an angry look but he ignored it.

The war is so on Mr.Hitler.


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