Donald Trump. NATO. Angela Merkel. Political Cartoon.
This is my political cartoon today for steemit. It is donald Tusk and he's telling Donald Trump off he's saying appreciate your allies because you don't have that many . I guess Donald Trump harassed Angela Merkel and said your Germany is captive to Russia.
Angela Merkel was very angry and she says proudly defensively..I have witnessed Germany under Soviet control think about it.
I found out when she was 17 she was in a German East German communist Army. She was wearing an East German communist form.
So drew the symbol for NATO it was really hard.
Everyone says America is NATO's piggy bank so I decided to draw that.
I did the drawing with Autodesk SketchBook Pro. I also put Leaf stamps in the back. Worked with layers. I could have done this much better. But I was working on this for hours and hours. I have three kids. I was doing this when they were napping. I wish I had a babysitter. I could do so much better.